What it sums up is the cluelessness of 9/11 conspiracy weenies.
Pop quiz: how many other skyscrapers have EVER been built on the cantilevered tube structure architecture used in the WTC?
Hint: none of the buildings in your controlled demolition examples share ANY architectural similarity with the WTC.
I'll reply to you as soon as you reply to my points which you conveniently ignored I believe a couple of times.
Firefighters hearing explosions, 3 times.
From 2:12 an onward listen to these actual American citizens that work to save lives.
You never gave me a reply to how buildings all over the world which survived fires for MUCH LONGER LENGTH TIMES, never collapsed, yet the twin towers collapsed in under 2 hours.
Add to that, NIST claimed WTC 7 fell because of a fire as well, yet other buildings in closer proximity not related to the WTC complex, never caught on fire and stood fine.
WTC 7 fell beee-u-teee-fully on its own imprint. ---> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Zv7BImVvEyk
You answer me for once, I'll reply to you.
Keep in mind, this is the THIRD TIME NOW, I'm referring to the firefighters hearing explosions and the buildings which were on fire for MUCH longer than the Twin Towers.