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Would you marry an SP?

Sensual Kate

Mature Sensual Companion
Oct 31, 2011
What are you disputing? That there is a public stigma to the industry? Seriously??

In any case I didn't judge anyone. I simply pointed out that others do. We live in a society that is very judgemental, to the point that laws like c36 get passed. Quite a lot of Canadians think every SP is a victim and are highly judgmental.

Do I agree? No. But if you are an EX SP, or married to one, you a will have to deal with that. Clearly you are OK with dealing with it or you wouldn't have a blue handle on terb, but don't presume that everyone is OK with it.

Many people who think the judgmental attitudes of our society are bullshit nevertheless don't want to be judged, or deal with the issues that results in.

Others care less what society thinks and are going to see no issue in dating a former SP or even a current one.
I am curious how people in society are going to "judge the ex SP"? Is there not an assumption on your part that the couple would be announcing her past profession? Or someway in which family and friends are going to know of her past? Many escorts are successful at hiding their job while they are currently involved in it, how does this all of sudden change once she is no longer working in this industry?

I go to many outings, parties, and gatherings with friends, family and people I am just newly meeting. Never is my current job of escort brought up, so how is it going to be after I retire?

Respectfully, I think your opinion is strictly based on an assumption that is not in the major likelihood of possibilities. I am not saying that there will/can not be a situation where the information of her past is not leaked, or even a slim chance of being a party where a former client may ironically be attending as well, however this opinion of every ex SP is now dealing with judgement in her new life and relationship seems rather silly.


Well-known member
I am curious how people in society are going to "judge the ex SP"? Is there not an assumption on your part that the couple would be announcing her past profession? Or someway in which family and friends are going to know of her past? Many escorts are successful at hiding their job while they are currently involved in it, how does this all of sudden change once she is no longer working in this industry?

I go to many outings, parties, and gatherings with friends, family and people I am just newly meeting. Never is my current job of escort brought up, so how is it going to be after I retire?

I think your opinion is strictly based on an assumption that is not in the major likelihood of possibilities. I am not saying that there will/can not be a situation where the information of her past is not leaked, or even a slim chance of being a party where a former client may ironically be attending as well, however this opinion of every ex SP is now dealing with judgement in her new life and relationship seems rather silly.
I think the ladies who put themselves out there i.e face pics would have a more difficult time with the post Escorting world
I for one would embrace the fact that the lady on my arm at a party or dinner function or whatever chose me to have a relationship with...Yes there may be some slight uncomfortable moments if a former client came up to her and asked...'are you working' or something similar....but as long as her suitor rolls with it...then I think both could weather whatever situation may come up.

Sensual Kate

Mature Sensual Companion
Oct 31, 2011
I think the ladies who put themselves out there i.e face pics would have a more difficult time with the post Escorting world
I for one would embrace the fact that the lady on my arm at a party or dinner function or whatever chose me to have a relationship with...Yes there may be some slight uncomfortable moments if a former client came up to her and asked...'are you working' or something similar....but as long as her suitor rolls with it...then I think both could weather whatever situation may come up.
I would agree, but I also think that ladies who put themselves out there with face pics are often the ones who don't care what others think anyway, so any judgements would not bother them. I guess I don't understand the automatic assumption that everyone is going to know her past. She would not be walking around the scarlet letter so I am confused on Fuji's seemingly enthusiastic opinion on the matter.


Well-known member
I would agree, but I also think that ladies who put themselves out there with face pics are often the ones who don't care what others think anyway, so any judgements would not bother them. I guess I don't understand the automatic assumption that everyone is going to know her past. She would not be walking around the scarlet letter so I am confused on Fuji's seemingly enthusiastic opinion on the matter.
I know an SP who shows face pics...and when she was out with family and friends at a ribfest...some asshole clients would walk up to her and ask if she was working and if they could book a visit....she chastised them vigorously cus her friends didnt know she was an escort....made for some very awkward explaining as to why the idiot called her..********* and not...***********!

Same escort...different story
I had helped her with a legal issue and as we were walking into the courthouse and looking for duty council..she kept nudging me saying....He's a client..he's a client ...all the way down the hall...LOL I thought she was just joking but you could see the utter terror in the guys faces as they made eye contact with her...then me...priceless

I guess you gotta gauge each situation in its own context and deal with it


Active member
Jul 4, 2009
Wow. Some people are idiots. I've seen men at my day job who obviously recognize me from our visits but we do NOT engage in agency conversation. If I'm entirely alone - by myself - then sure, ask me about my side job. It's common sense not to call someone out for their work. Just as I would never see a man with his wife/gf/kids and call him by his hobby name or talk about the hobby.

I know an SP who shows face pics...and when she was out with family and friends at a ribfest...some asshole clients would walk up to her and ask if she was working and if they could book a visit....she chastised them vigorously cus her friends didnt know she was an escort....made for some very awkward explaining as to why the idiot called her..********* and not...***********!

Same escort...different story
I had helped her with a legal issue and as we were walking into the courthouse and looking for duty council..she kept nudging me saying....He's a client..he's a client ...all the way down the hall...LOL I thought she was just joking but you could see the utter terror in the guys faces as they made eye contact with her...then me...priceless

I guess you gotta gauge each situation in its own context and deal with it

K Douglas

Half Man Half Amazing
Jan 5, 2005
Room 112
Sure I would marry an ex SP or MPA no problem. I think any respectful hobbyist would at least consider it should the opportunity present itself.


Well-known member
Nov 15, 2012
i would certainly date an sp ( and i have) but marriage would take exclusivity (in my mind)

and it definitely would take an effort of tremendous will from both sides to do so after visiting all possible situations and circumstances involved in a one on one relationship considering the way in which we met.


New member
Sep 9, 2012
Just west of GTA
I think the real question might be "would an SP marry you."

Many of the SPs I have met are some of the most intelligent, charming, well-rounded women I've ever known. AND they are hot and adventurous in bed.

If we as clients are willing to bend societal rules when it suits us (e.g seeing SPs, sometimes when we are married or attached), maybe we should at least consider questioning the basis of those rules, or at least being open minded about it. There are many ways to live, and many ways to be in a relationship.

It would require alot of trust and self confidence, but who's to say it wouldn't work or at least evolve? I admire (and am frankly very attracted to) the women I've known to me polyamorous. Confidence is sexy, and that works both ways


Jan 31, 2005
Wow. Some people are idiots. I've seen men at my day job who obviously recognize me from our visits but we do NOT engage in agency conversation. If I'm entirely alone - by myself - then sure, ask me about my side job. It's common sense not to call someone out for their work. Just as I would never see a man with his wife/gf/kids and call him by his hobby name or talk about the hobby.
Exactly the problem. If over time 100 people recognize you and 99 show impeccable discretion that still leaves one potentially explosive situation. The point I was making above is some guys don't want to deal with that, while others will happily help you contain the explosion.


Apr 25, 2010
What I fail to understand is why does it matter how many people a man or a woman had sex with when they get married. If they met and fell in love and want to be each others sole partner in life their past sexual activities have no bearing at all. Why does it matter?
I'm not a fan of playing coy like that.

The answer is as simple as getting a car or a jacket. If it's good quality, it matters little that it's not new.

However you wouldn't be paying top dollar for a car that's run 300k nor may you want to if you can afford a newer car.

Now be careful, a brand new car off the lot is rarely a good investment, almost never. However a car that's only had a few owners and under 100k with proven reliability? That's a solid buy.

Or you could just acknowledge that people have different preferences and that's it.

I know plenty of guys who prefer to date women who've had at least a dozen partners.


Active member
Jul 4, 2009
My opinion is that if you hobby, you should better darn have a good excuse for how you know "that pretty girl". And she better have the same. I'm sure one is more incriminating for one party rather than the other but its still the same stuff. We all play the game.

Your one potential "explosion" is scary and try to find those ones and weed them OUT. Fast.

Exactly the problem. If over time 100 people recognize you and 99 show impeccable discretion that still leaves one potentially explosive situation. The point I was making above is some guys don't want to deal with that, while others will happily help you contain the explosion.


Active member
Jan 5, 2010
Privacy doesn't exist in 2015. Calvin Harris walks out of a massage parlour and the whole fucking world knows about it. Every week it seems another schoolteacher loses her job because she shot a few porn scenes. Most of us are protected by our anonymity, but if you're highly visible in a public field, those skeletons will be revealed eventually. In that sense, I agree with Fuji. For some of us, the decision to marry an sp would be more of a practical decision than a moral quandary. It comes down to exposure and how much you have to lose. Oddly enough, the lions share of societal slut-shaming comes from other women. Most men wouldn't care if your wife was an sp, but I know many women who would judge this quite harshly.


Sweetie Pie
Feb 23, 2004
Oddly enough, the lions share of societal slut-shaming comes from other women. Most men wouldn't care if your wife was an sp, but I know many women who would judge this quite harshly.

This. Men are not usually judgemental of me. Some women are VERY judgemental. I would be nervous about meeting the other wives if they knew.


Active member
Jan 5, 2010
This. Men are not usually judgemental of me. Some women are VERY judgemental.
I have a friend who is constantly getting suspended on Facebook for reported or suspected nudity on her feed. Every time it happens, we both joke, it's gotta be an uptight jealous female complaining.
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