So you think that going after the actual attackers is wrong and suggest going after the country where the attackers had fled prosecution from? Interesting.
They didn't go after the actual attackers, they went after the country that they happened to be staying in instead.
Are you suggesting the Taliban knew what AQ's 9/11 plans were?
I suggest that going after the country that funded 9/11, where the attackers of 9/11 came from and were backed, would have been more effective then going after the country where they trained.
AQ just left Afghanistan and went to Pakistan and now Afghanistan is f*cked and Saudi Arabia is still funding terrorism.
Your plan sure didn't work out very well.
Meanwhile we keep finding tidbits like this:
According to the report, at least $15,000 went directly from Prince Bandar’s bank account in Washington to the family of a Saudi expatriate, suspected of being a Saudi government spy, who organized a support network in California for two of the 9/11 hijackers while they were living in San Diego in the year before the attacks.
That's the Saudi royal family funding 9/11 directly.
No wonder this case is likely going to court and 9/11 victim families suing Saudi Arabia.