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Third win for Mayor Ford!


New member
Aug 30, 2012
Maybe (and quite possibly) because there was/is such a video. (I have always maintained that I do not like Ford, but like even less the public lynching without better, verifiable, proof.).
So what would be the proper response of the media when presented with a video of the Mayor smoking crack. I believe they did ask Ford about it before the wrote the story.

Is not a video of the mayor smoking crack somthing the electorate have a right to know about?

The public lynching could have been easily stopped by Ford. 1. If it it true admit it and take a leave of absence while he "deals with it" and come back 2 months later as a reformed/rehabed guy. I think many people would have stood by him if he had done this. 2. Launch a strong legal defence, I know I would have given him credit for this and waited to judge him after his day in court.


Jun 6, 2009
It's old news. The thread is about the SCC declining the case. Yo
Which is what I said, the court declined the case and the link, posted june 20th(today) outlined which case and gave the updates. So the link is not old news. You really try too hard and look the fool for it each and every time.


CanBarelyRe Member
Aug 18, 2001
Well given his clear statement that a video doesn't exist this can only mean from his perspective that the Star's story is made from whole cloth--a complete fabrication. Ford hasn't allowed in any of his comments for it to be faked.

Based on this The Star, again from Ford's perspective, is completly lying.

Now that he is cleared of costs on the SCC case he should have the funds to put the Star in its place. Very wierd if he lets them get away with blatant slander that has gone around the world.
Suppose you quote just one slanderous or libelous assertion the Star has made in the video scandal. Ands suppose you do it on the Gawker thread wher it belongs. This thread is for crowing that the Supremes sayng, 'you shouldn't bother us with this' amounts to a Ford victory.

What Rob did was not lose the utterly unecessary 'war' his stupidity and stinginess started and kept going for years. Some victory.


Prolific User
Jun 27, 2010
Let me put something forth to the ford supporters:

If you had a chance to be involved in an intimate business deal in the private sector with rob ford, bing on the receiving end, would you go gladly into it knowing his tendency to lie, to abuse and be morally lacking in character?

LMAO. :rofl:

The Fords' own multi-million dollar business is a successful one.

Now, you are alleging that you can't do business with Ford.

(I can point to bigger, 'reputable' businesses that renege on deals or don't pay. You can do a deal with the devil if the contract is strong and your financial position is secure.)


License to Shill
Jan 28, 2013
Let me put something forth to the ford supporters:

If you had a chance to be involved in an intimate business deal in the private sector with rob ford, being on the receiving end, would you go gladly into it knowing his tendency to lie, to abuse, be morally lacking in character and a college dropout, still expect a fair deal in the end?

Actually I would.

But I wouldn't leave him alone with my last Twinkie!


Apr 24, 2005
I'm sure the lefties are cringing right now especially having to fork over $$ to cover Ford's legal costs. LMAO
While not completley clear from the news articles, I think they are only referring to Mr. Ford's "court costs" which would be in the neighbourhood of $800 to $1,200 (more or less). Let's wait for further clarification (before Schlong goes apeshit again).


Jan 31, 2005
Why would his lawyers put him on the stand?
The Star lawyers would put him on the stand as a hostile material witness. His lawyers would try to avoid it.

Statements in your own interest such as the defendants saying "I saw that video" carry about as much weight as the rapist saying "It wasn't me".
They would start by calling Ford and asking him under oath if it was true, to up the ante if he says no, and because if he says yes then case closed.

But yes, three separate eye witnesses swearing under oath that they did see it will carry the day.


Jan 31, 2005
LMAO. :rofl:

The Fords' own multi-million dollar business is a successful one.

Now, you are alleging that you can't do business with Ford.

(I can point to bigger, 'reputable' businesses that renege on deals or don't pay. You can do a deal with the devil if the contract is strong and your financial position is secure.)
Correction: daddy's business.


Well-known member
Aug 23, 2001
The costs awarded were the costs of the Supreme Court appeal only. Ford and Magder still have to pay their earlier costs themselves. Presumably Rob was smart enough to compare such costs to $3,150 before the first trial began. I'd bet that judge would happily have scolded Magder if he refused an offer by a contrite Ford to simply do what everyone said all along was the right thing: Admit he was wrong and make amends.

It's hardly surprising the SCC did what everyone predicted, and left the fine points of Ontario's mess of centuries of municipal law for Ontario to live with or sort out. Since Ruby had said the appeal was a longshot, I'd have to believe he and his clients were prepared for a costs award and like Rob, thought their idea of the principles was worth it.

On all that principle/legal stuff, the Supremes were silent. So in that centre ring the comedy continues.
The SCC takes very few cases and those are generally on major general points of law important to a wide range of litigants. This case was a 1-off case largely confined to its own facts. Ruby was right. Magder should have walked away after the Ont CA decision, but didn't. No one with any familiarity with the Justice system expected the SCC to accept this case for a full hearing.

The win for Ford was predictable. He gets his costs for only the lost motion by Magder for leave to proceed to a full hearing. It's a predictable, small win gained from a tactical mistake by an over-zealous opponent.


Why am I here?
May 4, 2003
I'm sure the Left must now be suffering from Ford-fatigue. Sexual harrassment accusations, cheap gossip, failed lawsuits.......none of it seems to stick.

Ford is still mayor, and if that video never surfaces there's always a small chance Ford gets re-elected in 2014.
There was the Teflon Don, and now there is the Teflon Mayor.


Well-known member
Jan 5, 2012
LMAO. :rofl:

The Fords' own multi-million dollar business is a successful one.

Now, you are alleging that you can't do business with Ford.

(I can point to bigger, 'reputable' businesses that renege on deals or don't pay. You can do a deal with the devil if the contract is strong and your financial position is secure.)
A fool and their money is soon parted.


Why am I here?
May 4, 2003
That pretty much says it all, a big waste of time and money. If this was a case of Ford taking bribes from developers or some other serious act, I'd say by all means go after him. But this was driven by a bunch of babies who can't stand the fact their guy didn't win. Plain and simple!
True and not True.

I still don't quite remember the logic or the ruling that allowed Ford to get off on the conflict of interest charges. But without a doubt
Ford was in a conflict of interest position, and he should have been kicked out of office. When you are an elected official, there is no way that you cannot know that you should not be voting on any motion that involves you receiving a direct benefit. Now that I think about it, did I not read that the councillors voted to give themselves a raise a year or two ago?

The fact that it cost Ford and Magder over $300k in legal fees is one thing, but it probably cost the taxpayers alot more than the $2K or 3K that they were suing about.


Well-known member
Oct 13, 2010
Ford is an inspiration for crackheads everywhere! Who says you have to be literate or honest or have communication skills or intelligence to succeed? FORD NATION BEGS TO DIFFER !!! All you need is a simple mindless and hollow slogan, like "cut the gravy", and the world will be your oyster even if you refuse rehab and stay addicted and out of control. FORD NATION APOLOGISTS WILL STILL LOVE YOU!


Apr 3, 2011
LMAO. :rofl:

The Fords' own multi-million dollar business is a successful one.

Now, you are alleging that you can't do business with Ford.

(I can point to bigger, 'reputable' businesses that renege on deals or don't pay. You can do a deal with the devil if the contract is strong and your financial position is secure.)
I think you mean his daddy's business.


Well-known member
Mar 14, 2004
Daddy is dead, the scions have the business now, see we

are in 2013, Ford Nation is imperfect, but who are what is perfect ? They are better than alot of other options. Look at the crimes and shenanigans at the provincial and federal levels. Look at the municipality of. Montreal.,
I think you mean his daddy's business.


Jan 31, 2005
Daddy is dead, the scions have the business now
Daddy built the business. The scions just suck at its tit and haven't grown it the way daddy did.

Nothing wrong with that, daddy provided well for his family. But don't promote either Robby or Dougie as business men, they haven't done anything of note in business.


CanBarelyRe Member
Aug 18, 2001
LMAO. :rofl:

The Fords' own multi-million dollar business is a successful one.

Now, you are alleging that you can't do business with Ford.

(I can point to bigger, 'reputable' businesses that renege on deals or don't pay. You can do a deal with the devil if the contract is strong and your financial position is secure.)
Perhaps the success can partly be explained by how carefully Dad, Doug and the other bro kept Rob out of the business except for the year or so they called him a salesman after he dropped out of Carleton.

Until they got the other family business—Dad's old seat on Etobicoke Council, where he couldn't cost them—ready for him.


Mar 21, 2011
Perhaps the success can partly be explained by how carefully Dad, Doug and the other bro kept Rob out of the business except for the year or so they called him a salesman after he dropped out of Carleton.

Until they got the other family business—Dad's old seat on Etobicoke Council, where he couldn't cost them—ready for him.

Seems to me this whole business is a loss for citizens.
With the lot of people in power right now, I'd like to see stricter laws on conflict of interest, election financing and expenses.
Put anyone who screws us over out of power and into jail, regardless of party.

Instead we get people cheering for conflict of interest turning into acceptable policy.
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