
Now official: Asians have the highest income, are the best-educated


Well-known member
Feb 4, 2003
How come there are no invasive species in Asia that originate in North America/Europe?

actually there's a list of invasive species in just china

I am pretty sure some of those species are north american (definitely the north american nematode.... probably others as well in that list)

Others include canada goose, crayfish, american rice water weevil, american cockroack, ragweed.... again probably more but those were ones I could identify as n american without google.

And this is just china, not even including the rest of asia.

Nice try.


Well-known member
Feb 4, 2003
Indeed, they got Canada Geese and we got Snake Fish.
Do you know what effect the goose has on the environment? Sure it's not as ugly as the snake fish but that's besides the point. Introduction of an invasive species can have devastating effects on an ecosystem.


Mr. Debonair
Apr 8, 2011
Indeed, they got Canada Geese and we got Snake Fish.
Been trying to find somebody who will sell me a Snakehead but since they're illegal, I've had no luck thus far. Incredible fish - can survive for 3 days out of water and walk a mile on land.



Apr 24, 2005
It is politically incorrect to state racial facts (just ask professor Rushton). Here are 2 more racial facts. White men can't jump (but they can sure swim). Which race (but they can't swim) will be well represented in the 100 metres sprint at the London Olympics?


New member
Jan 11, 2006
Funny how the work of Rushton keeps coming up, but nobody seems to clue in that his background is actually psychology, which makes him a bona fide expert in genetics. :)


Mr. Debonair
Apr 8, 2011
Which race (but they can't swim) will be well represented in the 100 metres sprint at the London Olympics?
Only Blacks of West African descent or Black-White hybrids, that we consider to be Black. Curiously, no West African will win it.

It reminds me of Pele, the Black Brazilian who is considered to be the best soccer player of all time. Other fine soccer players of African ancestry play for Brazil and various European teams, but no African team has ever won the World Cup.


Sep 12, 2007
I am Asian. Obviously, I know a lot of Asians.

In almost 40 years of life, I don't know a single Western-born Asian woman who had a kid when they were a teenager. Or before the age of 25. I don't know of any who had a child out of wedlock. Or, even in the few cases of divorce, where the father abandoned the child(ren). I don't know any Western-born Asians who failed to go to university. Heck, I had a double major at a very prestigious university and on paper I'm probably the worst-educated Western-born Asian I know. Everyone else in my family has multiple degrees, and degrees in things that actually make money. Medicine, dentistry, engineering, etc. Not a lot of underwater basketweaving degrees.

It's not that complicated. It's hard, but it's not complicated. People who say you can't do it try once or twice and give up, or they try things that they're just not suited for.

It's fashionable to scoff at traditional values. Traditional values work. There's a reason why those values are have been the blueprint for thousands of years. And no, people weren't necessarily that much more successful at following the blueprint a thousand years ago than they are today.

1.) Mom + Dad + kids = the kids have a better chance at a good life than if it's just Mom + kids.
2.) A good education (however that's defined - I don't necessarily think university is for everyone) is a boost. Underwater basketweaving is not a good education.
3.) Working hard = results. 30 hours a week standing at a counter is not hard work. 80 hours a week, busting your ass and going home a wreck, is hard work. That's why you want to do that when you're in your 20s, instead of waiting to figure that out when you're 40.
4.) If you make a million and spend a million and one, you're fucked. If you make a hundred and spend fifty, you're going to be okay.

Four steps to generational success. It's hard. It's hard as hell. But it's easy to identify.


Apr 24, 2005
In almost 40 years of life, I don't know a single Western-born Asian woman who had a kid when they were a teenager. Or before the age of 25. I don't know of any who had a child out of wedlock. Or, even in the few cases of divorce, where the father abandoned the child(ren). I don't know any Western-born Asians who failed to go to university. Heck, I had a double major at a very prestigious university and on paper I'm probably the worst-educated Western-born Asian I know. Everyone else in my family has multiple degrees, and degrees in things that actually make money. Medicine, dentistry, engineering, etc. Not a lot of underwater basketweaving degrees.
But, that is so dull and boring to White women. Hee, hee, hee. Where's the excitement, the danger, the chance of getting shot or beaten up, etc.?


Mr. Debonair
Apr 8, 2011
But, that is so dull and boring to White women. Hee, hee, hee. Where's the excitement, the danger, the chance of getting shot or beaten up, etc.?
Like rich old ugly White men, Asian men in successful careers get lots of pussy. Ask a typical White SP in the GTA what her client base consists of.

Lots of young Asian guys tap tons of pussy because they have money to spend thanks to their wealthy parents.

Looking only at the Black and White studs who mack women conventionally is to see only a fraction of what's going on out there. Successful CEOs have more pussy thrown at them than they have time for.
Last edited:


Well-known member
Feb 4, 2003
Like rich old ugly White men, Asian men in successful careers get lots of pussy. Ask a typical White SP in the GTA what her client base consists of.

Lots of young Asian guys tap tons of pussy because they have money to spend thanks to their wealthy parents.
Hmmmm you'd think wealthy parents got that way by being smart with their money. Thus they notice little billy spending 250 a pop to see SPs.

I'd be curious to see a breakdown of hobbying habits by race. I mean asaisn make up about 10% of the whole country but in places like Toronto the percentage is probably higher.

I always assumed that SPs would see whites the most only because there are so many more whites than other races. Even in toronto 50% is white and the other 50% is made up of other races.


Mr. Debonair
Apr 8, 2011
I am Asian. Obviously, I know a lot of Asians.

In almost 40 years of life, I don't know a single Western-born Asian woman who had a kid when they were a teenager. Or before the age of 25. I don't know of any who had a child out of wedlock. Or, even in the few cases of divorce, where the father abandoned the child(ren). I don't know any Western-born Asians who failed to go to university. Heck, I had a double major at a very prestigious university and on paper I'm probably the worst-educated Western-born Asian I know. Everyone else in my family has multiple degrees, and degrees in things that actually make money. Medicine, dentistry, engineering, etc. Not a lot of underwater basketweaving degrees.

It's not that complicated. It's hard, but it's not complicated. People who say you can't do it try once or twice and give up, or they try things that they're just not suited for.

It's fashionable to scoff at traditional values. Traditional values work. There's a reason why those values are have been the blueprint for thousands of years. And no, people weren't necessarily that much more successful at following the blueprint a thousand years ago than they are today.

1.) Mom + Dad + kids = the kids have a better chance at a good life than if it's just Mom + kids.
2.) A good education (however that's defined - I don't necessarily think university is for everyone) is a boost. Underwater basketweaving is not a good education.
3.) Working hard = results. 30 hours a week standing at a counter is not hard work. 80 hours a week, busting your ass and going home a wreck, is hard work. That's why you want to do that when you're in your 20s, instead of waiting to figure that out when you're 40.
4.) If you make a million and spend a million and one, you're fucked. If you make a hundred and spend fifty, you're going to be okay.

Four steps to generational success. It's hard. It's hard as hell. But it's easy to identify.
Hamilton is a case study in what you describe. It's literally breathtaking to see. All that exists in Hamilton is White trash and young Asian McMaster University students. Somehow young poor lazy cigarette smoking beer drinking tattooed White single parent trash pushing baby carriages with no prospects co-habitate with napsack-wearing preppy childless young Asian university students who are on the path to successful futures. That entire city gives me the creeps.


Mr. Debonair
Apr 8, 2011
Hmmmm you'd think wealthy parents got that way by being smart with their money. Thus they notice little billy spending 250 a pop to see SPs.

I'd be curious to see a breakdown of hobbying habits by race. I mean asaisn make up about 10% of the whole country but in places like Toronto the percentage is probably higher.

I always assumed that SPs would see whites the most only because there are so many more whites than other races. Even in toronto 50% is white and the other 50% is made up of other races.
Most SP clients will be White (as you said, due to demographics), but Asian clients will be represented disproportionately high compared to their numbers in the population.

Wealthy parents often give their kids decent allowances - in return for getting good grades. A single university textbook probably costs $250 nowadays lol. There were two Asian guys I knew during my brief stint in school, and neither was short for cash. Both the sons of successful professional parents, one had a jeep, both had stereos, computers, the whole nine. Actually one looked completely Asian but he was actually mixed, his mom was White.


Well-known member
Jan 5, 2012
+1 GG2
Hamilton has so much going for it geographically but it keeps shooting itself in the foot. Time and time again. The white trash there has such a myopic view of their lives, they don't notice the implants making a better life for themselves through school and hard work. A shame really, hamilton could have been a powerhouse at one time instead of what it's become.


Apr 24, 2005
Hamilton has so much going for it geographically but it keeps shooting itself in the foot. Time and time again. The white trash there has such a myopic view of their lives, they don't notice the implants making a better life for themselves through school and hard work.
Don't know about Hamilton but here in Toronto, I see elderly Chinese women going around collecting empties and redeeming them at The Beer Store for 10cent a bottle. Can't imagine a White or Black person doing such a degrading thing. I'm sure that every cent these women collect goes to better the life of their children and grandchildren.

james t kirk

Well-known member
Aug 17, 2001
I was born and raised in Hamilton.

Unless you grew up there, you don't know shit. None of you.

I grew up in what would today be described as a lower middle class environment. My father worked in a factory and he busted his ass there to make a living. I remember he worked all the overtime he could get. He'd work 7 days a week for months straight. And he worked shifts. One week days, next week afternoons, next week nights. One year he took me on a tour of the plant - I guess it was some sort of family day or something. All I remember was how loud it was in there. Deafening from the machinery. Everyone had ear plugs that they wore as necklaces. There was no AC in that plant either. Not even windows. It was fucking hot. Not just hot - fucking hot. Those guys were tough in that plant. They were the micks, the wops, the pollacks, the hunkies, the working class Canadian guys. Guys who never asked for anything and would walk a mile out in the forest to scream if they dropped an anvil on their foot rather than show pain. I never thought much of the old man working nonstop when I was a kid, but I sure do now. He never complained. Don't think he took a single sick day in 40 years.

As kids, we didn't have everything by any means, but we didn't want for anything. Maybe we had a family walk at Cheery Hill Gate when we were kids on a Sunday (the old man would load us up along with our friends in his old Ford and if it started, off we'd go), or if we were really lucky, tickets to the TiCat game in Section 23 at Ivor Wynne and a bad hotdog that somehow I can still taste. We used to play soccer in the park, and we rode our bikes everywhere because it was free.

I grew up in the shadow of the steel mills and I knew what it meant. (Something I doubt most of you will ever know.) It taught me a bit of respect for the working man that persists to this day. (Also something I doubt that you would understand.)

It's interesting if you look at my old man and what he came from and where his kids and the kids of his buddies ended up. We're your accountants, doctors, lawyers, engineers, and teachers now. All of them from the Hammer. So fuck you.

You candy-asses from Toronto would die if you had to do what my old man had to do for a living. Seriously.


Well-known member
Jan 5, 2012
I grew up there. As soon as I was finished highschool I ran from that festering cesspool of a city. I watched what it did to my old man, all those backbreaking hours for nothing than Stelco's bottom line - and they went tits up anyway while the heads made out like bandits.

Pull your head out of your ass james, it is a shit hole and always will remain a shit hole.
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