9/11 was ‘mother of all false flag attacks’: US scholar


Jan 31, 2005
Then there's the fire of 1975. lol
Again, you must think car crash fatalities are a conspiracy to murder american citizens because, hey, there was a car crash where nobody died, proving car crashes don't kill anybody.

Do you know just how idiotic your arguments have gotten?


Apr 23, 2014
Poor attempt with your analogy.

See, I'll give you an example.
The Oklahoma building was TORN INTO HARD, with a BOMB and it was STILL standing after the mess it went through.

YOUR beloved NIST said that DEBRIS and FIRE took out ONE COLUMN and the ENTIRE building fell perfectly straight down????? - as the majority of people see, ON ITS OWN FOOTPRINT.
To say that's not absolutely crazy, well, that's just absurd and well, crazy.
So that should already discredit NIST or AT THE VERY LEAST, it raises questions about the people at NIST, PERIOD.
Regardless of the fact that you have a CO-lead at NIST heading the WTC investigations who on RECORD says he knows of no "molten steel" or hasn't heard of any reports of there being any... CUE the firefighters and rescue workers. lol

Now here's the Murrah building all torn up, more than one support column taken out by a BOMB BLAST and it's still standing.
But debris and a fire managed to compromise ONE column and it brought THE WHOLE building down?
Forget the fact that other buildings in close proximity to the towers didn't go down, think about it. Unless the fire and debris were terrorists themselves and just targeted WTC#7 themselves.........Amazing.
^^^^^^the work of a BOMB and the building still stands, incredible, seriously.^^^

See now in my humble opinion, I have to say, anyone that believes a fire and debris compromised ONE building column (as per NIST) isn't right and should seek immediate medical attention - along with those who created the REPORT.
This is where you get discredited, along with NIST.

Then we have the ARCHITECTS, CHIEF CONSTRUCTION MANAGER, and CHIEF ELECTRICAL ENGINEER who were hired to build the WTC buildings.
Here are some things they said about the buildings both prior to and after the attacks.

36:48 CONSTRUCTION MANAGER of the WTC buildings recorded in January of 2001
""the bldg was designed to have a fully loaded 707 crash into it, the building could probably sustain multiple impacts from jetliners, because this structure is like the mosquito netting on your screen door, the jet plane is just a pencil puncturing the screen netting. It really does nothing to the screen nettting." --- describing how the buildings could take multiple hits from jet liners, the (tube) structure could take the hits.

describing how a 300 ton plane hitting a building designed to carry a 13,000 ton building wouldn't do anything.

"we designed the building to take the impact of the Boeing 707 hitting the building in any location"

"the plane already hit but what I noticed was, the lights were still in the lobby. That led me to believe that the plane never got to the core columns.... because the feeds for all the lights were in the core columns."

As for your fire theory... well... once upon a time...in a city called the big apple........
..............on February 13, 1975, the WTC North Tower was beset by a fire, which "burned at temperatures in excess of 700°C (1,292°F) for over three hours and spread over some 65 percent of the 11th floor, including the core, caused no serious structural damage to the steel structure. In particular, no trusses needed to be replaced."

Sources: New York Times, Saturday 15th February 1975


Apr 23, 2014
Airline pilots and their point of view. Very interesting.

LMAO at 16:46 great image...of a passenger airliner breaking the sound barrier.
Sweet, sign me up.
Someone should call up Sir Branson, I'm sure he'd be interested in these planes.

Looks like it has "sciency" stuff and it's nerdy, my kinda thing.
Will watch this later tonight.

An unmodified 767 doing 150+ knots over its max operating limit.
So clearly the terrorists modified the plane, I wish I saw the tires of the plane, wonder if they had spinners on them...?


Jan 31, 2005
Tesla I already dealt with your cut and paste. It is childish trolling to spam the thread with the same cut and paste over and over. Grow up. Those fake experts are going to be fake and wrong no matter how childish your become. Spamming us doesn't make you less wrong.


Apr 23, 2014
Tesla I already dealt with your cut and paste. It is childish trolling to spam the thread with the same cut and paste over and over. Grow up. Those fake experts are going to be fake and wrong no matter how childish your become. Spamming us doesn't make you less wrong.
It's childish to you, but I'm just trying to get it through to you that people who built the buildings themselves said, a single plane could not take the building down, it could survive multiple impacts.
The fire in 1976 went on for 3 hours on the 11th floor and that certainly didn't cause any damage to the center columns or compromise any structure(s).

People who were behind the architecture/design, the engineer(ing) and the construction of the World Trade Center towers are "fake experts"?
You're joking right?

As for your believing the NIST (government report).
Just a yes or no, you honestly believe the report (as per NIST) of a SINGLE compromised column could cause an entire collapse of a building? One single column?

If you say YES, you believe a single column that was compromised brought the building down, then it's absolutely ludicrous and you know that as well as anyone with some common sense.
If you say NO, well, then, what's going on? Something isn't right then now is it? One column bears the entire load of a building and falls perfectly straight down? lol

I think I'm done. Have a great weekend. :thumb:
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