Cop gets 20-day sentence for sex with girl, 15


Well-known member
Aug 23, 2001
I think it is bullshit, and excessive. In this situation I think the whole circus will do more damage to the girl then the actual sex. Poor guy
She was sexually experienced. She was not a virgin. She knew enough not to get pregnant. She was interested in having sex with the guy. She only offered him up to get herself and her bestie out of some trouble of their own with the cops later.

Call me a sexist, but I'm thinking that she probably has sex frequently and takes it emotionally in stride. He was just one more guy she chilled with.

It would all have been forgotten in her life, if she hadn't had an issue with some cops a little while later and bargained her way out of charges.


New member
Jan 19, 2006
oh as is I didn't even post. What do you only agree with the MEN who post or what??? I said that same thing long before your buddy did. Jees-us. You men.
It was merely he gave the secret handshake :wink:

Seriously, your points in #9 are very good one's Jessica.

Further, far be it for me to trash on the Welsh even if it is a minority of my ancestry. Cymru am Byth!


Well-known member
Aug 23, 2001
It was merely he gave the secret handshake :wink:

Seriously, your points in #9 are very good one's Jessica.

Further, far be it for me to trash on the Welsh even if it is a minority of my ancestry. Cymru am byth!
Cymru am Byth.


Well-known member
Jul 5, 2012
Are you more pissed that it was a cop? I get confused. If he was her teacher would it be okay? You seem to be okay with it here -
Your postings are in the wrong order - you actually answered your own question:

If it was a female cop and 15 yer old male victim, it would be all good in the hood here in TERB Land?
Yes - now you got it !!! Consensual sex with all 15 year old males by hot women be they cops, judges, school teachers, babysitters, pizza delivery women, etc, etc is okay !

Finally, you understand that the sex of the victim is different and refrain from using them interchangeably in your points. This is good ... this is progress !

BTW: I'm not pissed he was a cop - I'm suggesting that if he wasn't a cop, he'd probably rotting in jail by now.


Jul 21, 2012
oh come on guys ... girls at that age can sure look a hell of a lot older than they are. I don't think for a minute he knew she was under 16, he says he assumed she was of age to drink. I tend to believe him. He had a freakin breakdown when he realized what had happened. Poor guy, maybe an affair would have resulted in loss of his marriage, but not jail time ffs.

I feel bad for the guy, I'm betting half (or more) of you guys have wiped the sweat off your brow when you found out someone you ALMOST fucked was underage.

Well said.

Captain Fantastic

Jun 28, 2008
oh come on guys ... girls at that age can sure look a hell of a lot older than they are. I don't think for a minute he knew she was under 16, he says he assumed she was of age to drink. I tend to believe him. He had a freakin breakdown when he realized what had happened. Poor guy, maybe an affair would have resulted in loss of his marriage, but not jail time ffs.

I feel bad for the guy, I'm betting half (or more) of you guys have wiped the sweat off your brow when you found out someone you ALMOST fucked was underage.
Would you - or any of the other apologists for this cop - be singing the same tune if it were your (hypothetical) 15-year old daughter?


Well-known member
Apr 16, 2002
Would you - or any of the other apologists for this cop - be singing the same tune if it were your (hypothetical) 15-year old daughter?
I think most parents would be outraged if their daughter were seduced
by someone in a position of trust and care such as a family friend or a
teacher. In this case the girl was having consensual sex in a party with
an off-duty cop who didn't reveal his identity. Aside from the age gap the incident wasn't much different from the usual outcome of
partying among teenagers. I guess most fathers
are ok with their underaged daughters banged in their high school years by other underaged boys. Having sex with a 40 year old adult
is a different matter. But in this case the girl is a juvenile running
away from her family so the outcome isn't surprising.


Well-known member
Jan 15, 2013
If it was a female cop and a 15yr old male, it would be statutory rape, plain and simple.
Under Canada's new law a 14yr -15yr old can have consensual sex with someone not more than 5yrs older than them,
and it must not be exploitive sex, nor can drugs or alcohol be involved.

The person can not be in a position of authority over the 15yr old.
A man 39 yrs old, no matter what his job is, is in a position of authority over a 15 yr old.

A police officer should have a better than average idea of someone's age.
Even if they are built like a woman there are certainly other clues he should have picked up on.
He also gave or watched her drink liquor.
I hope he did use protection.

He got what he deserved, he gave an oath to Serve and Protect, not to take advantage of, and
it doesn't matter if he was off duty!

Plainly he got what he deserved, how many men on this site would have sex with a minor, or someone they
were not really sure about, I bet you not one.

Hopefully this sends a message to men and women that it is against the law, and it is rape.
Well said.


New member
Mar 28, 2004
what do i want from him?............he,s married with 4 kids, had a career............more impulse control, thats what most rational adults would want from him...
Says the upstanding member of Canadian society, posting on a prostitute review board.


Active member
Nov 16, 2013
what do i want from him?............he,s married with 4 kids, had a career............more impulse control, thats what most rational adults would want from him...
Oh fuck off seriously. You are such a saint on a forum for reviewing prostitutes and socially questionable behaviour where most of the members are married and are looking for extra marital sex with young looking girls. I fking hate cops and I still think this could have happened to a lot of people. Speech patterns. You guys need tk step off your soap box. Seriously.

George The Curious

Active member
Nov 28, 2011
100 years from now we will look back on age of consent law like now we do on Muslim rule of no touching hand of married women. Everyone grows up at different rate, how can you set one arbitary date expect everyone to follow?

good to go

New member
Aug 17, 2001
1 Do I think this could happen. Yes.
2 Do I think he is guilty. Yes. He has been paid to study and know the law.
3 Do I think he got a deal due to him being a cop. Yes.
4 The police keep the court system a thriving business. For the lawyers, judges and the police. They don't want to jeopardize a good thing.


Jun 6, 2009
1 Do I think this could happen. Yes.
2 Do I think he is guilty. Yes. He has been paid to study and know the law.
3 Do I think he got a deal due to him being a cop. Yes.
4 The police keep the court system a thriving business. For the lawyers, judges and the police. They don't want to jeopardize a good thing.
So it's a conspiracy between the three profession? How ab to the fact that most juries will very reluctant to find police guilty. Are they in on it as well?


New member
Jan 22, 2004
Sunnyvale Trailerpark
The sentence seems rather light...but before I judge it, does anybody know what type of a sentence a civilian would have got for the same offense? Any similar cases lately?

good to go

New member
Aug 17, 2001
I never mentioned a conspiracy. They have a good thing going right now. They all make loads of extra cash over the old system of Toronto police force where the police played all three roles right at the side of the road. They were fair and for the most part impartial. Now it is a money grab due to backlogs.
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