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CNBC commentator Marc Faber says "Thank God white people populated America, not black


Active member
Jun 5, 2009
The study linked previously showed that identical twins raised in different socioeconomic standards performed differently on IQ tests.
In other words, its not the skin colour, its the amount of money the family has. Its just coincidental that in the US the lines of income also happen to be the same as 'race', or more accurately skin colour and background.
The study showed that external factors impact IQ, not that genetics doesn't impact it.

Why is it such a hard concept to grasp that environment and genetics play a role in, not only our intelligence but our health, our success/failure, and so on?


dangling member
Apr 10, 2015
The study showed that external factors impact IQ, not that genetics doesn't impact it.
The study confirms that socioeconomic conditions can have a large effect on IQ test results.
Contrast that confirmed effect with the summary of the state of knowledge on genetics within groups of humans.
Currently, there is no non-circumstantial evidence that these differences in test scores have a genetic component,
The only things that effects IQ tests are environmental and socioeconomic.


CanBarelyRe Member
Aug 18, 2001
The study showed that external factors impact IQ, not that genetics doesn't impact it.

Why is it such a hard concept to grasp that environment and genetics play a role in, not only our intelligence but our health, our success/failure, and so on?
No one here is denying that genetics can have such a role. They're pointing out that no one — not you, not any cited sources — has established any such genetic role connected with a concept defined as 'race'.

Which means no one has any solid rational grounds for saying stuff like: 'black' people (whoever they are, no one has defined it) as a 'race' (whatever that is, no one has defined it) have lower intelligence (that at least has been defined into many varying sub-categories like 'cognitive-functioning', IQ etc. They're related but mutually exclusive, so precision is essential. Cross out "intelligence', specify 'Binet-Stanford IQ scores'). But when we examine the cited proof that, black people as a race have lower Binet-Stanford IQ scores, we find it states no such thing.

Not that the lack of solid rational grounds has ever stopped anyone from saying anything, but WWII and slavery are vivid examples of how horribly sensible people can go wrong when they work with irrational fictions like 'race'. Which is why we must constantly press those who won't stop doing so, to justify their assertions. You haven't yet justified yours.
Personal PS: For all my opposition to your arguments Small, I'm impressed by your commitment to making them honestly and the efforts you put into supporting them. We're all on TERB for pleasure, and here for the fun of arm-wresling over politics, and you give good measure. Thanks.

But you're still wrong.


Aug 23, 2001
oagre's quote is way behind the times. They've already taken all the good jobs. Someone should tell those "Far Right White Heritage" that ship has sailed.
Worth preserving and framing.

Most people don't go through life racially categorizing everybody they meet and resenting them. Sure, everybody at the court house notices that Judge X is Jewish or Judge Y is Black. But few - aside from those who think like you - are pissed off about it. Most people say stuff like "Judge X deserves it. She worked hard and is a good judge." or "Judge Y is a bad appointment because he has a short temper." The over riding thought is not "Judge X is a Jew. She is biologically pre destined to achieve judgehood, as are other Jews. They steal the top jobs everywhere!"

And it's not true anyway - Aside from in your twisted mind, Jews don't "take all the top jobs".


Aug 23, 2001
What is the Nazis view? Don't they think that Jews are inferior sub-humans? How do you conclude I share such a crazy view? That's appalling.

I'm in here literally saying that Jews are smarter than the average goyim yet you distort this to mean the exact opposite. Strange.
I believe that the Nazis said that Jews are as smart or smarter than Aryans, but they were corrupt and sneaky and took all the top jobs. They never said that Jews were dumber than Aryans.

I suspect strongly that what you're putting forward in this thread is a group position and you belong to some organized neo Nazi group and this sort of stuff is the normal topic of conversation among yourselves. Which of the small, nasty range of groups you belong to, I don't know. But these "insights" into genetic inferiority and racial groups sound like they're well organized and carefully arranged.

Once people accept that "races" can be classified as inferior or superior based on genetics, suddenly Hitler becomes a nice guy who was simply "misunderstood" and harassed by Lefties like Stalin and Roosevelt. His research into eugenics becomes "valuable work that was suppressed by fools". And neo Nazism becomes sort of an interesting new take on world history.

Can you comment on this? Do you get your ideas from Richard Spencer? The Proud Boys? Which group most influences you?


CanBarelyRe Member
Aug 18, 2001
Worth preserving and framing.

Most people don't go through life racially categorizing everybody they meet and resenting them. Sure, everybody at the court house notices that Judge X is Jewish or Judge Y is Black. But few - aside from those who think like you - are pissed off about it. Most people say stuff like "Judge X deserves it. She worked hard and is a good judge." or "Judge Y is a bad appointment because he has a short temper." The over riding thought is not "Judge X is a Jew. She is biologically pre destined to achieve judgehood, as are other Jews. They steal the top jobs everywhere!"

And it's not true anyway - Aside from in your twisted mind, Jews don't "take all the top jobs".
To paraphrase and put it another way: If you identify the genetically better runners and use that to exclude them 'for their unfair advantage', how will you ever produce a winning track team? That's no way to win races.

Sorry about the pun, but not about the fact.

Bud Plug

Sexual Appliance
Aug 17, 2001
Do you get your ideas from Richard Spencer? The Proud Boys?
Nothing is gained by distorting the facts. Richard Spencer's repeatedly stated position on race is that he does not hold the view that whites are "superior". Rather his theory is that American values were established by white settlers/immigrants. He wants those values to remain paramount in America, and he wants white people to organize politically to control immigration in order to maintain those values. I think his theory is wrong, but it is not a theory of racial superiority. It is a theory based on his cultural value preferences. The KKK, by contrast, believe that blacks are racially inferior and therefore shouldn't enjoy the same civil rights. The Proud Boys don't ascribe to either view. If they have a cohesive philosophy, it could be fairly described as: a) pro conservative political policies, b) anti-political establishment, c) anti-activist left, and d) pro individual responsibility and anti-nanny state.


Active member
Jun 5, 2009
The study confirms that socioeconomic conditions can have a large effect on IQ test results.
Contrast that confirmed effect with the summary of the state of knowledge on genetics within groups of humans.

The only things that effects IQ tests are environmental and socioeconomic.
You're not reading the statement properly. It does NOT say that the ONLY thing that effects IQ tests is environment.


Active member
Jun 5, 2009
No one here is denying that genetics can have such a role. They're pointing out that no one — not you, not any cited sources — has established any such genetic role connected with a concept defined as 'race'.

Which means no one has any solid rational grounds for saying stuff like: 'black' people (whoever they are, no one has defined it) as a 'race' (whatever that is, no one has defined it) have lower intelligence (that at least has been defined into many varying sub-categories like 'cognitive-functioning', IQ etc. They're related but mutually exclusive, so precision is essential. Cross out "intelligence', specify 'Binet-Stanford IQ scores'). But when we examine the cited proof that, black people as a race have lower Binet-Stanford IQ scores, we find it states no such thing.

Not that the lack of solid rational grounds has ever stopped anyone from saying anything, but WWII and slavery are vivid examples of how horribly sensible people can go wrong when they work with irrational fictions like 'race'. Which is why we must constantly press those who won't stop doing so, to justify their assertions. You haven't yet justified yours.
Personal PS: For all my opposition to your arguments Small, I'm impressed by your commitment to making them honestly and the efforts you put into supporting them. We're all on TERB for pleasure, and here for the fun of arm-wresling over politics, and you give good measure. Thanks.

But you're still wrong.
There has been a lot of terrible things that have happened as a result of racial theories, and that's why any science with an overtly racial component today, is a tough sell.


Active member
Jun 5, 2009
Worth preserving and framing.

Most people don't go through life racially categorizing everybody they meet and resenting them. Sure, everybody at the court house notices that Judge X is Jewish or Judge Y is Black. But few - aside from those who think like you - are pissed off about it. Most people say stuff like "Judge X deserves it. She worked hard and is a good judge." or "Judge Y is a bad appointment because he has a short temper." The over riding thought is not "Judge X is a Jew. She is biologically pre destined to achieve judgehood, as are other Jews. They steal the top jobs everywhere!"

And it's not true anyway - Aside from in your twisted mind, Jews don't "take all the top jobs".
I don't think it's fair to say anyone "steals" the top jobs nor take "all" the top jobs. Neither is accurate.

Jewish Americans are very successful because they're smarter than your average non-Jewish American. One doesn't have to be a Jewish brain surgeon to understand that.


dangling member
Apr 10, 2015
You're not reading the statement properly. It does NOT say that the ONLY thing that effects IQ tests is environment.
You didn't read my post properly, as I didn't say that the study tested anything other then socioeconomic influences on IQ results.
All I did was add that with the statement from your wiki page that says there are no studies that have shown genetics within groups of humans have any influence on IQ results.

Put it together:
Socioeconomic and environmental influences change IQ results
genetics, within groups, don't


CanBarelyRe Member
Aug 18, 2001
Nothing is gained by distorting the facts. Richard Spencer's repeatedly stated position on race is that he does not hold the view that whites are "superior". Rather his theory is that American values were established by white settlers/immigrants. He wants those values to remain paramount in America, and he wants white people to organize politically to control immigration in order to maintain those values. I think his theory is wrong, but it is not a theory of racial superiority. It is a theory based on his cultural value preferences. The KKK, by contrast, believe that blacks are racially inferior and therefore shouldn't enjoy the same civil rights. The Proud Boys don't ascribe to either view. If they have a cohesive philosophy, it could be fairly described as: a) pro conservative political policies, b) anti-political establishment, c) anti-activist left, and d) pro individual responsibility and anti-nanny state.
I just thought that your insight deserved greater prominence.


Active member
Jun 5, 2009
I believe that the Nazis said that Jews are as smart or smarter than Aryans, but they were corrupt and sneaky and took all the top jobs. They never said that Jews were dumber than Aryans.

I suspect strongly that what you're putting forward in this thread is a group position and you belong to some organized neo Nazi group and this sort of stuff is the normal topic of conversation among yourselves. Which of the small, nasty range of groups you belong to, I don't know. But these "insights" into genetic inferiority and racial groups sound like they're well organized and carefully arranged.

Once people accept that "races" can be classified as inferior or superior based on genetics, suddenly Hitler becomes a nice guy who was simply "misunderstood" and harassed by Lefties like Stalin and Roosevelt. His research into eugenics becomes "valuable work that was suppressed by fools". And neo Nazism becomes sort of an interesting new take on world history.

Can you comment on this? Do you get your ideas from Richard Spencer? The Proud Boys? Which group most influences you?
I don't belong to any Nazi group or anything close to it. I don't know why you would think something so radical. The "insights" into genetic differences is "well organized" and "carefully arranged" because it's science.

For the record, I'm not sure that Nazis thought Jews took all the top jobs - Jews are a tiny minority so even if they were all employed in good jobs, they would represent a small fraction of good jobs in Germany.

Terminology is important. A high or low intellect doesn't make someone superior or inferior. I think we'd all prefer to befriend and drink a cold beer with someone of average intellect than a jerk that happens to be a rocket scientist.

But if you truly believed in equality, you would want to help those who need it most, and to do so requires looking at all possibilities realistically.


Active member
Jun 5, 2009
To paraphrase and put it another way: If you identify the genetically better runners and use that to exclude them 'for their unfair advantage', how will you ever produce a winning track team? That's no way to win races.

Sorry about the pun, but not about the fact.
Conversely, if we identify genetically better runners, we could use that knowledge to find ways to improve the running ability for the rest of us that were not so naturally endowed.

Science is neither good nor evil. It's how you use it.


dangling member
Apr 10, 2015
I don't belong to any Nazi group or anything close to it. I don't know why you would think something so radical. The "insights" into genetic differences is "well organized" and "carefully arranged" because it's science.

For the record, I'm not sure that Nazis thought Jews took all the top jobs - Jews are a tiny minority so even if they were all employed in good jobs, they would represent a small fraction of good jobs in Germany.
You may not be, but it appears that you share some beliefs with them, namely that some people are genetically smarter (though you claim this doesn't make them superior).
Spencer says he wants to ethnically cleanse the US of all non-white folks, you don't back that one either do you?

Bud Plug

Sexual Appliance
Aug 17, 2001
Spencer says he wants to ethnically cleanse the US of all non-white folks, you don't back that one either do you?
That's not accurate. He's been questioned on this directly. He doesn't propose that any current US citizens be forced to leave the country. However, he proposes immigration policy that preserves whites as the racial majority. Again, I don't agree with Spencer's theories about how to make America the best it could be, but how about dealing with his actual position, instead of a made up one?


CanBarelyRe Member
Aug 18, 2001
That's not accurate. He's been questioned on this directly. He doesn't propose that any current US citizens be forced to leave the country. However, he proposes immigration policy that preserves whites as the racial majority. Again, I don't agree with Spencer's theories about how to make America the best it could be, but how about dealing with his actual position, instead of a made up one?
If he was just one racist wacko, his individual position wouldn't be very important, but because he tries to and does persuade others — many others — we have to consider implications and possibilities beyond his personal statements.

How has he proposed to stop or prevent more enthusiastic and less-principled[sic] exponents of his white superiority beliefs from extending his preservation concept to the forced migration he eschews, Or to limiting births, sterilization and forced abortions? Or outright extermination? All for the noble purpose of preserving the dominance the more important and valuable race, of course.

Not that you're defending his position, but without conjuring up a Supreme Being who has anointed that race, he and his defenders also owe an explanation of why that 'superior' race should be 'preserved' in North America or anywhere. For what purpose beside the selfish gratification of its members? After all, even the 'races' of inferior colouration have managed to survive for millennia, develop agriculture, art and science, exterminate animal populations and navigate the globe. Who says white-folks' massive global industrial pollution, littering of near-orbit space and obliteration of the ozone layer that once protected us from the sun and sunscreen is a good thing anyway? Whites?

What's wrong with just letting this stuff work out according to the same-old evolutionary crap-shoot as always? Who are white folks to tell us who they're gonna keep outta the country to stop my sister from marrying?

Sorry, of course I don't expect you to speak for him. Just consider that last to be more of my rhetorical excesses.

Bud Plug

Sexual Appliance
Aug 17, 2001
How has he proposed to stop more enthusiastic and less-principled[sic] exponents of his white superiority beliefs from extending his preservation concept to limiting births? Or outright extermination? For the sake of the more important and valuable race.
To answer your question directly, I don't think he's stated any public position on this. You are right that there are people out there who are white supremacists. I'm not sure how many of them see Richard Spencer as their leader, given that he's been so express in distancing himself from white supremacy based doctrine.
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