Unless of course, you're the type of guy who really, really wants to racially stereotype others. Now who wants to do that? Well, that would be Far Right White Heritage guys, right? I mean, saying that Jews are evolved to be so smart they will take all the good jobs from Whites is an "argument" for quota-ing Jews. Hmm sort of like the "Jews Will Not Replace Us!" chant the Neo Nazis yelled at Charlotteville, right?
And saying that Blacks and Latinos are dumber than whites is a pretty good argument for everything from Trump's Wall, to voter suppression to lynching. Actually, that last one was done, wasn't it? Back when Whites actually believed that Blacks were intellectually and morally inferior to Whites in the pre Civil Rights movement era.
And if we can establish that IQ is evolutionary, we can suggest that behavioural traits are evolved too, right? The "crafty Jew"? The "murdering Muslim"? The "drug dealing, raping Latino immigrant"?
See where this might go? Right back to Germany in the 1930's.