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Are Single Moms Worth Your Time?


Well-known member
Oct 6, 2006
If Mariah Carey.
Hell yeah.


Well-known member
Jun 11, 2013
Oh, we can see exactly who has baggage in this thread ;)

Its coming from experience. Both my own and friends who went in as well.

Lots of guys can handle it. Even want it. That's great. But the OP is asking about our experiences. So he can choose to go in or not. There is nothing wrong with the overall tone and opinions here because they are truth. Harsh at times. But truth.

Many of my Single mom friends did go on to find lasting relationships with good guys. Some with blended families. Good for them too.

But lets face in in an escort site its about the sex oh say 99% of the time? So the baggage matters.


Well-known member
Oct 31, 2011
Oh, we can see exactly who has baggage in this thread ;)
Well yes. I'd say a decent sized portion of the members were burned in a divorce, or had bad relationships in the past. Those bad ones I had shaped my present good one. Looking back I quite glad the single moms I was involved with did not work out.

Better the baggage laden ones don't off load on kids. Or at least set the rules to allow for what they want.

If I was in the game I would have rules and walk otherwise.


Well-known member
Oct 12, 2006
Well yes. I'd say a decent sized portion of the members were burned in a divorce, or had bad relationships in the past. Those bad ones I had shaped my present good one. Looking back I quite glad the single moms I was involved with did not work out.

Better the baggage laden ones don't off load on kids. Or at least set the rules to allow for what they want.

If I was in the game I would have rules and walk otherwise.
Yeah it's too bad because a lot of single moms I know are genuinely nice attractive women but because of their baggage and commitments, they just are not suitable unless they just want quickie romance with no strings attached but that in my observation at least is seldom the case. Many of the older (but still otherwise attractive) ones in their 40s and 50s will likely remain single for good. A few of the older ones I know who come into mind had to attend their adult kids' marriages unescorted while their ex's came into tow with new partners.


Well-known member
Jun 28, 2013
I think it's like anybody else. Some single Moms will come with baggage and some without. Some are looking for a quick fuck, others hoping you'll be a father to their brood.

I'll tell you, though, that if you get a good (well-balanced) single Mom, then you've likely hit the jackpot.

Even better than a good single Mom, is a good teacher or ECE without children. A good teacher or ECE is somebody who finds nurturing and understanding comes naturally to them, but they've made the conscious decision to not have children.
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Well-known member
Nov 29, 2020
... if you get a good (well-balanced) single Mom, then you've likely hit the jackpot....
LOL. Are we talking about fine wine, tires, or women? I definitely enjoy a well-balanced merlot and balanced all-seasons.


Well-known member
Nov 30, 2005
At a SP near me
3 data points

1 - my brother dated a single mom and married her. Still married to this day and loves her son from the first marriage and their son as well
2 - a buddy started seeing a single mom, married her. A few years later they are divorced and he’s paying child support for his kids and wasted 10 years raising her son from her first marriage
3 - next door neighbour, cougar in her early 50s, with kids in university has a new guy who moved in recently. I figure he’s mid 30s. Long distance trucker so he’s there a few days every other week. I keep wondering if he has a similar set up in every port of call 🤣


Well-known member
Feb 11, 2009
Easy Answer: No fault divorce.

Use to be really difficult to get a divorce. Had to show cause. Real causes. Not made up feelings. Now it is easier for her than breaking lease on an apartment. And there is a pot of gold at the end: she gets alimony and child support. Sounds more like an incentive program for divorcing.
Not all single moms were married. as I said, you have to do your due diligence as to why is she a mom and need to find out where the problem lies was it the ex or was it her? I went out with a single mom years ago. pretty cool chick but we both know nothing will come out of it.


Well-known member
Jun 23, 2020
This thread is very active because so many of us have had experience (mostly bad) with single moms. It is possible you will find a gem but the odds are not good.
Each case is different - hell I cum with a pretty big Samsonite myself and it is not to carry my massive tool LOL
In my case I did a lot wrong (little head thinking) and it cost me big time emotionally and I was financially raped - but I am meeting my obligations.
You can actually be forced to support another man's child which should be a huge wake up call to any man.

Silver lining and best thing ever for me was being single again. Like being reborn and taking off 10 years!!! I am sure both men and women can agree on that point.
Since that SM relationship ended I seriously dated two great women - hands down the best was a single woman without kids. No contest in every category.

If you date a SM you have to accept that your role will not be as simply a BF - you must be prepared to be involved in her life and that will involve hearing her bitch about the ex or dealing with parenting issues. You will have to be a role model but know that discipline from you will not be easy or even possible. It comes with the sex.
Some women are really bitter, others are happy to have a new man in their life and looking to make up for lost time.
You can easily hook up but ask yourself if that is what you need or want. Does that make sense and does she know that is your only goal?

An MP or SP is an honest outlet to have some kind of physical and emotional connection for a short time - nothing else and no drama.
Not sure about SB or seeking arrangements - that may work for some to each their own.


Well-known member
Apr 16, 2002
Based on all the negative comments posted I think
the most hopeful match for a single mom would be
a single dad.


Nov 23, 2008
i dated a single mom who had four kids. 2 from an initial marriage and 2 from a second marriage. kids ranged in age from 2 to 18. it was really tough relating to the older ones as they just saw you as just another guy passing by and gave no respect. difficult to mold and i felt the bitterness. the younger ones were great and wonderful to play with.


Well-known member
Jun 11, 2013
Again, it would seem the baggage seems to be on the men. Some men had bad experiences (and it sounds like unrealistic expectations to be "everything" to their GF which is nuts) and thus all single mothers are a risk? This sounds incel-ish. Women are not the enemy, mothers or otherwise.

Are women with jobs or friends also a bad idea because they cant drop everything on whim when you want them?

Should we also be barefoot and in the kitchen?

Well yes. I'd say a decent sized portion of the members were burned in a divorce, or had bad relationships in the past. Those bad ones I had shaped my present good one. Looking back I quite glad the single moms I was involved with did not work out.

Better the baggage laden ones don't off load on kids. Or at least set the rules to allow for what they want.

If I was in the game I would have rules and walk otherwise.


Well-known member
Jun 23, 2020
Should we also be barefoot and in the kitchen?
No of course not - that is very sexist - frankly I do not need a woman to cook for me, and happy to prepare a nice meal. Like many people, I paid my way through school as a cook.
It appears that the experience of many men that have dated single mothers has not been great - not saying all SM are not worth pursuing but clearly the experience is not great and maybe that is a reflection of the hook-up culture - so if you had to make a choice (as a man) would you choose a SM or a single woman?
If you were a SM would you choose a SF or a single man? The best choice is to find someone who can live in the present, not the past.
Every human needs a connection, whether it be physical, intellectual or emotional - that applies to both men and women - one hard lesson for those have been on the merry go round and hurt in the past is to let go and look forward and live life each day. It is not easy but the choice we all make will determine our reality.
I really do respect SPs and know that they fill a void when people need a connection - of course I love great sex too it's pretty awesome!


Well-known member
Feb 20, 2004
I dated a single mother once and she had 2 younger kids so always had to be careful there and worked around her schedule .
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