I think human nature is such that many of us look for excuses to avoid emotional intimacy.
No-one can love me because...
-I'm too poor
-Too fat
-Too short
-Too tall
-My chin is too small
-My butt is too big
-I have mole
-I have an accent
-I only cum when someone XXXXs my XXXX.
-I'm a client of SPs, or I am an SP, or I'm in love with an SP, or I'm in love with a client.
Listen, I would think that all of us who have been hobbying for a while (or an SP) for while would have learned that sex is not a relationship. If you meet someone that rocking your world, then ask yourself if you would sacrifice your professional relationship for a chance at a personal one. If the answer is yes, then tell them you want to pay them the greatest compliment you can pay another person, and that you're into them. And then see how it goes.
Great sex is easy and common. A great relationship? The most precious thing in the world. Don't make excuses to avoid the possibility when it comes along.
Because seriously folks, life is short.