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Are Single Moms Worth Your Time?


Well-known member
Jun 11, 2013
Yup, I think hustlers are going to hustle whether they have kids or not. I know someone in your last scenario and her baby Daddy is the one raising the kid, while she was spending the other guys money (what's left of it anyway) on blow. Last I heard it had run out and she was going to food banks, while last time I saw him, he had just bought a new Porsche and was dating twins or some shit.

I would say not all and certainly not the majority. I have known a few single moms that would enter into a relationship it it made their lives easier. This is not an uncommon thing even with women that do not have kids. With the recent pandemic and the effects it will have on the economy in the next 5-10 years I suspect you will see more of that sort of thing. I know an aging masseuse ( over 50 ) that was out man hunting. She even bought a Mercedes ( lowest price model ) to improve her chances. She snagged a well to do guy and he strung her along for a couple of years before he just walked away from her. I also knew a younger woman in her 30s that snagged a 55 year old guy with two businesses so she could sleep all day and do coke. He had to close both his store and she suddenly parted ways with this guy to look for another meal ticket.


I do all my own stunts
Dec 20, 2014
You are right. So I guess that most women including single moms would be shooting for serious relationships or nothing at all.
Men are more logical, Women are more emotional.

Most Men believe the casual phase leads to a more serious relationship.
Women know the casual phase is the relationship. Sometimes there's nothing more to it.

You need to get out and date more. You're not a man until a woman has torn you down to nothing. :)


Well-known member
Nov 29, 2020
...Perhaps I'll be freeing myself of my burdens if I divorce and my wife gets half?
Definitely. She’s holding you back with every passing day. You’ll be surprised at your motivation level once you don’t have that ball and chain holding you back.

Just pay her off (one lump sum alimony payment) and be free to thrive.

Women, being known for their emotional nature, will not be able pass up such a sweet deal.

Little does she know, it benefits you way more than her. Also, in the divorce agreement, make it clear she has no future claims to your future earnings or assets. Women have been known to sue ex-husbands in the future once the ex-husband really takes of [financially] without her.
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Time Zone Traveller
Jul 27, 2002
La la land
It's definitely true, under Canadian law you don't even have to be married to become responsible for child support payments, as long as you were cohabitating for a certain period of time. Also, why is he paying child support if the kid lives with him? I personally don't respect that lifestyle, not for me. I never want kids and if I did I'd want my own not some other guy's.
Funny I looked this up 3 months ago. Matrimony law is provincial not federal. SO each province is different. Quebec been the worst. Meaning if you live together for 3 months and she applies for alimony you have to pay. Ontario I think 6 months.

Double check my comment please.


Well-known member
Oct 12, 2006
Funny I looked this up 3 months ago. Matrimony law is provincial not federal. SO each province is different. Quebec been the worst. Meaning if you live together for 3 months and she applies for alimony you have to pay. Ontario I think 6 months.

Double check my comment please.
And 33% of couples living together in Quebec never officially married. Guess the law there doesn't care.

Well judging from the vast majority of comments here, the experience from the guys on dating single moms is overwhelmingly negative so that says a lot even if some single moms got that status involuntarily. Unfortunately it's the total package that comes with being a single mom doesn't seem to be suitable for many of us guys.


Time Zone Traveller
Jul 27, 2002
La la land
Me and my bi ass feel ya 10000%

I would go with another female based on all the harsh talk regarding single mothers. Smh
You would come back. See Dating women made me understand men

Well yeah I and I bet many other guys here are getting there too. I have an ex-neighbour who just became a grandma and she still looks pretty hot at 61 (works out all the time). But she also expects all potential men in her dating life to be around for her family functions. ..... This example is not uncommon out there which is too bad for us in the late boomer age.
She sounds co-dependent, they can't go anywhere alone even if it is family gathering. Fear or show.

100% agree that is true - having been burned (badly) once I am more cautious but SM are not "bad". My choice was bad - she had one abortion and one marriage and child before
more attractive - I could see that she fully cared about someone other than herself which is always attractive.
Mental maturity level is high for this woman.

Luckily for me, there are plenty of men out there who do not suffer this mentality. :)
Gabriel Iglesisas married a SM. Some of the stuff he had to go through. see video.

There isn't a problem with SM, but most gender don't realize the issue lies on both camps.

1. The maturity level or psychological mind of the other person is what makes us determine our perception of them. Meaning, are they honest or are they playing a game/charade. Are they immature or a child inside. ( I seen people with Phd. MBA, and wow how did these people have kids)

2. Most people don't know or can't read other people that well, fast enough. Then it's to late.

3. Parenting skills, most people don't have it.

4. The Goal. This is where both sides fail big time, It's not me , it's you. / It's me, Not you. By the third month to 6 months, both sides or the intelligent one should lay the foundation path for the relationship. YES the kids will be her priority, that is a given, house work- kids have to share with all house members. There is more but I don't have time.


New member
Dec 27, 2018
I have dated single mothers in the past and found that it was not for me. Everyone is entitled to their own personal preference in who they'd like to date. I know a ton of my female friends have said they would never give a man that is shorter than them the time of day. Regardless of how nice, thoughtful, or successful he is, it takes that single factor, a factor that he has no control over, to cause an immediate rejection. This behaviour is socially acceptable; personally, I find that there isn't anything wrong with that - as everyone is entitled to their own preference with respect to who they date.

However, if it's socially acceptable for men to be rejected for their height, I don't see why woman shouldn't be rejected by whether or not they have children. Again, it all boils to preference; you live with the options that are available to us and we make peace with it.


Well-known member
Feb 20, 2004
GTA & Thereabouts...
Looking back on my youth... I knew a guy in Grade 5 named Mike Smith... His single Mom was so hot. She had guy friends visit. Mike always came to our houses. We never went to his. True story.


Well-known member
Apr 10, 2019
It’s funny how females get upset when men apply the same forethought and strategies as they do for determining whether someone is worth being in a relationship with. Something they have done for thousands of years btw
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Fabulously Full Figured
Supporting Member
Jul 14, 2020
North Whitby Incalls
Again, it would seem the baggage seems to be on the men. Some men had bad experiences (and it sounds like unrealistic expectations to be "everything" to their GF which is nuts) and thus all single mothers are a risk? This sounds incel-ish. Women are not the enemy, mothers or otherwise.

Are women with jobs or friends also a bad idea because they cant drop everything on whim when you want them?

Should we also be barefoot and in the kitchen?
I don’t think that is what men are saying.

I think, and I get it, they are saying;

1. You will never come first because her kids always will. Which these men seem to understand and accept. But I get it. I want to be first in someone’s life. That is why I would date. They want attention they understand is not available for a valid reason. Doesn’t mean they have to accept that for themselves. So they move on to someone without kids who can pay that attention.

2. Men can be on the hook for child support of a child that is not theirs if the relationship goes a certain way. I get this too. I would not want to pay for another persons child and becoming “loco parentis” is a very real thing. It would be a concern, a “con” to dating a single mom.

3. Not being able to discipline the child. Again a very real thing. I wouldn’t want some guy disciplining my child when they were young. That is my job. But I have been around people who’s kids need some immediate discipline and I get annoyed when a parent doesn’t do and I can’t either. I get this issue.

4. Time. Time revolves around the kids. Again, I get that. It is the way it should be. But if you are the type who has an already bad schedule or has to be more in control of their schedule or can’t meet the schedule of a typical “kid” schedule then I get it. If you want to see the women every weekend but can only see her every other weekend when the kids are gone to their dads, that would suck for you. You would understand but it would suck. Would it not be better to find a non single mom who didn’t have those types of schedule issues? It is not saying their is a fault against the women, just that schedules and wants don’t line up.

Single parents come with a certain type of baggage. This is not to say that people in general don’t, of course they do. Single moms just have baggage that can be seen before even getting into the relationship and that can make a determination for men before hand.

If I was able to see a man had the baggage of alcoholism, narcissistic personality, and an abusive nature I never would have dated the last guy I was with.

Guys get to see that baggage before hand. Does this mean men could be losing out on amazing women? Yup. But women lose out on amazing guys because they want Brad Pitt types only. So we are no different. Just have different things we want in terms of a partner.

But I don’t think these guys here are trying to tear down single moms and put them back in the kitchen. They are just talking some truths.

It’s funny how females get upset when men apply the same forethought and strategies as they do for determining whether someone is worth being in a relationship with. Something they have done for thousands of years btw
Men do the same thing. Complain all the time about how women choose their partners. Have you read some of the shit on this board? It is full of upset men who complain about women.

Shit, they complain if a woman doesn’t smile back at them. Because somehow we owe them a smile.

So before laughing at upset women, take a look around and see your fellow man doing the same thing.
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