Saudi Arabia financed a dry run of 9/11 in 1999


dangling member
Apr 10, 2015
Sorry but your article from Qatari news is rather short of details. It clearly states two Saudis who happened to be be low level government employees attempted to storm a cockpit but far from shows it was a Saudi government plot. And yes, some in Saudi were no doubt involved in terror attacks including 9/11 but that doesn't mean it was a government plot.
The New York Post story was the first one to break this, its worth reading that one again and noting the multiple links to the Saudi government.

As for Afghanistan, the actual people who planned the attack were based in Afghanistan with the backing of the Taliban government. It makes sense as a target.
The people who planned the attack were Saudi and were funded by the Saudis, not by the Taliban.


Well-known member
Dec 29, 2005
The people who planned the attack were Saudi and were funded by the Saudis, not by the Taliban.
Living in Afghanistan backed by the Taliban government. If they were living in Saudi Arabia then you would have a point.


dangling member
Apr 10, 2015
Living in Afghanistan backed by the Taliban government. If they were living in Saudi Arabia then you would have a point.
You mean like the two Saudis who ran the dry run, off Saudi money and Saudi gov't jobs?
As noted in the NY Post article?

At best the Taliban 'harbored' Bin Laden, they were hardly running the operation.

Citing FBI documents, the complaint alleges that the Saudi students — Mohammed al-Qudhaeein and Hamdan al-Shalawi — were in fact members of “the Kingdom’s network of agents in the US,” and participated in the terrorist conspiracy.

More, investigators learned that the two Saudis traveled to Washington to attend a symposium hosted by the Saudi Embassy in collaboration with the Institute for Islamic and Arabic Sciences in America, which was chaired by the Saudi ambassador. Before being shut down for terrorist ties, IIASA employed the late al Qaeda cleric Anwar al-Awlaki as a lecturer. Awlaki ministered to some of the hijackers and helped them obtain housing and IDs.

The FBI also confirmed that Qudhaeein’s and Shalawi’s airline tickets for the pre-9/11 dry run were paid for by the Saudi Embassy.

“The dry run reveals more of the fingerprints of the Saudi government,” said Kristen Breitweiser, one of the New York plaintiffs, whose husband perished at the World Trade Center.

“These guys were Saudi government employees for years and were paid by the Saudi government,” she added. “In fact, the Saudi Embassy paid for their plane tickets for the dry run.”

K Douglas

Half Man Half Amazing
Jan 5, 2005
Room 112

So why has the US continued to ignore Saudi involvement, instead attacking Afghanistan and Iraq?
Who knew what?
There are many questions that remain unanswered. Why did the US ignore Pakistan? Or Qatar?
Afghanistan was the training ground and hub for the 9/11 hijackers of course it warranted attack.
Khalid **********h Mohammad was the mastermind of 9/11. Most of his time spent planning and organizing terrorist attacks took place while living and working in the Philippines and Qatar. The CIA tracked him down to Doha, Qatar in the late 90's where the government there protected him and helped him flee to Afghanistan. Qatari government and central bank were believed to the the chief financiers of Al Qaeda.
Afghanistan was the breeding ground and central hub for the hijackers. They were supported immensely by the Taliban. Attacking there was a no brainer.
KSM was eventually captured where - Pakistan.
Certainly not trying to 'defend' Saudi Arabia because after all the majority of the hijackers were born and educated there. Saudi Arabia breeds radical Islamic thought. It's the birthplace of Wahabism.
All these countries are complicit in the attacks.
I don't trust much coming from Al Jazeera since it is a state controlled media network of an undemocratic terrorist supporting regime.


dangling member
Apr 10, 2015
Certainly not trying to 'defend' Saudi Arabia because after all the majority of the hijackers were born and educated there. Saudi Arabia breeds radical Islamic thought. It's the birthplace of Wahabism.
All these countries are complicit in the attacks.
I don't trust much coming from Al Jazeera since it is a state controlled media network of an undemocratic terrorist supporting regime.
The original story came from the New York Post, see links above.
This is the first time any government has been linked to directly funding the attacks, in this case the Saudi's were caught funding this dry run for 9/11.

Really, no country should have been attacked at all, since AQ isn't a country. But if you have to pick one, it should have been Saudi Arabia, not Afghanistan.


Well-known member
Dec 29, 2005


Well-known member
Dec 29, 2005
You mean like the two Saudis who ran the dry run, off Saudi money and Saudi gov't jobs?..
I'm sure it fit's your "reality" and you like the assumption but as has been said many times, some low level employee of a random government agency does not mean it's a government action. If the courts determine it is true (and it would have to be based on far more evidence than the news reports) then it will be more than alleged but we'll have to see. But either way, the actual guys who planned the attack were in Afghanistan backed by Afghanistan's government.


dangling member
Apr 10, 2015
Saudi doesn't trust Iran's word any more than Israel does. At any time, Iran can ignore the inspectors, start up their massive number of centrifuges and break out before the UN or anyone else could act.
At present Iran's word is much better then Israel's, who continues to refuse to abide by UN resolutions.
But we were talking about the Saudis and their support of 9/11.

So far there is more evidence coming for support from Saudi then anywhere else, yet they continue to be listed as 'allies', despite being religious extremists with very poor human rights records.


dangling member
Apr 10, 2015
I'm sure it fit's your "reality" and you like the assumption but as has been said many times, some low level employee of a random government agency does not mean it's a government action. .
Again, from the New York Post article.
Two years before the airliner attacks, the Saudi Embassy paid for two Saudi nationals, living undercover in the US as students, to fly from Phoenix to Washington “in a dry run for the 9/11 attacks,” alleges the amended complaint filed on behalf of the families of some 1,400 victims who died in the terrorist attacks 16 years ago.
These weren't two Saudis who happened to have gov't jobs, their trip was apparently funded and arranged by the Saudi Embassy.


Well-known member
Dec 29, 2005
Again, from the New York Post article.

These weren't two Saudis who happened to have gov't jobs, their trip was apparently funded and arranged by the Saudi Embassy.
Allegedly, not apparently. As I said, it is before a court who would need far more evidence than the news story has.

And again, The planners of 9/11 and the AQ leadership were in Afghanistan with full support of the Taliban government.


Well-known member
Dec 29, 2005
So far there is more evidence coming for support from Saudi then anywhere else, yet they continue to be listed as 'allies', despite being religious extremists with very poor human rights records.
Full of extremists and poor human rights record is true. Meanwhile they are business partners with the West. Pragmatism rules there over idealism.

But it is interesting that you bash Saudi for it's human rights record and religious extremism while giving Iran a pass for the same thing. And yes Israel has it's flaws but on any standard they rank far above both Iran and Saudi Arabia despite your bias.


dangling member
Apr 10, 2015
Full of extremists and poor human rights record is true. Meanwhile they are business partners with the West. Pragmatism rules there over idealism.

But it is interesting that you bash Saudi for it's human rights record and religious extremism while giving Iran a pass for the same thing. And yes Israel has it's flaws but on any standard they rank far above both Iran and Saudi Arabia despite your bias.
Israel's human rights record is worse then either Saudi or Iran, based on their 70 year occupation and poor treatment of half of their population.

I still find it curious that you support attacking Afghanistan for letting AQ train there yet have no issues with the Saudi's for their continual funding of that training.
State Department officials complained in a long cable dated December 30, 2009: “it has been an ongoing challenge to persuade Saudi officials to treat terrorist financing emanating from Saudi Arabia as a strategic priority.” This matters because “donors in Saudi Arabia constitute the most significant source of funding to Sunni terrorist groups worldwide.” The Kingdom “remains a critical financial support base for al-Qaeda, the Taliban, LeT [Lashkar-e-Tayyiba], and other terrorist groups, including Hamas.”

State went on to observe that Emirati citizens “have provided financial support to a variety of terrorist groups.” Moreover, “UAE’s role as a growing global financial center, coupled with weak regulatory oversight, makes it vulnerable to abuse by terrorist financiers and facilitation networks.” The recent hacking of UAE ambassador to America Yousef al-Otaiba’s emails led to circulation of an online report compiling evidence of his government’s support for the Haqqani Network in Afghanistan, Islamist radicals in Libya, and similar violent groups elsewhere.

Three years ago former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton advocated bringing “pressure on the governments of Qatar and Saudi Arabia, which are providing clandestine financial and logistical support for ISIL and other radical Sunni groups in the region.” Last year Donald Trump complained that the Saudis were “the world’s biggest funders of terrorism.” Recently Senate Foreign Relations Committee Chairman Bob Corker observed that “The amount of support for terrorism by Saudi Arabia dwarfs what Qatar is doing.”


Well-known member
Dec 29, 2005
Israel's human rights record is worse then either Saudi or Iran, ...
Your usual bullshit. On every standard, Israel ranks higher. Treatment of women, lgbt, religious minorities, press freedom, greedom of speech, independent courts, free elections, and on and on. Hell, Israel treats Palestinians better than Saudi Arabia who has been using them as essentially slave labour for decades.

Most embarrassingly for your argument, your whole point in this thread is complaining about some in Saudi Arabia funding and supporting terrorism but then you bitch about Israel who has to continually deal with Palestinian governments that fund, promote, and commit terrorism. As usual you have shot your own argument in the foot.

The US deals with Saudi Arabia because enough people on both sides put pragmatism ahead of idealism. The actual threat to Americans posed by Saudi sponsored terror is pretty low as the Saudi leadership know not to bite the hand that feeds them too badly. Iran's radical leadership on the other hand is constantly building up it's military capacity and it doesn't have the constraints of significant business relationships.

P.S. Both Iran and Saudi have directly funded and supplied Palestinian terrorism too.


dangling member
Apr 10, 2015
Your usual bullshit. On every standard, Israel ranks higher.
You brought Israel into this discussion, don't get pissed at me when it carries on.

Saudi and Iran are not apartheid, nor have they been 'occupying' or colonizing another land for the last half century. Israel's apartheid and the conditions in Gaza make Israel look worse then either Saudi or Iran at present. Do you want to tally ongoing and unresolved UN resolutions as a metric?

I note that you still haven't found anything worse from Afghanistan then the Saudi's funding of 9/11 and AQ, yet still think Afghanistan was the one that should be invaded.


Well-known member
Dec 29, 2005
You brought Israel into this discussion, don't get pissed at me when it carries on.
So I see you refuse to discuss the actual human rights indicators that place Israel light years ahead of Iran and Saudi Arabia. For example you can look at the Freedom House report. Israel scores 80% free, Iran 17% free and Saudi Arabia 10% free.

Your claims of Iran and Saudi Arabia respecting rights more than pretty much any country are laughable. There are only 9 countries below Saudi Arabia on that index and 19 lower than Iran. Both are in the same category as Central African Republic, Yemen, and South Sudan.


dangling member
Apr 10, 2015
So I see you refuse to discuss the actual human rights indicators that place Israel light years ahead of Iran and Saudi Arabia. For example you can look at the Freedom House report. Israel scores 80% free, Iran 17% free and Saudi Arabia 10% free.
Great, freedomhouse considers the occupied territories separately, look here.

Since Netanyahu has declared he won't give any land back, you have to average this rating in with the rating for Israel.

And don't forget that Israel is ahead of schedule making Gaza unliveable.
Gaza conditions 'unlivable' 10 years into siege: UN
Report says threshold of 'unlivability' passed with decreasing electricity supply and 60 percent youth unemployment.

That's worse then anything Saudi or Afghanistan is accused of at present.
Yes, Saudi and Iran have bad human rights records and both should be held to task for that, but Israel is much worse.


Well-known member
Dec 29, 2005
Great, freedomhouse considers the occupied territories separately, look here.....
And they should be since they have their own corrupt, rights abusing governments.

I also notice you don't want to comment on Iran rating at 17% free and Saudi Arabia only 10% free. Only an obsessive zealot like you (and your counterpart gal) would think that 80% free is worse than 10% free.

You also still avoid your critical flaw in this thread. You are complaining about Saudi Arabia funding terrorism while whitewashing the Palestinian terror groups they fund. You are criticizing the US for not attacking Saudi Arabia in response to terror attacks but you shit all over Israel for responding to Palestinian terror. You my friend are a massive hypocrite.


Well-known member
May 29, 2016
I noticed that the 9/11 commemorative day was a little subdued in comparison to years past.

I'm thinking there's a little irony in that the current President said some pretty interesting things about what he thought and saw that happened, along with this knowledge about the building itself and how it was designed.

Small little speech in front of the Pentagon, there's your token "yeah we're talking about 9/11".


dangling member
Apr 10, 2015
And they should be since they have their own corrupt, rights abusing governments.
They have prison wardens, not governments. They aren't called the 'Occupied Territories of Palestine' for nothing.
As long as they are occupied the lack of freedom is Israel's fault.

I also notice you don't want to comment on Iran rating at 17% free and Saudi Arabia only 10% free. Only an obsessive zealot like you (and your counterpart gal) would think that 80% free is worse than 10% free.
Only an obsessive zealot would try to ignore the fact that half of the population, divided by race, and ruled by Israel is living under even worse lack of freedoms then Iran and Saudi Arabia.

You also still avoid your critical flaw in this thread. You are complaining about Saudi Arabia funding terrorism while whitewashing the Palestinian terror groups they fund. You are criticizing the US for not attacking Saudi Arabia in response to terror attacks but you shit all over Israel for responding to Palestinian terror. You my friend are a massive hypocrite.
Over the last few years there has been very little Palestinian 'terrorism', instead what we've seen is massive amounts of state 'terrorism' committed by Israel.
Even you, when trying to show how evil Palestinians are can only find statements supporting terrorism, not acts.
Go ahead and try to find something from Iran or Saudi that's worse then apartheid, the 2014 slaughter of Gaza or the 'unliveable' present situation inside of Gaza.
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