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9/11 was ‘mother of all false flag attacks’: US scholar


Apr 23, 2014
But they would have to find these people with an EXTREMELY fine tooth comb to begin with as well as KNOW that these people were involved.
Now you're just reaching and I'll respect the fact that you believe whatever the government tells you, you're entitled to be that way, I have no problem with that. I'm just glad I'm not like that.


Well-known member
Dec 29, 2005
With a select tight few people, ...
And how exactly would a "select tight few" pull off a massive conspiracy like this. According to your view, it would take hundreds to just leave thousands of toolboxes (as if no one would notice) throughout the buildings. Add in all the air traffic controllers, witnesses, investigators, rescuers, etc. and there is no select few.


No Regrets
Nov 27, 2012
Obviously because Big Sleazy is correct and there is a secret cabal running the entire world.
I guess its time to terminate it, if not for us the older, but for sake of our young ones. I'm sure we all love our children.


Apr 23, 2014
And how exactly would a "select tight few" pull off a massive conspiracy like this. According to your view, it would take hundreds to just leave thousands of toolboxes (as if no one would notice) throughout the buildings. Add in all the air traffic controllers, witnesses, investigators, rescuers, etc. and there is no select few.
Anything is possible my friend, but a lot of the bullshit is coming out years later. Of course the massive shock of it all on the day of and the next couple of years engrained in us all that it was crazy Muslim terrorists, but these days...?
New questions arise and a lot of professional people are calling bullshit on the NIST reports and taking in account other facts.

It's good that you're asking how, this is how your mind should work, maybe one day, you'll come up with the answer and not let the government simply tell you what to think. This is progress BC. Bravo. Keep it up. :thumb:



Apr 23, 2014
One comment I just read on YouTube....

"Three sets of black boxes (North/South Tower and Pentagon) were either unrecovered or damaged enough to omit the last minutes of the flight. to match that,
three skyscrapers fell at free fall speed due to fires...........the first three in history........all in one day.
What a Coincidence!

That sums it up. lol


No Regrets
Nov 27, 2012
One comment I just read on YouTube....

"Three sets of black boxes (North/South Tower and Pentagon) were either unrecovered or damaged enough to omit the last minutes of the flight. to match that,
three skyscrapers fell at free fall speed due to fires...........the first three in history........all in one day.
What a Coincidence!

That sums it up. lol
Yes !!! Thank ypu !!


Jan 31, 2005
It certainly looks a lot like what happens when a controlled demolition goes doesn't it?
It looks absolutely nothing like a controlled demolition, not even remotely close, and no matter how many wrong and stupid YouTube videos you find it still won't.

It pancakes from the top. A building with its supports blown out falls into its foundations, all floors falling together. Not, as in the WTC, the top floors falling onto the lower floors and crushing them.

You have been shown to be completely wrong and misinformed and yet you persist in flogging this garbage...


Jan 31, 2005
With a select tight few people, with the right amount of money, I can certainly see how and why people can keep their mouth shut.
Money talks my friend. Why do you think there so many girls offering sex for money? Most people will almost do anything for it.
Except your conspiracy theory requires a zillion coconspirators faking planes, sneaking into buildings, doctoring the news, and then the hundreds of people who worked on the NIST report.

All those people have to be in on it for your theory to be true and it is RIDICULOUS.

As in you are to be RIDICULED for believing such nonsense. You have become a figure of fun.


No Regrets
Nov 27, 2012
And how exactly would a "select tight few" pull off a massive conspiracy like this. According to your view, it would take hundreds to just leave thousands of toolboxes (as if no one would notice) throughout the buildings. Add in all the air traffic controllers, witnesses, investigators, rescuers, etc. and there is no select few.
Because the ones who are still alive are reporting about it, Where by the dead can not ??


Jan 31, 2005
three skyscrapers fell at free fall speed due to fires...........the first three in history........all in one day.
What a Coincidence!
What it sums up is the cluelessness of 9/11 conspiracy weenies.

Pop quiz: how many other skyscrapers have EVER been built on the cantilevered tube structure architecture used in the WTC?

Hint: none of the buildings in your controlled demolition examples share ANY architectural similarity with the WTC.


Jan 31, 2005
Its relatively small right now but growing. I want to ask you do you still believe in the Oswald theory. Lone gumman ?
Back on topic, no one serious believes there are thousands of Americans willing to kill their own countrymen and stay silent about it.


No Regrets
Nov 27, 2012
Back on topic, no one serious believes there are thousands of Americans willing to kill their own countrymen and stay silent about it.
Your Right absolutely and my question to you is Why?? In other words why would they let this fall throw the cracks.
Because they believed and you can't blame them for that, especially the young ones! They still have an open mind
no matter what you think, have you forgotten? Lets just say that my questions on this topic haven't been fully addressed
other then stupidity and ignorance on your part. On top of which, you don't know what your talking about. I got news for you I DO !


Well-known member
Dec 29, 2005
Anything is possible...
So you say a select few could keep a conspiracy but when challenged on the masses of people who would have to be involved in 9/11 you change your argument.

That's what I love about conspiracy nutters. Whenever their argument falls apart they have no problem just sliding to the next kooky claim.


Well-known member
Dec 29, 2005
I guess its time to terminate it, if not for us the older, but for sake of our young ones. I'm sure we all love our children.
Sadly you don't understand either sarcasm or the paranoia that is required to believe the world is run by a few.


No Regrets
Nov 27, 2012
Sadly you don't understand either sarcasm or the paranoia that is required to believe the world is run by a few.
Wrong, I've been around a long time, to see true leaders take control of situations such as these. What we have today are puppets' to who I'm not sure, Here are a few examples of true leaders!



No Regrets
Nov 27, 2012
GB this ones for you as well as me. Here's another true leader. What can I say, they got rid of him and his policies.

Sorry I could not help myself from his speech, which has always enlightened me.
Whether you believe with what I have posted is up to you..
Last edited:


Apr 23, 2014
So you say a select few could keep a conspiracy but when challenged on the masses of people who would have to be involved in 9/11 you change your argument.

That's what I love about conspiracy nutters. Whenever their argument falls apart they have no problem just sliding to the next kooky claim.
You took a snippet of my reply "Anything is possible..." and reply with an answer that fits your belief and outlook on the entire matter.
You raise questions towards me, yet you don't reply. My original reply to SkyRider is here
If you're following the thread (which you seem to be doing) then you would have seen me answer here. --->

Not sufficient enough for you?
Well now you know how a LOT of families feel of the 9/11 report, IT'S NOT FUCKING GOOD ENOUGH. The inconsistencies, the unanswered questions, the SCIENCE, it's just not fucking good enough.
How I love the the irony. ;)

In this case, here ->
No reply. What happened there, lose the ability to type? Cat got your tongue? I asked, I'm fine with answering.

So now what's your problem with your new question?
I addressed the "masses" that YOU PERSONALLY THINK would be required to keep shut about 9/11.
Money talks, if you have the right people, with the same belief system and mindset, anything is possible. It's all about MONEY, MONEY, MONEY and power.
I'm pretty damn sure you can shut a few people up if you threaten people's families, pay them off, etc.

As I also stated in the 2nd link provided above, approximately HALF THE country is torn down 2 political lines, demorats and rethuglicans in the hundreds of millions.
Now you zero in on a select few extremist ones within the party, guys who have been serving the country for years and years, entrenched in the same ideology as you are and you'll have ZERO problem finding people to do what you want.
Or hire BLACKWATER type guys, guns for hire, ex-military men with experience to perform things as such, it's a walk in the park for them.

So, care to ask any more redundant questions or just want to continue your little "snippet" quoting action, trying to twist things around and say how you like to "laugh" at those who question governments.
Sadly, you're the kind of sheep the government LOVES. You just bow and say yes and thank you. What a pushover. No mind for yourself. Not intellectual curiosity when things don't add up.

So click the links above, read and explain your point(s) that you're trying to make (which you're doing terribly).

Btw, care to elaborate here on this comment, it's like parrot answer of the one I'm replying to now.

"That's what I love about conspiracy nutters. If 2 + 2 don't add up, they move onto the next equation"
^^^ this sort of cookie cutter reply makes me think you're a sheep, same answer over and over, no imagination to think outside the realm of what you're told and fed.


Apr 23, 2014
This really ends the debate:

Look on youtube and find the slow motion videos of the towers collapsing. Take a close look. A building that is detonated collapses from the bottom - the whole building falls as if into a hole, you'll see the top of the building looking temporarily intact as it falls down into what used to be the bottom of the building. Now look at those slow motion videos on youtube and you will see something different: The building collapses from the top down. The bottom of the building is there relatively motionless and intact, as the building above collapses down into it. That is the floors pancaking down, one onto the other, from the top, exactly as it says in the NIST report.

Anyone can go look at those videos, it's very obviously NOT a controlled demolition of the supports. It is very obvious in any of those videos that the top floors are falling onto and crushing the lower floors.

The hooey posted above in this thread is just ludicrously ill informed gibberish from fake "experts" who haven't got the least foggiest clue what they are talking about.

Here is an example, very clearly the bottom of the building is not moving and still intact as the top falls onto it:
Funny thing about that video which I I just watched.
2:01 right side white cloud coming out
2:03 middle of middle, white cloud coming out
2:04 right side another cloud
2:06 another cloud straight in the middle.

Looks a lot like explosions to me, why just THOSE particular windows and areas, why not randomly on every floor if the impact of the floors falling was so great which it obviously is, why JUST A FEW windows and select floors?
Don't elevators stop at every floor?

If this was just random chaos, then shit would be flying out in every which way possible and manner.
Yet the clouds of dust from the elevator shaft chose specific windows and left all the others alone? lol

Yeah, something to think about.
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