I donno, I see plenty of women with men where I think "wtf" that guy a douche, or lazy, doesn't work hard etc
But people in general are more willing to stay single. I think the problem is people want someone at certain a level, but they aren't even attempting to get to that level as well.
I have a successful partner who makes over 6 figures, but I'm a law student who also makes good money, and I worked really hard to bring myself to a level that would make me more desirable to the type of partner I wanted
Then there's men with no ambition making less than 60k a year and not working towards promotions and think they deserve a woman who spends on average over 12k a year (averaging or large one time expenses that happen every few months like hair, botox, fillers) and countless hours on her appearance, has multiple degrees and a good job to appeal to a more desirable man.
We have an entitlement problem regardless of gender.
But as pointed about above, men use to need to just be mediocre to get a house wife, now you have to have a personality and treat women well too because they aren't reliant on you and so there's a bunch of men who watched their dads and grandpa's do shit but go to work and be assholes by had a woman still take care of them, and are expecting the same.
The flip side is the women who saw their moms and grandmas do everything around the house, raise the family and be treated like shit at best and abused at worst, and we said fuck that shit. We decided that if a man didn't bring xyz, tolerating that shit wasn't worth it. I stand on that for myself and spent large parts of my life happily single knowing what the alternative was if I settled.
And of course there are groups of women who think they can just be pretty and get everything they want, but imo at least they are doing something to make themselves more appealing even if it's not enough. Bcz if a woman was pretty but badly put together and clearly a slob, it wouldn't have the same effect on men.
At the end of day, there's people of all genders who think they don't need to work on themselves or develop a likeable personality, to deserve a quality partner
those people will either need to adjust their standards, work on themselves or make peace with their decisions.
But what do I know, I'm in my 30s, my partner is in his 40s and the young people are scaring me tbh