Little Johnny told his teacher "You will be happy to hear I got all my math homework done!"
The teacher asks little Johnny "Ok, pop quiz, there are three crows on a fence you shoot 1, how many are on the fence?"
"None, says little Johnny, 1 is dead on the ground and the other two flew away."
Teacher says, "Not really the answer I was looking for, but I like the way you think."
Little Johnny says to the teacher, "There are three women on a bench eating ice cream, 1 is licking hers, 1 is sliding hers in and out of her mouth and the last is biting hers, which one is married?"
Teacher says "That's a tough one, I would guess the one sliding hers in and out of her mouth."
Little Johnny says, " Actually it's the one with the wedding ring, but I like the way you think"