So I replied in a thread actually about Rob Ford that somebody else started and refuted a slur against the Star. Meanwhile I'm not starting Ford threads and not discussing him on other threads about provincial or municipal politics.From this very thread...
Where have I heard that bullshit before?
Oh I know. When the Star was using anonymous sources to describe Ford's rampant drug abuse, dereliction of duty, and abusive behavior. All you Ford Nation types bleated and mooed about how unreliable it was and what an awful paper the Star was and how none of it could be true.
Well guess what?
Everything the Star has printed about Ford to date has proven 110% true. In fact, when the full truth came out, the Star story had conservatively understated the facts. They wound up getting a whole raft of awards for their high quality reporting on Ford, and he wound up having to go in front of a camera and admit that every single thing they printed was absolutely true.
Yeah I sure am "hounding" him on every thread!!
The muppet doth protest too much, methinks!