Kevin O’Leary on Boat Involved in Fatal Crash on Lake Joseph

The Hof

New member
Mar 18, 2015
WTF? How many inferences and open questions in this thread wondering if women can drive boats? Wow, you do realize we’re not in 8chan, yes?


Well-known member
Jan 7, 2014
WTF? How many inferences and open questions in this thread wondering if women can drive boats? Wow, you do realize we’re not in 8chan, yes?
Having been in a poker run with a women at the throttles & smooth as silk I can yes! Yvonne is another good example when she isn't at the gym or playing with her pups she's a cool chick to hang out with & drives very well


Well-known member
Nov 28, 2003
It looks like the truth will come out. The police say that they have video coverage of the accident from a cottage security camera, and that the other boat had lights on.

O'Leary has hired Greenspan.

Keebler Elf

The Original Elf
Aug 31, 2001
The Keebler Factory
I'm not saying a woman can't drive a boat...
My immediate reaction was that he was driving the boat drunk and his wife covered for him but a quick google search did indeed reveal pictures of her driving their boat and looking quite comfortable doing it. So who knows, the truth will come out.

Zoot Allures

Well-known member
Jan 23, 2017
It looks like the truth will come out. The police say that they have video coverage of the accident from a cottage security camera, and that the other boat had lights on.

O'Leary has hired Greenspan.
I wonder how this affects his funds



Well-known member
Nov 23, 2004
It looks like the truth will come out. The police say that they have video coverage of the accident from a cottage security camera, and that the other boat had lights on.

O'Leary has hired Greenspan.
One hires Greenspan when they're guilty and have lots to lose. It will be interesting to hear/see what's on the video. A friend who knows them well, said they're both heavy drinkers. Does anyone know what time the Cops gave O'Leary's wife the breathalyzer? I was told it was the next morning.


Well-known member
Jul 27, 2006
One hires Greenspan when they're guilty and have lots to lose. It will be interesting to hear/see what's on the video. A friend who knows them well, said they're both heavy drinkers. Does anyone know what time the Cops gave O'Leary's wife the breathalyzer? I was told it was the next morning.
Well, 2 people are dead and they do have much to lose. They also have plenty of money to hire big time lawyers. As far as I know, alcohol stays in the system for quite a while so a breathalyzer test should still pick it up even at the next morning.


Well-known member
Dec 11, 2016
Well, 2 people are dead and they do have much to lose. They also have plenty of money to hire big time lawyers. As far as I know, alcohol stays in the system for quite a while so a breathalyzer test should still pick it up even at the next morning.
Kevin, is that you?

There's a big difference between administering the breathalyzer at the scene of an accident versus the next morning. LOL

That's why many people flee the scene of an accident when they're under the influence.

I have 2 alcoholic beverages at the beginning of social gatherings and have gone through the GTA's RIDE program twice in the past 2 years with my blood-alcohol level being below the legal limit.

I assure you my blood-alcohol level was above the legal limit hours before.


Well-known member
Nov 23, 2004
Kevin, is that you?

There's a big difference between administering the breathalyzer at the scene of an accident versus the next morning. LOL

That's why many people flee the scene of an accident when they're under the influence.

I have 2 alcoholic beverages at the beginning of social gatherings and have gone through the GTA's RIDE program twice in the past 2 years with my blood-alcohol level being below the legal limit.

I assure you my blood-alcohol level was above the legal limit hours before.
On average, the liver can metabolize 1 standard drink per hour for men, or about 0.015g/100mL/hour (i.e., a reduction of blood alcohol level, or BAC, by 0.015 per hour). In addition to liver processing, about 10% of alcohol is eliminated through sweat, breath, and urine.

In other words, if you're drinking 1 standard drink per hour, you won't be anywhere close to blowing over.


Well-known member
Jul 27, 2006
Kevin, is that you?

There's a big difference between administering the breathalyzer at the scene of an accident versus the next morning. LOL

That's why many people flee the scene of an accident when they're under the influence.

I have 2 alcoholic beverages at the beginning of social gatherings and have gone through the GTA's RIDE program twice in the past 2 years with my blood-alcohol level being below the legal limit.

I assure you my blood-alcohol level was above the legal limit hours before.
Clearly I didn't know about the limits of the technology. IMO, if you're being asked to take a roadside test then (rightly or wrongly) you're already close to the limit in the cops eyes.

My assumption and hope is that the OPP did the test as soon as possible after the incident was reported.

Insidious Von

My head is my home
Sep 12, 2007
Drunken Trillionaire is still running his mouth. Obviously his conscience doesn't bother him...better to decrease the surplus population.



License to Shill
Jan 28, 2013


Well-known member
Nov 23, 2004
Wife charged with Careless and other boater charged with not having his Navigation lights on while underway

Three things... directed to those who KNEW O’Leary was lying about his wife being the driver, about being drunk and lying that the other boat wasn’t showing nav lights. Your prejudice clouds your judgement.
Do both charges carry the same sentence? Chances are they'll both plead to a lesser charge and get a slap on the wrist. By laying charges against both, it sounds like they're somewhat equally responsible.

We know the guy was charged for not having navigation lights, but we don't know why she was charged with careless.


License to Shill
Jan 28, 2013
Do both charges carry the same sentence?

No idea but I doubt anyone is going to jail over it.

I suspect the civil action on behalf of the Uxbridge mother’s husband and children will be substantial. But the suit will likely find fault in both drivers and both likely have >$2m liability policies so I doubt anyone will be much out of pocket financially to take care of her children.

Funny thing about Canadian law is that loss by death itself doesn’t have as much intrinsic cash value as it does in the US. I kind of think it is only a few hundred thousand dollars as adjusted. However, the husband and kids could have a big claim for future etc. I wonder what other damages could be claimed?


Well-known member
Nov 23, 2004
No idea but I doubt anyone is going to jail over it.

I suspect the civil action on behalf of the Uxbridge mother’s husband and children will be substantial. But the suit will likely find fault in both drivers and both likely have >$2m liability policies so I doubt anyone will be much out of pocket financially to take care of her children.

Funny thing about Canadian law is that loss by death itself doesn’t have as much intrinsic cash value as it does in the US. I kind of think it is only a few hundred thousand dollars as adjusted. However, the husband and kids could have a big claim for future etc. I wonder what other damages could be claimed?
I'm with you, nobody's going to jail. I'm sure the family will try to get as much money from the O'Leary's as possible. That's why he hired Greenspan. Although not having nav. lights on will be a major factor and Greenspan will argue the hell out of that.


Well-known member
May 14, 2008
If they did not have nav lights on I have no idea how she really could have avoided them. It can be pitch dark out there and if she was going at even a moderate clip of 40 kph she would have little chance to avoid them


Well-known member
Feb 20, 2004
GTA & Thereabouts...
It can be pitch dark out there and if she was going at even a moderate clip of 40 kph she would have little chance to avoid them
Ya... I'm sure she's charged for Careless due to "driving" the boat at speed while dark... If she was safely puttering home, she wouldn't have ramped over the other boat. I'll assume the O'Leary boat was rigged up for wayfinding back home while dark... Maybe not a nautical radar though to counteract the lack of navigation lights from the other boat.

Boating can be such a shit show. I'm sure all parties wish it never happened. I also don't blame the O'Leary's from trying to save their fame and fortune.


Well-known member
Jul 27, 2006
If they did not have nav lights on I have no idea how she really could have avoided them. It can be pitch dark out there and if she was going at even a moderate clip of 40 kph she would have little chance to avoid them
40 kph is about 20 knots and that's actually quite fast for a small power boat. Boats behave much differently than cars in that they essentially have no brakes and take longer to slow down or turn. Regardless if the other boat has lights or not, it's the operator's responsibility to keep a look out for other traffic.


Well-known member
Jul 27, 2006
Ya... I'm sure she's charged for Careless due to "driving" the boat at speed while dark... If she was safely puttering home, she wouldn't have ramped over the other boat. I'll assume the O'Leary boat was rigged up for wayfinding back home while dark... Maybe not a nautical radar though to counteract the lack of navigation lights from the other boat.

Boating can be such a shit show. I'm sure all parties wish it never happened. I also don't blame the O'Leary's from trying to save their fame and fortune.
There aren't many spots to install a radar or night vision system on a small power boat. They might have a GPS / chart plotter, but that doesn't help in detecting other boats. You also need someone monitoring it. The best gear in this scenario would be a handheld spotlight to keep watch on the horizon.


Well-known member
Oct 13, 2010
Wife charged with Careless and other boater charged with not having his Navigation lights on while underway

Three things... directed to those who KNEW O’Leary was lying about his wife being the driver, about being drunk and lying that the other boat wasn’t showing nav lights. Your prejudice clouds your judgement.
maybe she was the pilot, but he is the owner and captain here. He should have been paying attention and ensure that she was going at a safe speed.
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