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Your thoughts on the FHITP debate?

Bud Plug

Sexual Appliance
Aug 17, 2001
Being a sports reporter is a silly occupation. Reporting from live locations is also silly when you're not interviewing anyone there and you're just using the location as background. Reporting from location is often disruptive to people at the event, especially if they would prefer not to be on camera. At minimum it clogs up the concourses for people trying to move around.

Some people are becoming annoyed at the all-too-pervasive media. I believe these pranks grew out of desire to disrupt this kind of broadcasting, and hopefully discourage it. The FHITP prank is not designed to intimidate the woman reporter personally. It's designed to discourage that kind of reporting in general.

Mature? Of course not. Rude? Of course! Threatening? Maybe if said to a woman walking alone at night somewhere. Not really when she's there with her cameraman, producer, director, and 100's of spectators all around her.

She went after these guys because they were getting in the way of her job, not because she felt personally threatened or was even offended. Her questions to these guys weren't because she wanted any answers. They were just designed to embarrass them.

Honestly, as much as this is a story about how stupid young guys can be, it's also a story about how pervasive and powerful the media can be. He irritated her. She made sure he lost his job and was publicly shamed. Can all of you do this to anyone who irritates you?

Maybe I don't spend my Friday nights stumbling down the right alleyways, but I've yet to see a group of guys yell this out to intimidate or harass a woman who was not a live reporter. Have I missed out on this phenomenon? Or is this really about disrupting broadcasts?


CanBarelyRe Member
Aug 18, 2001
…Honestly, as much as this is a story about how stupid young guys can be, it's also a story about how pervasive and powerful the media can be. He irritated her. She made sure he lost his job and was publicly shamed. Can all of you do this to anyone who irritates you?

Maybe I don't spend my Friday nights stumbling down the right alleyways, but I've yet to see a group of guys yell this out to intimidate or harass a woman who was not a live reporter. Have I missed out on this phenomenon? Or is this really about disrupting the broadcast?
How did "she make sure he lost his job…"?

You are right, it is about disrupting broadcasts as much as anything, and no one who chooses to get themselves on TV in that goonish way should imagine they have a right to escape into cowardly anonymity. Like it or not, the media people have a job to do, and unlike their harassers they do it professionally and legally with proper permissions from property owners and appropriate regard for those they share space with.


Armed to the tits
Mar 6, 2009
In the 6
Sorry AK, your comments are idiotic, so it's not hypocrisy.

It's also not White Knight Syndrome.

We just don't condone indecency or disrespectful conduct, whether it's copycatting or not.

(I can't believe you excuse this immature behaviour)
At the the end of the day it was just a stupid little prank. Nobody was physically harmed. They didnt throw any ketchup on the woman, or anything like that. No CityTv reporter was hurt in the making of that video.

People need to lighten up a a little. Toronto has the reputation across Canada and rest of the world as a very uptight city. How this incident was handled doesnt help our reputation one bit


Armed to the tits
Mar 6, 2009
In the 6
Frankcastle has some the dumbest rebuttals yet in this thread :crazy:

At least most of the other ones like Schlong, Destillat and oldjones have given up, because I think they're starting to see how stupid this whole accusation was on Shauna Hunt's part


Active member
Jan 7, 2002
Especially when Trudeau gets to keep his job for saying something rude as well.
Trudeau is not employed by HydroOne. Trudeau is employed by the Liberal Party of Canada. It is up to the Liberal Party of Canada to decide whether or not to fire Trudeau. In October the people of the Papineau federal electoral district in Montreal can also decide whether or not to employ Mr Trudeau as their Member of Parliament.

If you really did own a business for 20+ years (which is doubtful considering your ignorance of business and employment matters) you would know that subject to the Employment Standards Act, employers and employees are free to agree on the terms of employment. It's likely that the Liberal Party doesn't have the same employment contract with Trudeau that HydroOne had with Mr Simeos. Employees are also free to negotiate a "what I do on my own time in my own business" clause in their employment contract. If Mr Simeos didn't do that, or if he signed up for a union job where he's bound by a collective agreement that didn't have such a clause, too bad for him.


New member
Sep 5, 2005
First, I just want to make it clear that I would never use this phrase, and I do not condone anyone else doing it. It’s vulgar, it’s juvenile, it’s offensive, and quite frankly I have better things to do with my time.

But I can also see why some people would consider it funny. They do it BECAUSE it’s vulgar, juvenile, and offensive, and there is some humour in that in a Jackass or South Park-type way. Not everyone finds that type of humour funny.. but a lot of people do.

For as long as TV cameras have been used to record the public, people have acted out in front of the camera. They do things they would not otherwise have done in that situation; things like yelling out “Hi Mom”, making goofy faces, making obscene gestures, or flashing their tits. It’s in that spirit that I think we need to look at FHRITP.

Contrary to some views expressed in the media over the past few days, the intent is not to advocate rape. It’s not meant to be “verbal sexual assault”. For the most part, I really doubt the reporters feel they’re in any actual danger of being victims of sexual violence because someone uttered this phrase. FHRITP has been said when male reporters were on the air. It’s been said by women. And so it’s disingenuous to take this in a literal context.

While I do not condone anyone using this phrase, I am extremely concerned at the fallout from this one incident. Mr. Simoes has been banned from all events on MLSE property, and much more damaging has lost his job. There have been (quite tenuous) threats of criminal charges. He’s been tried and convicted in the court of public opinion, and the punishment has been extreme. It’s turned into a witch hunt.

Especially as participants in an industry (hobby) where discretion is key, the implications of this should be alarming. How would you feel if someone started taking pictures of guys going in/out of your favourite MP and then outing these guys to their significant others or employers? Do we really live in a world where BIG BROTHER IS WATCHING YOU 24/7 (in this case, big brother is not necessarily the government)? Do we really want this?

Shawn Simoes is an idiot. He said some stupid things that I bet he regrets. But the punishment does not fit the crime.


Well-known member
Feb 4, 2003
pot meets kettle. when i posted in the sexodus thread a couple of months ago some members on this forum(all men no women) were name calling calling me a woman hater and a misogyny accusing me of sexism towards women one even attempted to doxx me by asking my address and personal info and this person still posting here.
Was i one of those people?

Usually that's how pot kettle comments go.

Sorry you were mistreated....... think of it as a harmless prank :)


Well-known member
Feb 4, 2003
Frankcastle has some the dumbest rebuttals yet in this thread :crazy:

At least most of the other ones like Schlong, Destillat and oldjones have given up, because I think they're starting to see how stupid this whole accusation was on Shauna Hunt's part
Clearly sarcasm is lost on you


Well-known member
Feb 4, 2003
At the the end of the day it was just a stupid little prank. Nobody was physically harmed. They didnt throw any ketchup on the woman, or anything like that. No CityTv reporter was hurt in the making of that video.

People need to lighten up a a little. Toronto has the reputation across Canada and rest of the world as a very uptight city. How this incident was handled doesnt help our reputation one bit
Ohhhhhhh so ketchup is the line. Thanks!


Well-known member
Feb 4, 2003
You guys should read some of rhe articles about grounds for firing.

They include things like if others won't want to work with you and if you consider their actions damaging to your brand........ paraphrasing.

A gain not saying it is right but o think hydro one is on stable legal grounds.


New member
Sep 5, 2005
You guys should read some of rhe articles about grounds for firing.

They include things like if others won't want to work with you and if you consider their actions damaging to your brand........ paraphrasing.

A gain not saying it is right but o think hydro one is on stable legal grounds.
So if your employer thought it was damaging that you participate in the sex industry* (or, say, reductio ad absurdum because you have red hair), you believe they should have the right to fire you for cause? And you would not object to losing your job based on something you did that had nothing to do with your work?

* disregarding the fact that C-36 - in theory if not in practice - makes a lot of what happens in the industry technically illegal.


Armed to the tits
Mar 6, 2009
In the 6


Armed to the tits
Mar 6, 2009
In the 6
Trudeau is not employed by HydroOne. Trudeau is employed by the Liberal Party of Canada. It is up to the Liberal Party of Canada to decide whether or not to fire Trudeau work for a company other than the Liberal party of Canada and lose your job, but work for the Liberal party of Canada, say something rude and keep your job (because thats different).



Call me anti-fascist
Nov 13, 2011
I get around.

F*ck Him In The A*S
More like, Fucked Him In The Paycheque.

d_jedi said:
While I do not condone anyone using this phrase, I am extremely concerned at the fallout from this one incident. Mr. Simoes has been banned from all events on MLSE property, and much more damaging has lost his job. There have been (quite tenuous) threats of criminal charges. He’s been tried and convicted in the court of public opinion, and the punishment has been extreme. It’s turned into a witch hunt.

Especially as participants in an industry (hobby) where discretion is key, the implications of this should be alarming. How would you feel if someone started taking pictures of guys going in/out of your favourite MP and then outing these guys to their significant others or employers? Do we really live in a world where BIG BROTHER IS WATCHING YOU 24/7 (in this case, big brother is not necessarily the government)? Do we really want this?

Shawn Simoes is an idiot. He said some stupid things that I bet he regrets. But the punishment does not fit the crime.
Yes, all the men on here pilorying Simoes should remember they would also be subject to job loss (and more) if they were filmed indulging in their hobby or even being suspected of involvement with sex workers.

'FHRITP' Video: Shawn Simoes Apologizes To CityNews Reporter Shauna Hunt

Toronto television station CityNews says the man fired over hurling sexually explicit remarks at reporter Shauna Hunt last weekend has apologized for his actions.

Hunt confronted several men about their apparent plans to use vulgarities as she did fan interviews at a Toronto FC soccer game on Sunday.

One of the men used offensive language during their exchange and was fired by Hydro One after CityNews aired the video, provoking a storm of anger on social media.

CityNews says the man sent Hunt a written apology on Friday.

The station quotes Hunt as saying she appreciated him reaching out with what she felt was a "very genuine apology" and was "happy to accept it."

CityNews reports the man told Hunt he intended the apology to be a personal note to her and she won't release exactly what was said.


Mar 31, 2009
Apology offered and accepted. Maybe we should now leave this guy alone. Perhaps, Hydro One will reconsider his dismissal and impose less drastic punishment.


Well-known member
Feb 4, 2003
So if your employer thought it was damaging that you participate in the sex industry* (or, say, reductio ad absurdum because you have red hair), you believe they should have the right to fire you for cause? And you would not object to losing your job based on something you did that had nothing to do with your work?

* disregarding the fact that C-36 - in theory if not in practice - makes a lot of what happens in the industry technically illegal.
It would br within their right. How i feel about it is irrelevant.


Well-known member
Feb 4, 2003
63 work for a company other than the Liberal party of Canada and lose your job, but work for the Liberal party of Canada, say something rude and keep your job (because thats different).

No i think wjat he is saying is that different organizations may have different rules, viewpoints etc. Just because hydro one did it doesn't mean all others will or should.


Well-known member
Feb 4, 2003

n the Canadian legal system, an employee can be terminated for just cause if their conduct: detrimentally affects the employer’s reputation; renders the employee unable to properly discharge his or her employment obligations; causes other employees to refuse to work with him or her; or inhibits the employer’s ability to efficiently manage and direct the production process. Elements like how long you’ve been with the company and past infractions also come into play.
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