Ashley Madison

Saudi Arabia financed a dry run of 9/11 in 1999


Well-known member
Dec 29, 2005
This is what they actually said, which is the opposite of what you pretend they said.....
Which is their opinion and runs counter to the facts. All Israelis including those of the exact same ethnicity as West Bank Palestinians have access to those roads. And despite yours and those in the quotes, Palestinian terrorism is a routine and constant factor of life.

And you are worse than a clown if you complain about Saudi Support of terrorism while pretending Palestinian terrorism isn't part of the problem.


Well-known member
Dec 29, 2005
Why do you accuse me of 'lying' about Israel when I back every statement with reports like the one above from B'teselem?...
Do understand that sources don't count if they don't say what you claim? The report explicitly describes there is no policy of Jewish only roads, reinforces that West Bank Palestinians use them when there is not an increased rate of Palestinian terrorism, or that Israeli Arabs are ever denied use of the roads.

K Douglas

Half Man Half Amazing
Jan 5, 2005
Room 112
Ok, what has Iran or Saudi Arabia done that's a worse crime then apartheid?
Iran and Saudi Arabia have WAY more blood on their hands than Israel ever will.


dangling member
Apr 10, 2015
Do understand that sources don't count if they don't say what you claim? The report explicitly describes there is no policy of Jewish only roads, reinforces that West Bank Palestinians use them when there is not an increased rate of Palestinian terrorism, or that Israeli Arabs are ever denied use of the roads.
I've posted the report and quotes from the report.
Your personal opinion is biased, ill informed and just plain wrong.

As reported by the human rights organization, B'teselem, Israel's 'settler' roads are a form of apartheid and racist in nature.


Well-known member
Dec 29, 2005
I've posted the report and quotes from the report.....
That don't say what you claim. But that's not new for you.

Saudi Arabia has actual Muslim only roads and towns which is documented in their own tourist information. Despite your hard on against Israel (which is the same as gal's for Muslims) Saudi Arabia is one of the worst rights abusers on the planet and Iran isn't much better.

Just a reminder since you seem to forget. Saudi Arabia - 10% free. Iran - 17% free. Israel - 80% free. Gaza (12%) is rated more free than Saudi Arabia and the West Bank (28%) more free than Iran. But sure. Keep pretending those nasty dictatorships (and I include Hamas in Gaza and the PA in the West Bank) are somehow better than Israel.


Well-known member
Dec 29, 2005
How do you figure that?
How about the Syrian Civil War? Iranian backed Assad and Hezbollah fighting Saudi backed rebel groups have killed hundreds of times more people in the past decade than have died in the 100 years of Israeli-Palestinian conflict. And then there's Yemen where over 10,000 civilians have been killed in the past two years.

But sure. Keep fixating on Israel. You went ape-shit when the last Gaza war killed 2,000 but you obviously don't give a damn about what is happening in Syria or Yemen (except when you try to blame it on the US).


dangling member
Apr 10, 2015
How about the Syrian Civil War? Iranian backed Assad and Hezbollah fighting Saudi backed rebel groups have killed hundreds of times more people in the past decade than have died in the 100 years of Israeli-Palestinian conflict. And then there's Yemen where over 10,000 civilians have been killed in the past two years.

But sure. Keep fixating on Israel. You went ape-shit when the last Gaza war killed 2,000 but you obviously don't give a damn about what is happening in Syria or Yemen (except when you try to blame it on the US).
The US, Israel, ISIS, AQ, Assad and Russia are more to blame for Syria then Iran or Saudi Arabia.
Yemen is a combo of US approval and Saudi action, both to blame for that as well.

Meanwhile Israel's new policy of crippling Palestinian looks particularly horrid.

And more charges of war crimes and apartheid have been dropped off at the ICC.


Well-known member
Dec 29, 2005
The US, Israel, ISIS, AQ, Assad and Russia are more to blame for Syria then Iran or Saudi Arabia....
Bullshit. Iran has been backing Assad forever and they even sent their proxy terrorists in hezbollah and their own revolutionary guard to fight. People in Saudi Arabia have been the major backers of the Sunni rebels. Yes, Russia has been indiscriminately bombing civilian areas, especially targeting hospitals But is is essentially an Iran/Saudi Arabia conflict for regional dominance. And you are fucking nuts in your claim that Israel is to blame for the Syrian civil war.

The Syrian conflict with half a million dead, at least 100,000 civilians and 12 million refugees or internally displaced and Yemen has 15,000 dead, mostly civilians with 3 million displaced. Only a fanatical clown would claim Israel is worse than those. Then we can easily look at the internal human rights abuses in both Iran and Saudi Arabia that have led them to be ranked abysmally with respect to human rights.


dangling member
Apr 10, 2015
Bullshit. Iran has been backing Assad forever and they even sent their proxy terrorists in hezbollah and their own revolutionary guard to fight.
The US is now backing Assad, does that put Iran and the US as allies now?

People in Saudi Arabia have been the major backers of the Sunni rebels. Yes, Russia has been indiscriminately bombing civilian areas, especially targeting hospitals But is is essentially an Iran/Saudi Arabia conflict for regional dominance. And you are fucking nuts in your claim that Israel is to blame for the Syrian civil war.

The Syrian conflict with half a million dead, at least 100,000 civilians and 12 million refugees or internally displaced and Yemen has 15,000 dead, mostly civilians with 3 million displaced. Only a fanatical clown would claim Israel is worse than those. Then we can easily look at the internal human rights abuses in both Iran and Saudi Arabia that have led them to be ranked abysmally with respect to human rights.
The Syrian conflict is morally messy, you can't say anyone involved there is clean or someone you really want to back. That's a big problem. So is assigning guilt and blame for what started out as a revolt from farmers after climate change influence drought killed their livelihoods. Assad was a despot, but a minor one, not on the scale of Saddam. Syria was a functioning country that trended towards police state, but it wasn't the worst place on the planet. The civil strife turned into a big clusterfuck with Russia, Turkey, Kurds, ISIS, AQ, Lebanon, Israel, the US and yes, Iran all involved. Iran supported Hezbollah but they weren't the biggest players there.

Why its generally left out of debates is that its such a fucking mess that nobody can figure out who to blame or who's winning or morally what the heck is going on.

Israel, on the other hand, is pretty clear.
You've got a colonial state that's imposed apartheid on the native population, illegally occupied another country and attempted ethnic cleansing for which there are 5 million refugees still waiting, including those poor Palestinian refugees who were stuck in camps in war torn Syria.

So yes, Israel is a much easier subject because unless your a closet zionist/colonialist/racist, its pretty clear morally.


Well-known member
Dec 29, 2005
The US is now backing Assad, does that put Iran and the US as allies now?...
Not really. They are backing a move towards a peace deal while still backing some of the rebel groups. But why let truth get in the way of your tirade. Of course Syria is a mess. It doesn't let either Iran or Saudi Arabia off the hook for their interventions. Between the two of them we have hundreds of thousands of dead and 15 million refugees. But of course you don't want to discuss that just like you refuse to discuss Palestinian terrorism and Hamas rejection of any peace deal as part of the problem.

Your premise that Iran and Saudi Arabia are better than anyone is just your typical bullshit bias and refusal to hold Middle East dictators to account.


dangling member
Apr 10, 2015
Not really. They are backing a move towards a peace deal while still backing some of the rebel groups. .
Messy, isn't it?
Now you've got the US sort of backing Assad/Russia/Iran and maybe but probably not AQ there as well.

Israel and Saudi Arabia are both so much more morally clear where they stand.


Well-known member
Dec 29, 2005
Messy, isn't it?....
And? Does that somehow prove your idiocy that the US is responsible for 90% of terrorism?

And a person would have some severe malfunction to pretend that a country rated 10% free is anywhere near (or better as you have claimed) than a country rated 80% free.


dangling member
Apr 10, 2015
And? Does that somehow prove your idiocy that the US is responsible for 90% of terrorism?

And a person would have some severe malfunction to pretend that a country rated 10% free is anywhere near (or better as you have claimed) than a country rated 80% free.
Don't be so ridiculous, nowhere did I say that the US is responsible for 90% of terrorism.
But the countries that the US has stuck its messy hands into (with active help from allies and enemies) are now responsible.
The policy of interventions and deposing of leaders that the US doesn't like has actively made terrorism and the world, worse.

Are you seriously going to tell me that you think that the invasions in Afghanistan and Iraq have made the planet better or safer?


Well-known member
Dec 29, 2005
Don't be so ridiculous, nowhere did I say that the US is responsible for 90% of terrorism....
Oh really?

Right wingers.

Right wingers have started most of the middle east US 'interventions' that have caused 90% of terrorism.

Either you are multiple propagandists using the same handle or you don't even think about what you post.

And it's amazing that you pretend to care about human rights while whitewashing some of the world's worst human rights abusers while only wanting to blame two countries.


Well-known member
Dec 29, 2005
P.S. I see no one has a response Iran not needing centrifuges because they already having enough nuclear fuel to power their commercial reactor for the next 150 years.


dangling member
Apr 10, 2015
Oh really?

Either you are multiple propagandists using the same handle or you don't even think about what you post.

And it's amazing that you pretend to care about human rights while whitewashing some of the world's worst human rights abusers while only wanting to blame two countries.
Yes, right wingers have been behind most of the US interventions, but that doesn't mean that the US caused 90% of terrorism.
They just started the chain of events.
From Vietnam to Korea, to supporting AQ in Afghanistan to invading Afghanistan, Iraq, supporting 'interventions in Libya, Somalia etc.

The US isn't responsible for the reactions to their interventions, but they are responsible for incredibly stupid policy which has lead to the vast majority of terrorism these days.
Ashley Madison
Toronto Escorts