So you say a select few could keep a conspiracy but when challenged on the masses of people who would have to be involved in 9/11 you change your argument.
That's what I love about conspiracy nutters. Whenever their argument falls apart they have no problem just sliding to the next kooky claim.
You took a snippet of my reply "Anything is possible..." and reply with an answer that fits your belief and outlook on the entire matter.
You raise questions towards me, yet you don't reply. My original reply to SkyRider is here
If you're following the thread (which you seem to be doing) then you would have seen me answer here. --->
Not sufficient enough for you?
Well now you know how a LOT of families feel of the 9/11 report, IT'S NOT FUCKING GOOD ENOUGH. The inconsistencies, the unanswered questions, the SCIENCE, it's just not fucking good enough.
How I love the the irony.
In this case, here ->
No reply. What happened there, lose the ability to type? Cat got your tongue? I asked, I'm fine with answering.
So now what's your problem with your new question?
I addressed the "masses" that YOU PERSONALLY THINK would be required to keep shut about 9/11.
Money talks, if you have the right people, with the same belief system and mindset, anything is possible. It's all about MONEY, MONEY, MONEY and power.
I'm pretty damn sure you can shut a few people up if you threaten people's families, pay them off, etc.
As I also stated in the 2nd link provided above, approximately HALF THE country is torn down 2 political lines, demorats and rethuglicans in the hundreds of millions.
Now you zero in on a select few extremist ones within the party, guys who have been serving the country for years and years, entrenched in the same ideology as you are and you'll have ZERO problem finding people to do what you want.
Or hire BLACKWATER type guys, guns for hire, ex-military men with experience to perform things as such, it's a walk in the park for them.
So, care to ask any more redundant questions or just want to continue your little "snippet" quoting action, trying to twist things around and say how you like to "laugh" at those who question governments.
Sadly, you're the kind of sheep the government LOVES. You just bow and say yes and thank you. What a pushover. No mind for yourself. Not intellectual curiosity when things don't add up.
So click the links above, read and explain your point(s) that you're trying to make (which you're doing terribly).
Btw, care to elaborate here on this comment, it's like parrot answer of the one I'm replying to now.
"That's what I love about conspiracy nutters. If 2 + 2 don't add up, they move onto the next equation"
^^^ this sort of cookie cutter reply makes me think you're a sheep, same answer over and over, no imagination to think outside the realm of what you're told and fed.