If they didn't keep coming out of the woodwork, he wouldn't have to. I'm happy he is suggesting to sue them, and hope he does follow through.
Are these 'allegations' ripping open a blouse? Cornering and making advances? Basically a true predator? No
Read some of them "His hand brushed the side of my breast".. Maybe it was a simple hug. Others are a kiss?
To many that's a very common greeting and coming from a celebrity could be seen as highly flattering.
Be unbiased, and tell me nothing is the least bit greasy to you, Karena Virginia having had a 'brushed side breast' back in 1998 comes forward now? Like most, they are coming forward with very old events, of course nobody saw anything. How would you feel and react if running for office, and women from 10yrs ago made allegations you 'kissed' without permission?
Many woman also know Trump is very wealthy. How many have made unwanted advances toward him? I'm sure its happened far more than these recent woman seeking 10min fame.
I'm very objective. I do see flaw, but don't see a shred of truth to those allegations.
This man has a beautiful and intelligent family. His oldest kids are not spoiled brats, but rather thriving in business.
He employs tens of thousands of Americans, which in turn is putting food on the tables, and making a home for a huge number of people. He pays many taxes, those who work for him the same. Plus, the amazing things he has built.
Vile is not how I describe a man who does so much for his family and America. We just differ on that.