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Apparent bombing in Oslo, Norway


Well-known member
Nov 28, 2003
It appears his target was the governing party, and the children of their supporters. Which is pretty fucking sick. Who goes after people's children?
It was the youth wing of the social democratic party.


Well-known member
Nov 28, 2003
The whole idea of turning what this guy did into ANYTHING political or racist or ant- this or pro- that is just such a mind-boggling diversion. And selfish. Using an event like this to somehow attach it to your political or other beliefs does a disservice and is actually offensive, when one considers the magnitude of what happenned.

He described himself as Christian, so people go off on that. Or he is right wing, so off go others. For fuck's sake he is a man, so presumably man-haters can go after men too I presume? I wonder if he had blue eyes, or was taller or shorter than average.

The simple fact is that he is evil.

Oh come on, within 5 minutes of the news, you and Aardie were frothing at the mouth about islamic terrorists.


May 21, 2003
Gryfin, please keep your delusional idiocy to the threads you start. It's all about you and the Zionists isn't it? You really should get some help. I never blamed the Jihadists for this if you read my words on this thread. Besides it's not insane to initially think it was them because they do blow things up a lot. When you see hoof marks in the forest you assume horses; not zebras. You're just trying to exploit this tragedy for your political agenda. In a way, you're like the use politics to justify your pathology. Although you're not this point.
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Protuberant Member
May 29, 2002
North America
Oh come on, within 5 minutes of the news, you and Aardie were frothing at the mouth about islamic terrorists.

How TRUE!!!

Nice to see that assumption blow up in their faces like an 'Oklahoma City-type truck bomb'!

This farked up wacko rightard is one of THEIR OWN ilk!...:Eek:


Well-known member
Nov 28, 2003
Check his video:

Link to the nutjob's book:

He's dangerous. Lock him up and throw away the key.

Norway police charge rampage suspect

Anders Behring Breivik "confesses" to firing weapons, after 92 killed in youth camp shooting and Oslo bomb attack.

Last Modified: 23 Jul 2011 17:54

Officials in Norway have charged a 32-year-old Norwegian man with killing at least 92 people in a gun and bomb attack described as the worst act of violence in the country since World War II.

Police confirmed to Al Jazeera on Saturday that the suspect had been named as Anders Behring Breivik.

Breivik, who confessed to firing weapons during questioning on Saturday, belonged to right-wing political groups. But officials said they are not jumping to conclusions about his motives.

Reports suggest he belonged to an anti-immigration party, wrote blogs attacking multi-culturalism and was a member of a neo-Nazi online forum.

But Norwegian authorities said Breivik, detained by police after 85 people were gunned down at a youth camp and another 7 killed in an Oslo bomb attack on Friday, was previously unknown to them and his internet activity traced so far included no calls to violence.

Breivik bought six tons of fertiliser before the massacre, a supplier said on Saturday, as police investigated witness accounts of a second shooter in the attack on Utoya.

If convicted on terrorism charges, he would face a maximum of 21 years in jail, police have said.

Norway's royal family and prime minister led the nation in mourning, visiting grieving relatives of the scores of youth gunned down at an island retreat, as the shell-shocked Nordic nation was gripped by reports that the gunman may not have acted alone.

The shooting spree began just hours after a massive explosion that ripped through an Oslo high-rise building housing the prime minister's office.

"This is beyond comprehension. It's a nightmare. It's a nightmare for those who have been killed, for their mothers and fathers, family and friends," Norwegian Prime Minister Jens Stoltenberg told reporters on Saturday.

Though the prime minister cautioned against jumping to conclusions about the gunman's motives, both attacks were in areas connected to the left-leaning Labour Party, which leads a coalition government.

The youth camp, about 35km northwest of Oslo, is organised by the party's youth wing, and the prime minister had been scheduled to speak there on Saturday.

'Christian fundamentalist' views

The blond-haired Behring Breivik described himself on his Facebook page as "conservative", "Christian", and interested in hunting and computer games like World of Warcraft and Modern Warfare 2, reports say.

On his Twitter account, he posted only one message, dated July 17, in English based on a quote from British philosopher John Stuart Mill: "One person with a belief is equal to a force of 100,000 who have only interests".

The suspect was reportedly also a member of a Swedish neo-Nazi internet forum, a group monitoring far-right activity said on Saturday.

Police and Norway's state television named Anders Breivik as the suspect in the bombing and shooting

Nordisk, a 22,000-member web forum founded in 2007, describes itself as a portal on the theme of "the Nordic identity, culture and traditions."

In comments from 2009-2010 to other people's articles on another website, Document, which calls itself critical of Islam, Breivik criticised European policies of trying to accommodate the cultures of different ethnic groups.

"When did multi-culturalism cease to be an ideology designed to deconstruct European culture, traditions, identity and nation-states?" said one his entries, posted on February 2, 2010.

Breivik wrote he was a backer of the "Vienna School of Thought", which was against multi-culturalism and the spread of Islam.

He also wrote he admired Geert Wilders, the populist anti-Islam Dutch politician, for following that school. Wilders said in a statement on Saturday: "I despise everything he stands for and everything he did".

Nina Hjerpset-Ostlie, a contributing journalist to the right-wing website, said she had met Breivik at a meeting in late 2009.

"The only thing we noticed about him is that he seemed like anyone else and that he had some very high-flying, unrealistic, ideas about marketing of our website," she said.

Police searched an apartment in an Oslo suburb on Friday, which neighbours said belonged to Breivik's mother.

"It is the mother who lives there. She is a very polite lady, pleasant and very friendly," said Hemet Noaman, 27, an accounting consultant who lives in the same building in a wealthy part of town. "He often came to visit his mother but did not live here."

Al Jazeera's Harry Smith reports from Oslo, where police say the suspect had right-wing links

Oslo Deputy Police Chief Roger Andresen would not speculate on the motives for what was believed to be the deadliest attack by a lone gunman anywhere in modern times.

"He has never been under surveillance and he has never been arrested," Andresen told a news conference on Saturday.

Populist party member

Breivik, who attended a middle class high school called Handelsgym in central Oslo, had also been a member of the Progress Party, the second-largest in parliament, the party's head of communications Fredrik Farber said.

He was a member from 2004 to 2006 and in its youth party from 1997 to 2007.

The Progress Party - conservative but within the political mainstream - wants far tighter restrictions on immigration, whereas the centre-left government backs multi-culturalism. The party leads some public opinion polls.

A politician who met Breivik in 2002-2003, when he was apparently interested in local Oslo politics, said he did not attract attention.

"I got the impression that he was a modest person ... he was well dressed, it seemed like he was well educated," Joeran Kallmyr, 33, an Oslo municipality politician representing the Progress Party, told the Reuters news agency.

Progress leader Siv Jensen stressed he had left the party.

Breivik was also a freemason, said a spokesman for the organisation.


New member
Jan 19, 2006
Oh come on, within 5 minutes of the news, you and Aardie were frothing at the mouth about islamic terrorists.
I never posted a damn thing about Islamic Terrorists. What I did post which you did your very best to trash was that it was a terrorist bombing.


New member
Jan 19, 2006
Its definitely related.
The arsehole was very much ant-Muslim and anti-immigration.
Its domestic terrorism, attacking civilians for political reasons.
So if it is “definitely related” is everyone who is feels that Muslim immigration to the west can be problematic, everyone who is a Freemason, everyone who is a Christian, everyone who is concerned about illegal immigration, everyone who owns a firearm, a ticking time bomb just one click from murdering teenagers?

Stop stretching the facts, thus far frankly we don't know a damn thing other than that the crimes were committed and he is the one charged with committing them.


Well-known member
Jul 6, 2002
north york
I never posted a damn thing about Islamic Terrorists. What I did post which you did your very best to trash was that it was a terrorist bombing.
You're right you didn't say it and neither did Burt oh my. Looks like you're owned and apology, lets see if he's got the balls....
You noticed how Pecker said : how true!!! Pecker You gotta stop following Danmand around and agreeing with everything he says now you look like a stooge. :eyebrows:


Prolific User
Jun 27, 2010
It is now being reported that

1. There are more than 7 dead in Oslo, and many seriously wounded

2. Eyewitnes says 25-30 dead on the island, police say 10 dead

3. The two attacks werwe coordinated
I'm just reading this thread but have heard bits on the news. So the shooting and bombing were indeed related? The shooter was a right wing extremist if I heard correctly.


New member
Jan 19, 2006
I'm just reading this thread but have heard bits on the news. So the shooting and bombing were indeed related?
Yes. He was a native born 32-year-old Norwegian man

The shooter was a right wing extremist if I heard correctly.
It depends upon what one means by that term: Police have released no motive so the answer is we don't know what he has said motivated him. However, yes he was a member of groups concerned about Muslim Immigration etc. . . . Police have also said that he had previously shown no tendency towards acts of violence.

In many ways such cases always become at least in part a search for the rational - a reason why he did it, for what is an irrational act murdering strangers.


Protuberant Member
May 29, 2002
North America
It depends upon what one means by that term: Police have released no motive so the answer is we don't know what he has said motivated him. However, yes he was a member of groups concerned about Muslim Immigration etc. . . . Police have also said that he had previously shown no tendency towards acts of violence.
Come on Counsel, he's a right-wingtard and worse a white christian conservative fundy! He would make a perfect teabagger! Face it counsel he's just like the ilk you apologize for!....:D


Mar 21, 2011
Muslims anyone? Norway dared to reprint the danish cartoon of Mohamed few years ago and arrested some Muslim terrorists few weeks ago.
Here's the first poster to rush to blame Muslims.

though Aardvark was implying something with this bit:
Quote Originally Posted by danmand View Post
It is now being reported that it was a bomb.
Quote Originally Posted by diehard View Post
Ansar al-Jihad al-Alami has claimed responsibility.
Quote Originally Posted by diehard View Post
The man in custody after a shooting at a youth camp on Utoya Island is a Norwegian, the nation's justice minister says.
and Aardvark

A prophet is not without honour. . . . .


Active member
Aug 23, 2001
So violent ugly xenophobia finally rears its ugly head in Europe. This has been building for awhile. Nasty xenophobia and anti-immigrant views. People in those countries just dismissed it and let it simmer. Well it finally came to a boil. SO are people now going to find the causes of why this attitude is growing? Or are they going to just call all these people "evil" like others do to all muslims when a killing is declared in the name of Allah?


Well-known member
Nov 28, 2003


New member
Jan 19, 2006
though Aardvark was implying something with this bit:
Yup I surely was. Now go back and read posts one through four and post six. Hopefully then you will understand post 20 which by the way is from Mark 6:1-13 or alternately Matthew 13:57


New member
Jan 19, 2006
So violent ugly xenophobia finally rears its ugly head in Europe. This has been building for awhile. Nasty xenophobia and anti-immigrant views. People in those countries just dismissed it and let it simmer. Well it finally came to a boil. SO are people now going to find the causes of why this attitude is growing? Or are they going to just call all these people "evil" like others do to all muslims when a killing is declared in the name of Allah?
In the wake of a terror bombing and mass murder like this (although seemingly no Muslim immigrants were targeted) it is easy to say "violent xenophobia" however there is a ticking time bomb with unassimilated Muslim immigrants in Europe, in the same way that there is a ticking time bomb with illegal aliens in the U.S.A., pointing this out or being concerned about it does not mean that one is a mass murder in the making.
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