You should really try reading your own link as well as looking at the attacks on the ancient Jewish (non-zionist) communities in Hebron and Jerusalem in the early 20th century and you can actually get close to the truth instead of trying to pick a sentence out you think you like. Early in the page it talks about Jews trying to work with Arab leaders towards self government but instead the Arab leadership promoted violence.
It then goes on to discuss the Arab revolt.
I know you say having farmland and property destroyed and being chased from your land are justification for attacking civilians so what do you say about this little bit from your link?
I guess you now support the actions of the Jewish terrorist groups of that period.
And of course when Jews legally bought land from the legal Arab owner, the previous tenants were usually told to leave.
And yes, there was massive Arab immigration as well during the Mandate period. The Arab population more than doubled during those 25 years which would be impossible from natural growth. Not too long ago I was reading about how the PA's lead negotiator's family moved from Saudi Arabia to Jordan and Palestine around the start of the 20th century. Seems he has no more right there than the Jewish immigrants.
The problem really was the Balfour Declaration. It pretty much laid bare what the Zionists were working towards. Once the Balfour declaration was made, what would you think if you were an Arab, especially after you had already been shafted by the Sykes Picot agreement. How in this context was it really possible to work with the Jews and to what end? Why would it not be possible for the population to double in 25 years? Arabs are will known for having many kids, if each family has 5 kids, population would easily double.
As you can see the fix was already in: "The 1922 Palestine Order in Council[15] established a Legislative Council, which was to consist of 23 members; 12 elected, 10 appointed and the High Commissioner.[16] Of the 12 elected members, eight were to be Muslim Arabs, two Christian Arabs and two Jews.[17] Arabs protested against the distribution of the seats, arguing that as they constituted 88% of the population, having only 43% of the seats was unfair.[17] Elections were held in February and March 1923, but due to an Arab boycott, the results were annulled and a 12-member Advisory Council was established.[16]"
Here is a tally of immigration into the Palestine Mandate, as you can see the amount of Arab immigration was miniscule. The is very little written about it as there was very little of it, compared to Jewish immigration.
Did the Jews buy the land legally? Or through coercion. So you think if a bunch or poor arabs who have farmed land for generations and someone acquires their land through corrupt means and forces them off, you don't expect violence? Being pushed of your land in those times was a death sentence. I suppose we can see Israels "land acquisition methodology" at work today, it has not changed much. Don't try and sugar coat it, you know those arabs refused to move, and then force was used to move them.
Little by little you are starting to admit all the dirty stuff that does not make it into the big picture discussion. Its the dirty little details that paint the true picture. The arabs acted like any other people would act in the same situation.