Because it was forced through the elevator shaft and other conduits.
Duh. If you are THAT ignorant don't even post in this thread.
It certainly looks a lot like what happens when a controlled demolition goes doesn't it? Huge puffs of dust blowing outward. Maybe it's just coincidence.
So we are to believe that they were thousands and thousands of conspirators, doing everything from faking bin Laden, to faking the planes, to sneaking around dressed as construction workers, to faking the NIST report, all to plan and then cover up the murder of fifteen hundred of their countrymen.
Bin Laden was a real person, last I remember, no faking him. He was a convenient person to use in the story however.
Faking the planes? I never said the planes were fake? However, eye witnesses did describe the 2nd plane as not having logos, emblems, etc... and some said it looked like a military plane.
FIREFIGHTERS HEARD AND DESCRIBED EXPLOSIONS to which I noticed you conveniently ignored.
firefighters from 2:12 on....
Are you going to dismiss them as just hearing things? Bunch of crazy firefighters, overworked, fuck 'em, they know not what they say.... is that it?
How about the firefighters who talked about the base of the towers flowing like a foundry of molten steel? Remember that?
Click here, just a 13 second clip
And remember, jet fuel fire CANNOT melt steel, the temps are TOO low.
You're making it seem like they would need a plethora of people to pull something like this off, not so.
A good solid sized group, tight knit, same mentality, same ideations, same perspectives, that's it. I mean shit, the U.S. really only has their population almost split on who they would choose to run for government and that's hundreds of millions of people.
How many people in the military or ex-military, say, BLACKWATER? Would you need to set up an operation like this?
Isn't America so fucking great to begin with? They apparently can do anything, can't they? Well soldier, there you have it.
NIST report is a farce, they say it fell at the rate of free fall, but there was some obstruction, so it's NOT FREE FALL. fail #1.
Of course they're going to write a report in tune with the government's story, wtf do you think they'll do? Be honest? lol
The jig is up.
The buildings wouldn't be that damaged to the point where the two of them collapse because of TWO planes hitting them.
It's goes against PHYSICS which is SOLID SCIENCE.
Firefighters heard 1...2....3 explosions and the building was falling down on them. boom!........(weaken structure)...................BOOM!......(weaken structure)....................BOOM! (more weakened structure)............building collapses PERFECTLY on its on footprint.
Oh yeah, that foundry of molten steel at the bottom of the towers, you'd need thermitic material to do something like that.
That my friend is SCIENCE again.
You can carry on bullshitting but the jig is up, the slow motion videos are on YouTube and anyone, ANYONE, can go watch them and see that the building gets crushed from the top down instead of collapsing.
You have no argument.
Not arguing, you seem a little angered by it all though. lol
YouTube videos show how demolitions are done. They also show firefighters talking about explosions. They also show firefighters talking about the base of the towers looking like a steel foundry, molten steel running like a river. (which explosives could do, NOT BURNING JET FUEL.....that's science). Videos also show witnesses speaking of the second plane not having any logos, being dark gray, looking militaristic possibly.
YouTube videos unfortunately DON'T have videos of a "plane" apparently hitting the Pentagon. Probably because the government won't release any of the tapes.
(80+ cameras recording around the Pentagon, don't forget)