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Young Women Dating Older Men, Is This A Trend Now?


Well-known member
Jan 10, 2016
Some of the young women actually want to learn how to converse at a higher level than TikTok. Especially ones who are somewhat new to Canada. Give them some credit, not all are dingbat club chicks.
Women are attracted to intelligent men, history proves this.
Sorry but not for the majority of women. Women are attracted to guys that work hard and provide security for them. Why would they accept to give men babies then? Girl are hard working but in today’s life it’s financially almost impossible to most men to provide what women want :(


Well-known member
Feb 21, 2023
Has it not always been a trend? Young woman with an old guy for the money. Or the rich athlete who regardless of looks has the hot babe as a girlfriend or wife.
We are guilty too. We only want youth and beauty. Doesn’t turn my crank if she is homely but it financially secure.

With the normalization/routinization of waist liposuction, bbl’s and breast augmentation, it baffles me why there are still financially secure homely looking women. They can afford to make some improvements instead of buying stupid shit and getting their passport stamped. Even getting liposuction on their chubby waist will boost their number rating above a 5.
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Well-known member
Feb 21, 2023
Sorry but not for the majority of women. Women are attracted to guys that work hard and provide security for them. Why would they accept to give men babies then? Girl are hard working but in today’s life it’s financially almost impossible to most younger men to provide what women want :(
Added the word that was missed :p
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The Wiz Man
Feb 9, 2018
most woman are half my age, no problem
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Well-known member
May 8, 2008
The Internet helped indeed but it’s the crazy cost of living that changed everything.

Regular folks can’t start their life at 18 (like i did) renting an appartement out of a busboy salary… When i was promoted to waiter i made 200$ a night. My apartment was 350.

That gave me all opportunities in the world.

Today this is fucked. So i don’t judge or blame girls going with older dude’s so they can have a decent roof and decent life. And on top of it he’s probably more respectful. And better at sex because older we know we get only one shot a day 😷
This is like relationships in a non western culture and countries. They marry or have relationships based upon provisioning. Passport bros sugar daddies even marriage. With women if they can provide for themselves they will be extremely selective. If they cannot they will accept what fulfills their needs and lower expectations.

I for one don't give a shit. In the end as a man you will always be paying one way or another
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Well-known member
Sep 11, 2004
Many of the responses in this Reddit are right on point, in my opinion.

And Jalimon makes an excellent point regarding the increased cost of living.

Everyone is behaving exactly as expected based on economic theory.

Young women at the height of attractiveness upgrade their lives by renting, directly or indirectly, long or short term, the valuable patch of real estate between their legs. Much of that renting in a relationship is to older males with more to pay. We can argue that they have more game, but they have more resources and experience to have game with.

Faced with high barriers, a not insignificant number of young men simply decline to participate.

Many of the young men trying to make something of themselves invest their time in an education and training process that for many high-paying jobs now takes a decade or longer. Some of them have mates who were willing to take the difficult ride along with them. Those that don’t not surprisingly look to date younger women once they become successful. The nature of a smaller percentage of people becoming successful, with more of society‘s resources accruing to them, means that there are fewer male targets for females. And as an aside, the greater education and occupational advancements of young women means that it is even more difficult for them to find someone who will “upgrade” their lives.

Everyone is acting rationally based on the variables, even poorly dressed young men playing a modified version of Twister. Read the good comments in the Reddit thread.
Yeah. This calculus is so clear and obvious that it is surprising that many people still deny this. And it can be seen clearly in the declining birth rates.
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Well-known member
May 3, 2014
Nothing new. Has happened for many, many years.
Yair remember Joe how back in the day when we were young bucks walking around Babylon 2500 years ago, and how we used to complain about how all the women were ignoring us for the older blokes, who had oxen and myrrh and we didn't? Man, we'd post complaints in cuneiform in send that clay everywhere. I reckon what comes around, it's our turn.
P.S. scarlett says we both don't look a day over 1,000, so maybe that helps.
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Well-known member
Nov 6, 2010
Yair remember Joe how back in the day when we were young bucks walking around Babylon 2500 years ago, and how we used to complain about how all the women were ignoring us for the older blokes, who had oxen and myrrh and we didn't? Man, we'd post complaints in cuneiform in send that clay everywhere. I reckon what comes around, it's our turn.
P.S. scarlett says we both don't look a day over 1,000, so maybe that helps.
Scarlett....such a sweetie.
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Well-known member
Jul 15, 2004
Last year several 18 year old hit on my , buying drinks for me etc. Its very nice.
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Well-known member
Jul 15, 2004
This has a lot to do with the fact that young men with game are an endangered species. From what I have observed, a small percentage of Gen Z alpha males are getting a lot of sex, a majority are spectators, simps or incels, and the rest are gay or members of one of the niche genders.

A few years ago, I was walking through the Ryerson campus during orientation week, and about eight frosh were playing a giant game of Twister, with both a floor and a side wall of spots. They guys seemed to be so afraid of invading someone else' personal space that they were all spread out, so effectively they were playing Simon Says. It was really sad to watch.

Decent but not affluent young guys seem content to be friend-zoned, lest they be branded toxic-ally masculine. It's no wonder that the young women who aren't man-haters would be more interested in the older males who have money, experience, and the masculine traits which are suppressed by cancel culture.
I have said the same many times. Its still dangerous for old men, as there are the occasional Karen masking as a thirsty young women but while risker than anytime before there is a distinct lack of male competition.
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Well-known member
Mar 4, 2007
Is this a trend now????

Young women (some young women) have been attracted to older (often more successful guys, but not necessarily) since the dawn of time.
The fundamental imperative for men is winning, the fundamental imperative for women is survival for her and her, if any, children. Bluntly,.. she is the breeding machine. Men often lose track of the issue that women will do anything possible to achieve that. Call it biology, nature`s way or whatever you like. Every man has experienced it.
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