
Can someone explain the Japanese culture towards sex?

Zoot Allures

Well-known member
Jan 23, 2017
They have a penis festival

Bukkake originated in Japan where a group of men ejaculate on a female

TV sex game shows , live sex shows and this :

Here they have 500 couples being filmed while having sex

How can they get 1000 people to be filmed having group sex knowing it is going on the net? Put an ad in the paper and they show up in droves?


Active member
Nov 1, 2001
They have a penis festival

TV sex game shows , live sex shows and this :

Here they have 500 couples being filmed while having sex

How can they get 1000 people to be filmed while having group sex knowing it is going on the net?

I worked in Japan for about 8 months before the bubble burst and can tell you that there is no explanation for a lot of things in Japanese culture. Eg: Sex. As you said they have sex games shows on TV, live sex shows (I've seen this in person) - I've seen a BJ being performed by a civilian on a dance floor in a club (and no, it wasn't to me). Nobody blinked an eye. Yet watch some porn and they blur out the pubic hair!! My personal opinion is that there is such a facade of decorum (and repression) during the day in all facets of work-life, that they go bonkers after hours. Eg: A lot of the Japanese banks/institutions I dealt with employed lots of Japanese women, invariably in company uniform, invariably subservient and tasked with things like serving tea. It was only a small minority who even had business cards. These were highly educated, smart women. Anyway it was always fascinating how the uniform girls would transform at the end of the day, like peeling off their uniform freed them. And they were wild. For men, anything goes at night and it's not mentioned the next day. I would take out clients and it was common to drink into oblivion. Eg: I took out clients including a man who was fairly senior and they got so drunk they were actually puking and stumbling. Blind drunk. Of course, I drank too much too and eventually puked on a sidewalk between bars. But the next day, a polite note sent by courier thanking me for the hospitality. Oh, I was taken to the sex show by group of Japanese colleagues and it was audience participation! I passed because I'm really not into public sex, but there was no shortage of volunteers.

Nothing in Japan is as it seems. This bullshit that went around in the late 80's - "Theory Z" is complete baloney. It's not consensus so much as everybody below the boss KNOWING what's expected and voting accordingly to achieve the look of consensus. And long hours spent at the office? Yeah, except as soon as 5 pm hits - you read the paper and smoke until it's late enough that your wife isn't embarrassed that you're home early. So it's no surprise that a country known as having a lot of decorum and formality has this perverse underbelly.

Zoot Allures

Well-known member
Jan 23, 2017
I worked in Japan for about 8 months before the bubble burst and can tell you that there is no explanation for a lot of things in Japanese culture. Eg: Sex. As you said they have sex games shows on TV, live sex shows (I've seen this in person) - I've seen a BJ being performed by a civilian on a dance floor in a club (and no, it wasn't to me). Nobody blinked an eye. Yet watch some porn and they blur out the pubic hair!! My personal opinion is that there is such a facade of decorum (and repression) during the day in all facets of work-life, that they go bonkers after hours. Eg: A lot of the Japanese banks/institutions I dealt with employed lots of Japanese women, invariably in company uniform, invariably subservient and tasked with things like serving tea. It was only a small minority who even had business cards. These were highly educated, smart women. Anyway it was always fascinating how the uniform girls would transform at the end of the day, like peeling off their uniform freed them. And they were wild. For men, anything goes at night and it's not mentioned the next day. I would take out clients and it was common to drink into oblivion. Eg: I took out clients including a man who was fairly senior and they got so drunk they were actually puking and stumbling. Blind drunk. Of course, I drank too much too and eventually puked on a sidewalk between bars. But the next day, a polite note sent by courier thanking me for the hospitality. Oh, I was taken to the sex show by group of Japanese colleagues and it was audience participation! I passed because I'm really not into public sex, but there was no shortage of volunteers.

Nothing in Japan is as it seems. This bullshit that went around in the late 80's - "Theory Z" is complete baloney. It's not consensus so much as everybody below the boss KNOWING what's expected and voting accordingly to achieve the look of consensus. And long hours spent at the office? Yeah, except as soon as 5 pm hits - you read the paper and smoke until it's late enough that your wife isn't embarrassed that you're home early. So it's no surprise that a country known as having a lot of decorum and formality has this perverse underbelly.

Interesting perspective on your part. Strict tradition is just show, not the way they really are (or more likely a small minority of the population)

So those sex game shows are really on commercial TV? And those sex shows are real? not pros pretending to be amateurs ?

So, are the Japanese women attracted to western men?


Active member
Nov 1, 2001
Interesting perspective on your part. Strict tradition is just show, not the way they really are (or more likely a small minority of the population)

So those sex game shows are really on commercial TV? And those sex shows are real? not pros pretending to be amateurs ?

So, are the Japanese women attracted to western men?
Yes, I've seen some on late night TV (but not the really weird stuff - like scat videos - maybe that's only on paid TV, LOL!). Porn too - But NO PUBIC HAIR!! Also - mainstream network TV is full of weird game shows (which eventually get copied here). The other cultural phenomena has been Manga. A typical Manga is full of the most perverse, depraved images of pedophilia-like images, bestiality, etc. Yet it's read widely and there's no shame in reading it in public. And yes, there is a certain fascination with anything from the West. In Japan it's still a vestige of being a defeated nation and a national inferiority complex when it comes to the West (this has been a part of the culture since WWII.) Not a lot of Samurai spirit left - at least in Tokyo. In fact the typical young, GEN X/Millennial Tokyo man is effeminate (of course, I'm generalizing...;) ) Maybe that's why it's easy to pick up women, LOL! It's actually kind of funny and sad at the same time - because you will see people who would never act like they do at home - going super-douchy and getting away with it in Tokyo. I've seen the same thing in Singapore too. So Westerners can generally get away with being a total idiot and still get lucky with somebody simply because they're a Westerner.

Another memory - my very first business trip to Japan, I had an expense account and a GOLD company AMEX CARD!! At that time, credit cards were rare (and not even accepted at a lot of businesses). Coming from North America, you don't even think about it and anybody can get a card. But my first trip, every time I pulled that card out, I was treated like a rockstar. Little did they know that I was some greenhorn schmuck (I was literally the junior person sent from the desk because nobody else wanted to go). So the weirdest things might make you stand out in Japan.


Well-known member
Oct 6, 2006
Japanese men get away with a lot of abuse of their women possibly because of their submissive nature.
Many of these things would not be possible with Western women.
Possibly why all the yella fever by Western men too.


Active member
Nov 1, 2001
Japanese men get away with a lot of abuse of their women possibly because of their submissive nature.
Many of these things would not be possible with Western women.
Possibly why all the yella fever by Western men too.
The submissive nature of Japanese women is a little bit of a myth too. At least for the Japanese, the women run the show at home. The abuse you may see on video is fantasy abuse. Doesn't happen necessarily in real life. And go to a bar that has a "mama-san" - man, you will disrespect her or her bar at your own risk!

Travel tip: when the mama-san sends the bouncer to look at you and he makes an X with his forearms in front of his chest - that is a sign that you have crossed a line.... Do NOT fuck with him. LOL! (my "effeminate" comment applies more to the typical young Tokyo salaryman).


Never Been Justly Banned
Jan 10, 2002
Short guys wth Small dicks surrounded by hot chicks, it’s bound to yield overcompensating


Well-known member
Mar 14, 2004
Japanese woman have closed their legs to Japanese men in sufficient numbers so as to cause a very severe population decline which cannot be offset by immigration due to innate Japanese racism and xenophobia. Japan is an ultra technical advanced super organized nation with stellar industrial prowess yet a real shit hole for procreative sex. All manners of deviants recreational sex, from sales of soiled school girl panties for sniffing to sex with robots can be found there.

Don Draper

Cufflinks & Cognac
Nov 24, 2009
I've visited Japan but I have never worked there or spent any sort of extended period of time there such as a year or more. I also had a male relative that lived there for several years.

I will say this though, through my own experience with Asian women, of the three major Asian countries (China, Korea, Japan) Japanese culture is fiercely loyal and patriotic. Not to say that Chinese and Korean culture are disparaging of their race, not at all, just that I find Chinese or Korean women slightly less xenophobic than the Japanese are. Having a couple of bombs dropped on their country might have something to do with that.

Japanese women are either open to western culture or they are not. Once they're decided on their outlook, its extremely difficult to change it. I've dated Japanese women (here in North America) that are already set on returning to Japan and that a Japanese man will be their mate once the time comes. They will still be attentive, curious and polite while out with you but intimacy and sex are not on the table. If you pick up on this quickly, you can save yourself a world of frustration. As a man, you'll feel you're doing everything correctly and that you're getting the appropriate 'feedback' (she holds your arm, her body language is geared towards yours, she even kisses you on the lips) meanwhile, in her mind, she's just being polite and respectful of your attention towards her. Remember that she comes from a male dominated society but sex and intimacy are not even on her radar. Don't try to 'seduce' her or change her mind, just move on if its not working for you. Ignoring her doesn't work the same way as it does on western women (where they now want you since you're not 'attainable' any more) she'll just disappear.

Then there are the Japanese women open to western culture and men. They're actually openly seeking a connection since they've decided that they want more to life than Japanese culture has to offer. This can happen both in and out of Japan. There are floodgates of thoughts and emotion here just waiting to be released. The frustration of restrictions and expectations from Japanese family structure, culture and work ethic that they find overwhelming. The fear of being in a job that you're expected to be at until retirement feels like a prison sentence to them. Mainly, the lack of warmth and romanticism lacking in Japanese men. I've given flowers to many Japanese women who have burst into tears at receiving them. "This is the first time I've gotten flowers" or "I've been dreaming of this moment all my life". The vast majority of Japanese men aren't up to romantic gestures leaving the door open for western men to seize the moment, if its a Japanese woman that you desire. Don't rush it though, slow and easy to gain her trust but it doesn't take long.

Once the two of you are romantically involved then anything goes in regards to sex. Keep in mind that Japanese culture is very polite and respectful but it is also free of the stigma of Christianity and its myriad of religions where sex is looked upon as 'shameful' or 'dirty' outside of marriage. Sex will be seen as more fun and exciting from a culture that doesn't apply a shameful stigma to it. It is not in a Japanese woman's psyche to deny her man of sex. She will never be the one to initiate it as that is much too forward but she's ready. willing and able 24/7 for you. She will take an enormous amount of pride in how well she can satisfy you and everything is on the table, no matter how outrageous, she'll be game to try. You might even be surprised as to how far her curiosity extends. Japanese women are fantastic sexual partners.

This outlook comes from my own experience with Japanese women. It doesn't mean that only Japanese women fit this framework, Korean or Chinese women could just as well.

I shared my experiences due to the title of the thread. Hope it brought some insight.


Well-known member
Jan 15, 2013
Short guys wth Small dicks surrounded by hot chicks, it’s bound to yield overcompensating
You must have seen many, many Japanese dicks to know this.


Active member
Nov 1, 2001
Japanese woman have closed their legs to Japanese men in sufficient numbers so as to cause a very severe population decline which cannot be offset by immigration due to innate Japanese racism and xenophobia. Japan is an ultra technical advanced super organized nation with stellar industrial prowess yet a real shit hole for procreative sex. All manners of deviants recreational sex, from sales of soiled school girl panties for sniffing to sex with robots can be found there.

Japan as a whole is a very xenophobic country. But individually, they are a warm people. And there's plenty of pro-creative sex, just not enough young people to do it. So yes, they need immigration to open up.

A common myth about Japan is that it is "super-organized". Japan was a success despite itself. As a Westerner - if you spend time in Japan, you can see that decision making is incredibly slow. (This comment applies to Govt and corporations.) Nobody wants to stick their heads up to make a call. That's why the facade of "consensus" developed. People like Soichiro Honda, and Akio Morita were outliers - visionaries who imposed their will, without the delay of faux consensus building (or they imposed a compressed "consensus" decision cycle). In the financial world in the late 80's early 90's - one phenomena was the way major institutions (like the Post Office - at one time one of the largest investors in Treasuries) would trade bonds in the overnight market. You'd get a call for a price on Eg: $XXX mln 10 year and in your head you would have to price it really wide because you knew that they called 5 other institutions for the same trade. So in their indecision, they inflated the market by multiples and screwed themselves and the market. This was strictly because a Japanese person who was young, aggressive, and smart - might be passed over for a trading position because his bureaucratic boss found these traits threatening or annoying. Another glaring example is what happens when there's a disaster. Usually the first responders with emergency supplies are Yakuza, not Govt aid workers (Osaka earthquake, the tsunami). That's because nobody in Govt wants to make a quick call. Most corporations and especially the Govt only look "super-organized" - but they are bureaucratic chaos below the surface.

What really made and continues to make Japan a success is fanatical attention to details. Workers take a lot of pride in what they do. This applies to sex workers too!

Insidious Von

My head is my home
Sep 12, 2007
The Japanese government is now paying couples to have babies.

The Japanese view of sex is like everything else in their culture, they have a keen sense of the ridiculous. Look at their Kibuki Theater, the Tojo monster films, MXC and most of all Iron Chef. The Americans duplicated Godzilla and Iron Chef America, but it's not the same. They take it far too seriously.

For reality tv, nothing can touch this:



Active member
Nov 1, 2001
The Japanese government is now paying couples to have babies.

The Japanese view of sex is like everything else in their culture, they have a keen sense of the ridiculous. Look at their Kibuki Theater, the Tojo monster films, MXC and most of all Iron Chef. The Americans duplicated Godzilla and Iron Chef America, but it's not the same. They take it far too seriously.

For reality tv, nothing can touch this:

Yeah, nothing like the original "Iron Chef". And the 60's monster film English dubbing makes it even more outrageous. And you're right - Japanese have a reputation as being serious hard-workers - but they typically have a very good sense of humour and the ridiculous (a lot of humour revolves around bodily functions!). Anyway, thanks for a reminder of what a reality tv food show should be. Watching "Iron Chef America" kind of puts me off and this link reminds me why.


Well-known member
Jun 20, 2011
west gta
How can they get 1000 people to be filmed having group sex knowing it is going on the net? Put an ad in the paper and they show up in droves?
I'd be willing to bet Canadians and Americans would do the same thing to see some nubile 18 year old


Well-known member
Oct 6, 2006
Maybe they decided a long time ago, let's beat the hell out of sex,cross every boundary etc, so they can get on with technological advancement.
I have always seen them as an alien race not in a bad way, but in their technological advancement and their unusual ways of doing things contrary to humans in general.
Off course we have seen their Neanderthal side too so definitely some human there.


Well-known member
Mar 14, 2004
Many Japanese women before marriage are alluring sexual dynamos . After marriage and child birth many Japanese men are cut off and the marriage becomes sex less. They is said to happen more in Japan than in other cultures and part of the lively unseen Japanese sex trade caters to this phenomenon. There are also many lonely and sex starved house wife's who's salaryman husbands ignore them.

james t kirk

Well-known member
Aug 17, 2001
I will say this though, through my own experience with Asian women, of the three major Asian countries (China, Korea, Japan) Japanese culture is fiercely loyal and patriotic. Not to say that Chinese and Korean culture are disparaging of their race, not at all, just that I find Chinese or Korean women slightly less xenophobic than the Japanese are. Having a couple of bombs dropped on their country might have something to do with that.
Can't speak to Japan Japanese.

But when I was a kid growing up, the Japanese kids integrated very well into the larger community. They were just like everyone else.

But the Chinese kids, not so much. They did not integrate nearly as well and were quite insular.

Just generalizing........

black booty lover

Well-known member
Oct 21, 2007
. Eg: I took out clients including a man who was fairly senior and they got so drunk they were actually puking and stumbling. Blind drunk. Of course, I drank too much too and eventually puked on a sidewalk between bars. But the next day, a polite note sent by courier thanking me for the hospitality.


I had a friend in that worked in Japan as an English teacher, told me the exact same thing. Some of his Japanese colleagues would ask him out all the time on week nights where they would get totally blitz. He couldn't even keep up with them. Sometimes some of the colleagues were quite a bit older, but drinking like they were college frat boys. He couldn't believe it.

On the opposite side of the spectrum, when I as in my early 20's, these two Japanese girls come into the store I was working at. They were here to study English. (I was a decent look guy until my late 20' Anyway, I'm helping these two girls as they wanted to buy something and I'm doing my best to answer their questions due their broken English. After helping them the best I can, they buy something and leave. Somehow we sense in each other, we were into the same music scene just buy our styles etc.. (even though I was in uniform). Anyway, next day they show up again, both girls were totally cute in a spunky funny kind of way. They ask me if I wanted to go out to a club with them, and for shit and giggles I say yes especially as I was going to clubs like 4 nights a week back then. We end up going to one of my regular clubs which they loved and fit right in. These two girls were about 5'3 maybe 5'4 and like 100lbs. If I hadn't see this with my own eyes, I would never believe it, but they were going to bar like every 10/15 minutes to do a shot of tequila. By the end of the night they had a least 15 shots each. We're they drunk? Yes, fall down drunk? No. They were telling me they do this all the I was drunk too, mostly from beer and 3 or 4 shots of tequila, but 15 shots would fucking kill

It's too bad I wasn't into Asians because those girls were really cute and spunky, and one really liked me. In fact, later that week they came back into my store and the one gave me this long note about how she wanted to go out again, but I just wasn't into Asians, and trying to talk with them could be very difficult as the english lessons they were here for had just started.


Active member
Jan 19, 2004
Why is it that in Japanese porn, women having intercourse look and sound like they are in pain?

Just wondering....
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