That sounds great in theory, oldjones, but your PC denial of race isn't going to make the world a better place. For example, when a "white" or "black" person sees that people that come from the geographic region of Asia (for our purposes let's call them "Chinese" - yellow skin, slanted eyes) have higher rates of financial success and representation in the elite of society, it won't matter whether you define them as a race or not. Everybody else on Earth outside the halls of PC academia will and does... most likely because it's self-evident.Now if we could just sort out how to tell who belongs to which group we could get somewhere useful. But I don't see any practical way to determine IQ — or intellectual capability or … — of the people we must interact with in our daily doings. Which is why we do not use those objective standards, and thus need legislated ones like Bills and Charters that try at least to keep us from mis-judging.
Like when we look at a nose shape, or hair curl, or skin-tone and think we know something about intelligence, athleticism or peaceableness. We don't. We know only that there's an individual facing us, and whatever 'race' we may assign them to, they and their behaviour will be entirely unique.
The only useful aspect of any 'race' question is how to eliminate that concept from our serious thinking and significant behaviours as rapidly and completely as possible.
No amount of PC propaganda is going to change the fact that when you control for environment and socio-economic status, the average Asian will outperform the average White. I know, I shouldn't even use those terms, because there is no such thing as race. LOL