The site attributes "Figures in italic prior to 1950 are from source "KB". Sounds pretty reliable.
The wealthy arabs who sold the land, scum of the earth, but the Jews were equally culpable. You don't think they bought the land without seeing it do you? Like I said, the same.
Your pathetic justifications get deeper and deeper. When I bought my place, there was a tenant living in it. The previous owner had a contract with the tenant that became void when ite property was sold to me. That's how things work. And if that tenant showed up at my door today or went to the courts demanding to be let back in, I wouldn't be the only one laughing in his face.
As for the council, the Arabs refused to agree to the appointees because the British had already struck 2 blows against them. Firstly through Sykes Picote and then with the Balfour declaration.
First off, I have no clue how the Sykes Picot agreement was a blow against Arabs. They were given Lebanon, Syria, Jordan, and Iraq to govern. the Balfour declaration only promised that a small chunk of the land would be put aside for Jews.
You fail to address how you expect the Arabs to place any trust in either the Jews or British in light of these two events.
As I said, plenty of Arabs became immensely wealthy because of the Brits and French. It is not an Arab/Jew thing, merely some slimy Arab leaders were looking to profit even further by scapegoating Jews.
After the land sales caused an explosion of violence as the arabs fought for their lives, the British actually had to put them to a stop.
Another immense steaming pile of bullshit. Jews owning land was not a threat to Arab lives. The threats (and actions) were those incited by Arab leadership such as Husseini against Jews for their own personal benefit that started well before the formation of groups like Irgun.
Maybe you are finally starting to see though all that Jewish propaganda and realize that Arab violence is really an act of desperation.
First, it could be said that Israelis are desperate to live in peace so they attack terror groups that target Israeli civilians (yet you refuse to allow any justification for Israeli actions).
Second, desperation is not an excuse to randomly murder civilians simply because of their religion.