The study showed that external factors impact IQ, not that genetics doesn't impact it.
Why is it such a hard concept to grasp that environment and genetics play a role in, not only our intelligence but our health, our success/failure, and so on?
No one here is denying that genetics can have such a role. They're pointing out that no one — not you, not any cited sources — has established any such genetic role connected with a concept defined as 'race'.
Which means no one has any solid rational grounds for saying stuff like:
'black' people (whoever they are, no one has defined it)
as a 'race' (whatever that is, no one has defined it)
have lower intelligence (that at least has been defined into many varying sub-categories like 'cognitive-functioning', IQ etc. They're related but mutually exclusive, so precision is essential. Cross out "intelligence', specify 'Binet-Stanford IQ scores'). But when we examine the cited proof that,
black people as a race have lower Binet-Stanford IQ scores, we find it states no such thing.
Not that the lack of solid rational grounds has ever stopped anyone from saying anything, but WWII and slavery are vivid examples of how horribly sensible people can go wrong when they work with irrational fictions like 'race'. Which is why we must constantly press those who won't stop doing so, to justify their assertions. You haven't yet justified yours.
Personal PS: For all my opposition to your arguments
Small, I'm impressed by your commitment to making them honestly and the efforts you put into supporting them. We're all on TERB for pleasure, and here for the fun of arm-wresling over politics, and you give good measure. Thanks.
But you're still wrong.