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A Bombshell House Intelligence report exposing extensive FISA abuse.....


Well-known member
Aug 23, 2001
Ok......... So let's get this straight. According to that unimpeachable and unbiased source, The Federalist, the memo is only four pages long and summarizes a year of intense investigation????

How's it going to read? - "I heard someone say that someone told him that someone told him that the DoJ did some fucked up shit.... They got FISA warrants without checking stuff. So someone said 'cos somebody told them so." ????!!!


Well-known member
Jun 22, 2009
Ok......... So let's get this straight. According to that unimpeachable and unbiased source, The Federalist, the memo is only four pages long and summarizes a year of intense investigation????

How's it going to read? - "I heard someone say that someone told him that someone told him that the DoJ did some fucked up shit.... They got FISA warrants without checking stuff. So someone said 'cos somebody told them so." ????!!!
This entire episode and the memo are a stain upon American democracy. The FBI has said it contains material errors and omissions. it is a side show invented by Trump's flunkie Nunes. In any country other than perhaps Russia or some banana republic it would be seen as the joke that it is. Putin must be laughing himself silly. Once again trump and his flunkies have done more to tarnish the myth of American democracy than Putin ever could. Sad.


Well-known member
Oct 31, 2011
This entire episode and the memo are a stain upon American democracy. The FBI has said it contains material errors and omissions. it is a side show invented by Trump's flunkie Nunes. In any country other than perhaps Russia or some banana republic it would be seen as the joke that it is. Putin must be laughing himself silly. Once again trump and his flunkies have done more to tarnish the myth of American democracy than Putin ever could. Sad.

So on the one hand you have a dossier written from information supposedly gathered from Russian intelligence sources by another foreign spy, paid for by a political opponent. And it is happily used as a basis for a Fisa warrant.

And on the other a properly elected American congressman creating a synopsis of what he believes are irregularities in the secret surveillance system dealing with that specific case.

And he is wrong to do it.

At what point did the Patriot Act and it's trappings become a good thing to left leaning Democrats and a bad thing to Conservative Republicans.

This circus doesn't have a side. Just three competing rings(third is the media). And no ringmaster in sight.

As to your specific post if the dossier came from the FSB it came from Putin. So yes he has done quite a bit. And the Americans in their partisan zeal have enabled it.


Well-known member
Jun 22, 2009

So on the one hand you have a dossier written from information supposedly gathered from Russian intelligence sources by another foreign spy, paid for by a political opponent. And it is happily used as a basis for a Fisa warrant.

And on the other a properly elected American congressman creating a synopsis of what he believes are irregularities in the secret surveillance system dealing with that specific case.

And he is wrong to do it.

At what point did the Patriot Act and it's trappings become a good thing to left leaning Democrats and a bad thing to Conservative Republicans.

This circus doesn't have a side. Just three competing rings(third is the media). And no ringmaster in sight.

As to your specific post if the dossier came from the FSB it came from Putin. So yes he has done quite a bit. And the Americans in their partisan zeal have enabled it.
You simply refuse to accept reality and instead accept only Trumpfacts. I have not done any criminal law in 25 years but on occasion in my work on the board of an American company the issue comes up. The DOJ has made it clear that the FISA warrant was based upon MANY sources and facts and documents etc. and not the so called dossier although they did have it. Warrants can be based upon anything including a newspaper article or such things. The granting of a warrant does not mean that anything has been proven but rather that the law enforcement official has a reasonable basis to believe that a law might have been broken. The FBI had multiple sources and whether or not any of them ultimately turn out to be true is entirely beside the point. Steele was well know to the FBI and they had worked with him before. It would have been irresponsible not to listen to him.

What the greatest travesty is is the harm that Trump and his flunkies are doing to American democracy and people like you are witting or unwitting fools. Get a grip man. Open your eyes.


Well-known member
Nov 5, 2005
During the House Intelligence Committee's business meeting on Monday to vote on releasing the Nunes memo, Illinois Democratic Rep. Mike Quigley pressed Nunes about whether he or his staff had coordinated with the White House on the memo, Quigley told CNN on Wednesday.
Quigley said Nunes became "quite agitated" when pressed whether any of his staffers were involved in producing the memo, and refused to answer the question.
"I fully believe that Chairman Nunes has not changed his tactics. He began this investigation as a subsidiary of the White House, as someone who was coordinating with them rather than being an independent investigator," Quigley said. "There's reasonable belief that he was involved all the time."
Nunes has also repeatedly declined to talk about the work in preparing the document, claiming, "I don't talk about committee business" when asked about the memo.
Democratic suspicions that Nunes has coordinated with the White House stem from last year, when he took a secret trip to the White House to review intelligence gathered by two White House staffers about the "unmasking" of Trump's team in foreign intelligence collected during the Obama administration. Nunes then briefed Trump about his findings, despite the information coming from the White House.


Well-known member
Jun 22, 2009
During the House Intelligence Committee's business meeting on Monday to vote on releasing the Nunes memo, Illinois Democratic Rep. Mike Quigley pressed Nunes about whether he or his staff had coordinated with the White House on the memo, Quigley told CNN on Wednesday.
Quigley said Nunes became "quite agitated" when pressed whether any of his staffers were involved in producing the memo, and refused to answer the question.
"I fully believe that Chairman Nunes has not changed his tactics. He began this investigation as a subsidiary of the White House, as someone who was coordinating with them rather than being an independent investigator," Quigley said. "There's reasonable belief that he was involved all the time."
Nunes has also repeatedly declined to talk about the work in preparing the document, claiming, "I don't talk about committee business" when asked about the memo.
Democratic suspicions that Nunes has coordinated with the White House stem from last year, when he took a secret trip to the White House to review intelligence gathered by two White House staffers about the "unmasking" of Trump's team in foreign intelligence collected during the Obama administration. Nunes then briefed Trump about his findings, despite the information coming from the White House.
LOL. Is that the same Nunes who had recused himself? He is a flunkie for Trump and an embarrassment to anyone who has any respect for democratic institutions.


Well-known member
Nov 5, 2005
President Donald Trump asked Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein if he was “on my team” in a December meeting at the White House, according to CNN.

In a report cited to “sources familiar with the meeting” by CNN, Trump asked Rosenstein — who oversees special counsel Robert Mueller’s investigation — where the Russia probe is going and may have inquired about his loyalty.

“Of course, we’re all on your team, Mr. President,” Rosenstein told Trump awkwardly, CNN reported.

It’s unclear how Rosenstein interpreted the remark, either. When testifying before a House committee in December, he denied ever having been asked to take a loyalty pledge.

“Nobody has asked me to take a loyalty pledge, other than the oath of office,” Rosenstein testified.
The report is the latest in a string of episodes in which Trump appeared to press or demand law enforcement officials and members of the judiciary who are supposed to remain independent for their loyalty.

In a private dinner with then-FBI Director James Comey in January, Trump asked if he wanted to remain in his job and told him “I need loyalty, I expect loyalty,” as Comey testified to Congress later.


Well-known member
Nov 5, 2005
In a rare public statement on Wednesday, the FBI said it has "grave concerns" about a Republican-crafted memo alleging corrosive abuse of United States surveillance powers by the Justice Department that is expected to be released in the coming days.

"With regard to the House Intelligence Committee’s memorandum, the FBI was provided a limited opportunity to review this memo the day before the committee voted to release it," the bureau said.
"As expressed during our initial review, we have grave concerns about material omissions of fact that fundamentally impact the memo’s accuracy."

Intelligence committee Republicans, led by Chairman Devin Nunes (R-Calif.), voted to release the document over the strident objections of committee Democrats, who say it is a cherry-picked set of inaccurate accusations designed to kneecap special counsel Robert Mueller’s investigation into the Trump campaign.

The decision to release the document now rests with President Trump, who has five days to decide whether or not to allow its publication. He is widely expected to overrule the concerns of senior Justice Department officials who have been lobbying him to keep it under wraps.

Caught on a hot mic on Tuesday night, Trump promised Rep. Jeff Duncan (R-S.C.) that he would "100 percent" release the memo. The White House has insisted the document will go through a normal multi-agency review process to ensure its release will not jeopardize national security.

Trump's chief of staff John Kelly on Wednesday indicated the White House plans to release the memo soon.

“It will be released here pretty quick, I think, and then the whole world can see it,” Kelly said during an interview on Fox News Radio. “This president wants everything out so the American people can make up their own minds.”
Wednesday's unusual statement from the FBI — one of the most media-averse institutions in Washington — is just the latest sign that the Nunes memo has inflamed tensions between Trump and his own Justice Department.

Senior Justice Department officials, including Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein and FBI Director Chris Wray, warned Kelly against making the document public in a last-ditch effort just before the Intelligence Committee vote to declassify it, The Washington Post reported on Tuesday.

Assistant Attorney General Stephen Boyd — a Trump appointee — had also warned Nunes prior to the vote that releasing the memo publicly without allowing the FBI to weigh in would be “extraordinarily reckless” and endanger national security.

Typically, when classified information is made public, the agencies with a stake in the information weigh in to ensure that its release won't lay bare sensitive intelligence sources and capabilities.

But although Wray was reportedly allowed to view the document in the committee's secure spaces prior to the vote, the Justice Department has largely been cut of the committee's efforts to make the document public.
"Well, yeah, they're the ones that had the problem," Rep. Mike Conaway (R-Texas) said last week when asked why the FBI had been initially blocked from viewing the document.

The precise contents of the memo are not publicly known, but it is believed to contain allegations that the FBI did not adequately explain to a clandestine court that some of the information it used in a surveillance warrant application for Trump adviser Carter Page was opposition research funded by the Clinton campaign, now known as the “Steele dossier.”

"The FBI takes seriously its obligations to the FISA Court and its compliance with procedures overseen by career professionals in the Department of Justice and the FBI," the bureau said in its statement.

"We are committed to working with the appropriate oversight entities to ensure the continuing integrity of the FISA process."

Trump, deeply frustrated by the federal investigation into his campaign's alleged ties to Russia, has previously tweeted that the FBI's reputation is "in tatters."

He has called for the removal of senior FBI officials he views as biased against him, one of whom— former deputy director Andrew McCabe — stepped down this week. McCabe's early departure came amid reports that suggested he is named in both the Nunes memo and in an ongoing inspector general investigation into the bureau's handling of the Hillary Clinton email investigation.

House conservatives who have seen the Nunes memo have described it as "worse that Watergate," hinting that it could put an end to the Mueller probe long derided by a vocal sect of GOP members as biased.

Democrats have crafted their own document rebutting the Republican memo, but Intelligence Committee Republicans voted down their request to make it public earlier this week. They say the Democratic memo should go through the same steps as the Nunes document, which the full House had a chance to review.


dangling member
Apr 10, 2015

So on the one hand you have a dossier written from information supposedly gathered from Russian intelligence sources by another foreign spy, paid for by a political opponent. And it is happily used as a basis for a Fisa warrant.
Carter Page was under surveillance since 2014 because of his shady Russian connections.
Trump just picks shady people like him and Manafort.


Well-known member
Oct 31, 2011
You simply refuse to accept reality and instead accept only Trumpfacts. I have not done any criminal law in 25 years but on occasion in my work on the board of an American company the issue comes up. The DOJ has made it clear that the FISA warrant was based upon MANY sources and facts and documents etc. and not the so called dossier although they did have it. Warrants can be based upon anything including a newspaper article or such things. The granting of a warrant does not mean that anything has been proven but rather that the law enforcement official has a reasonable basis to believe that a law might have been broken. The FBI had multiple sources and whether or not any of them ultimately turn out to be true is entirely beside the point. Steele was well know to the FBI and they had worked with him before. It would have been irresponsible not to listen to him.

What the greatest travesty is is the harm that Trump and his flunkies are doing to American democracy and people like you are witting or unwitting fools. Get a grip man. Open your eyes.
I accept that there appear to be irregularities in the process this time.

And that over sight is occurring.

I don't believe in carte Blanche for intelligence services.

How about you wait for the actual memo before taking the word of pundits who haven't seen it.

One thing mentioned by detractors. No one is actually saying anything in the memo is false.


Well-known member
Oct 31, 2011
If you think this is bad, just wait until the Upcoming AG report is released.


Well-known member
Aug 23, 2001
BREAKING: Discovered late tonight that Chairman Nunes made material changes to the memo he sent to White House – changes not approved by the Committee. White House therefore reviewing a document the Committee has not approved for release.

Nunes - industrious little rodent, to say the least! - "improved" the memo AFTER it was approved for release by the Republicans on the committee.


Well-known member
Nov 5, 2005
BREAKING: Discovered late tonight that Chairman Nunes made material changes to the memo he sent to White House – changes not approved by the Committee. White House therefore reviewing a document the Committee has not approved for release.

Nunes - industrious little rodent, to say the least! - "improved" the memo AFTER it was approved for release by the Republicans on the committee.
Pair that with Trump's statement last night when asked whether the Memo would be released, and he said "yes 100%" it would be released. Now he had not looked at the Memo at that time, and the Memo he now has is not the one that was approved by the Committee. Stinks of foul play to sabotage the Mueller Investigation in spite of his own appointee for the head of the FBI categorically stating that he has Grave concerns about the accuracy of the Memo.


Active member
Jul 23, 2010
BREAKING: Discovered late tonight that Chairman Nunes made material changes to the memo he sent to White House – changes not approved by the Committee. White House therefore reviewing a document the Committee has not approved for release.

Nunes - industrious little rodent, to say the least! - "improved" the memo AFTER it was approved for release by the Republicans on the committee.
Schiff is literally shitting his pants about this memo. last I heard was that 5 members of the house took the memo to the WH immediately after the vote. however if it's true, Nunes will be looking for the nearest shithole to climb into and never come out. and yes lock him up if it applies


Active member
Jul 23, 2010
House Intel releases transcript from meeting on secret memo

Wray and another FBI official went to Capitol Hill to meet with Rep. Nunes and review the memo on Sunday evening. On Monday, a second meeting took place between committee staff and two other FBI officials – the head of counterintelligence and a FISA lawyer.

In a move that effectively pits the word of the committee against that of the FBI, a committee spokesman maintained that during reviews of the memo by Wray and two other FBI officials, "they did not cite any factual inaccuracies."

And in a separate, stinging statement in response to FBI, Nunes said on Wednesday, "…t's no surprise to see the FBI and DOJ issue spurious objections to allowing the American people to see information related to surveillance abuses at these agencies. The FBI is intimately familiar with 'material omissions' with respect to their presentations to both Congress and the courts ..."

click the link above to read more.

Full transcript here


Active member
Jul 23, 2010
Intelligence Agencies Join FBI in Push Against Plans to Release FISA Abuse Memo

Whistleblowers, Republican congressional members, and some former intelligence officials cite mounting concern that the White House may not release the House Intelligence Committee’s FISA abuse memo as the FBI pushed against plans to make it public based on false allegations that the memo contains information that would harm U.S. national security, sources tell this reporter.

The memo alleges severe abuse of the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act by employees of the FBI and Department of Justice but FBI Director Christopher Wray Wednesday warned against the release of the memo issuing a public statement from the FBI that the bureau has “grave concerns about material omissions of fact that fundamentally impact the memo’s accuracy.”

The four-page memo is currently under review by the White House National Security Council, as well as with the Director of National Intelligence, according to U.S. officials familiar with the review process. One U.S. official said they were concerned the review is being “slow-rolled in an effort to get President Trump to change his mind about releasing the memo.”

The FISA memo is expected to be released by Friday and the White House isn’t expected to object. On Tuesday, that affirmation was clear when President Trump was caught on his mic after his State of the Union address told a Republican lawmaker that “100 percent” the memo would be released to the public.

On Monday, the House Intelligence Committee voted along party lines to make the classified memo public and as long as the president doesn’t object after five days of review the memo can legally be released.

U.S. Intelligence agencies, however, are now joining the FBI and pushing back against the memo’s release, former intelligence officials told this reporter. Those intelligence officials are concerned that the memo will reveal details of how the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act is used in monitoring communications of foreign people overseas, said one former U.S. intelligence official.

Another U.S. official familiar with the memo and its contents disputed those concerns.

“There are no Intelligence Community equities involved in the memo and nothing in the memo or the attached documents violates any national security-related processes,” the U.S. official stated. “This memo does not deal with any international issues, only domestic issues.”

Republican congressional members who have already reviewed the memo say its public release is essential to accurately convey to the American people the extent of FISA abuse during the 2016 presidential election. Many members described the memo as “shocking” but Democrats, who suggest they have their own memo, pushed back on the FISA abuse memo initiated by House Intelligence Committee Chairman Devin Nunes, R-CA, and other ranking Republican members of the committee.

Rep. Ron DeSantis, a Florida Republican, and member of the House Oversight Committee, reviewed the FISA memo after it was made available to House members last week. He wants the memo to be made public and questioned the FBI and DOJs pushback.

“The FBI was afforded the opportunity to review the memo on Sunday and could not identify a single factual inaccuracy,” said DeSantis. “Accordingly, I find the Bureau’s statement to be a bit strange. Why not identify inaccuracies when you had the chance?”

Nunes issued a statement Wednesday in response to the FBI saying, “having stonewalled Congress’ demands for information for nearly a year, it’s no surprise to see the FBI and DOJ issue spurious objections to allowing the American people to see information related to surveillance abuses at these agencies.”

“The FBI is intimately familiar with ‘material omissions’ with respect to their presentations to both Congress and the courts, and they are welcome to make public, to the greatest extent possible, all the information they have on these abuses,” Nunes stated. “Regardless, it’s clear that top officials used unverified information in a court document to fuel a counter-intelligence investigation during an American political campaign. Once the truth gets out, we can begin taking steps to ensure our intelligence agencies and courts are never misused like this again.”

Another congressional official, familiar with the contents of the memo, said it was the FBI and DOJ, which refused to disclose or provide documentation requested by the House Intelligence Committee since early last summer. The congressional official said, “it was only when the committee warned of contempt of Congress did Department of Justice Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein to turn over the necessary documents used in the committees’ review of the alleged FISA abuses by the FBI and DOJ.”

DOJ officials could not be immediately reached for comment.

“They are sparing no expense at trying to stop this memo from being released,” the congressional official said. “You have the Democrats, media and the deep state trying to stop the memo from going public and if they can’t they are preemptively trying to discredit it.”

The congressional official added that the memo was written so “there wouldn’t be any national security damage. First, they say that the memo’s release would be a national security concern and then the FBI says it’s the ‘omission of materials’ that doesn’t accurately explain what’s going on. But they didn’t want the committee to have any of the documents anyways. The committee had to fight tooth and nail for them. This is what it looks like when the deep state squeals.”

On Wednesday the FBI stated its objections the memo’s release, which has already been viewed in a secure area on Capitol Hill by more than 200 members of the House.

“The FBI takes seriously its obligations to the FISA Court and its compliance with procedures overseen by career professionals in the Department of Justice and the FBI,” said FBI officials in a statement. “We are committed to working with the appropriate oversight entities to ensure the continuing integrity of the FISA process.”

“With regard to the House Intelligence Committee’s memorandum, the FBI was provided a limited opportunity to review this memo the day before the committee voted to release it. As expressed during our initial review, we have grave concerns about material omissions of fact that fundamentally impact the memo’s accuracy,” the FBI stated.

Fun Times :)


Well-known member
Nov 5, 2005
FBI expresses 'grave concerns' over Republican memo's accuracy.

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The FBI said on Wednesday it had “grave concerns” about the accuracy of a top-secret House Intelligence Committee memo alleging anti-Trump bias within the Justice Department, challenging President Donald Trump’s pledge to release it.

But a few hours after the rare public rebuke by the top U.S. law enforcement agency, a Trump administration official said the memo was likely to be released on Thursday.

“The FBI was provided a limited opportunity to review this memo the day before the committee voted to release it,” the FBI said in a statement. “As expressed during our initial review, we have grave concerns about material omissions of fact that fundamentally impact the memo’s accuracy.”

The FBI declined to say if Director Christopher Wray, who viewed the memo during the weekend, approved the statement. Trump named Wray to head the Federal Bureau of Investigation after firing Director James Comey last May.

The memo has become a lightning rod in a partisan fight over investigations into alleged Russian meddling in the 2016 U.S. election and possible collusion by Trump’s campaign, which Russia and Trump have both denied.

Justice Department officials have also said releasing the memo could jeopardize classified information.

Representative Devin Nunes, the intelligence committee’s Republican chairman who commissioned the document, dismissed the FBI and Justice Department objections to its release as “spurious” in a statement on Wednesday.

Although White House press secretary Sarah Sanders said on Wednesday that Trump had not yet read the document, the president told lawmakers after his State of the Union address to Congress on Tuesday night that there was a “100 percent” chance the memo would be released.

A White House official said the four-page document was delivered to the White House on Monday after the committee voted to release it. Administration lawyers were working against a Friday deadline to determine if any of it should be redacted to protect national security, the official said.

Late on Wednesday, Representative Adam Schiff, the intelligence committee’s ranking Democrat, said he had discovered Nunes had sent a version of the Republican memo to the White House that was “materially altered” and thus was not what was approved for release by the committee’s vote.
A spokesman for Nunes did not immediately respond to a request for comment. And an aide to Schiff did not immediately respond when asked how Schiff had obtained that information.

Republicans, who blocked an effort to release a counterpoint memo by the panel’s Democrats, say their document exposes anti-Trump bias by the FBI and the Justice Department in seeking a warrant to conduct an eavesdropping operation.

Democrats say the memo selectively uses highly classified materials in a misleading effort to discredit Special Counsel Robert Mueller, who is leading the Justice Department’s Russia probe, and Deputy U.S. Attorney General Rod Rosenstein, who hired him.


In an opinion piece published on Wednesday in the Washington Post, Adam Schiff, the intelligence committee’s senior Democrat, said the Republican memo was intended to set the stage for Trump to fire Mueller or Rosenstein.

Four sources familiar with the memo told Reuters it accused the FBI and Justice Department of misleading a Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court judge in seeking an extension in March 2017 of a warrant for a secret eavesdropping operation against Carter Page, an adviser to Trump’s 2016 campaign.

Originally, the Republicans in the Committee clearly stated that the FBI including Wray had approved of the Memo. Now it turns out to be a false statement.

The Memo submitted by Nunes is not the original one approved by the Committee.

Nunes has not rebutted the fact that he colluded with the Whitehouse to prepare the Memo.

The Whitehouse has now confirmed that Redactions will be made to this Memo

Real Fun Times :bump2:


Active member
Jul 23, 2010
Originally, the Republicans in the Committee clearly stated that the FBI including Wray had approved of the Memo. Now it turns out to be a false statement.

The Memo submitted by Nunes is not the original one approved by the Committee.

Nunes has not rebutted the fact that he colluded with the Whitehouse to prepare the Memo.

The Whitehouse has now confirmed that Redactions will be made to this Memo

Real Fun Times :bump2:
from your article refuting your 1st point: The FBI declined to say if Director Christopher Wray, who viewed the memo during the weekend, approved the statement. Trump named Wray to head the Federal Bureau of Investigation after firing Director James Comey last May.

2nd point Nunez did submit a slightly altered memo. it had typo corrections and 2 minor corrections requested by the FBI and the minoity party.
A spokesman for Rep Nunes says tonight's accusations about secret edits to the memo are part of an "increasingly strange attempt to thwart publication."

The "minor edits" include "grammatical fixes and two edits requested by the FBI and by the Minority themselves."

3rd point. it is not a FACT that he colluded with the WH lol nice try.

4th point, yes the WH has confirmed the release of the memo with the approved changes by Nunes. see point 2

I did not find those points in your article. do you have other links to back your claims?
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