Why I Am Voting Liberal


Dec 13, 2005
I couldn't care less that Iggy spent a good part of his life working and living in the US, i am not anti -American in any way shape or form, but what i don't like about Iggy is that he is an "intellectual elitist", and also quoted as saying that he is a "tax and spend Liberal", 2 reasons that i would not support him or his party, it seems nowadays that anti - Americanism has become quite rampant here in Canada again,so it seems like the Conservative party's backroom boys are playing up the fact that Iggy spent a good deal of his life in the US to cash in on anti - American sentiment.
FYI. Iggy has spent about 1/3 of his time outside Canada in the United States and 2/3 of his time outside Canada in the United Kingdom.

Yes, Iggy is an "intellectual elitist", at least he is an intellectual, in contrast to Harper, who thinks he is an intellectual and is not (no, he does not have a law degree, as some think here; he was educated as an economist but in October 2008, during the last election, was claiming that no recession was coming) and is definitely an elitist.

"tax and spend Liberal" is better than a "don't tax and spend Conservative" who for the last two years has been giving out infrastructure cheques with the Conservative Party of Canada logo on them, when in reality it was future Canadian taxpayers (because of the deficit) who were footing the bills for the cheques.


le roi des cons
Jul 21, 2003
Harper is scum, a US kiss-ass who wont honour Canadians rights, ignores the Supreme Court when ordered to pay attention to our rights, gives the US BILLIONS of our dollars for nothing(softwood lumber), honours Brian-fucking-Mulroney of all people ffs, turns his own people over to the USA cuz THEY want a guy who has done nothing illegal by OUR laws (Emery), has us with a target on our backs overseas as we are now an invading and killing faction in our armed forces instead of the peacekeepers we have traditionally been, would have had us in Iraq dying for an immoral and unjust invasion, and HE is our BEST choice to so many here? God have mercy on our souls..... because we did have a choice, maybe not a good choice, but a choice nonetheless. USA re-elected Bush - fn idiots - and we are about to make the same mistake. It is NOT always better to choose the poison you know.... I cant vote for a guy who honours the WORST PM in our country and ass-kisses the WORST President in US history. I just cant ... I wont ... ANYONE but Harpo - Conservatives would win a majority if they dump this asshole, cuz there really isnt a "good" alternative .... I HATE him, I HATE him, I HATE him...


CanBarelyRe Member
Aug 18, 2001
I will be voting Conservative. I really hope we get a majority too...... Main reason is a FUCK YOU to iggy and layton for wasting close to 300 MILLION bucks on an election.

Thats my tax dollars those fucking idiots are wasting.
Poor you voting for a guy even "fucking idiots" can outsmart; you must be desperate as well as stupid to believe that's a sensible choice.


Active member
Jan 17, 2004
... how do you think Iggy will spend your money? Corporate tax cuts are a needed! I own a small business and am tired of getting pounded by taxes ...
That is the funny thing about the "Harper Government's" latest tax cuts. They don't affect small businesses. It was the Liberal Tax Cuts with Paul Martin as Finance Minister that got the corporate tax rates under control. In fact, the new budget proposes tax cuts that may indirectly increase costs and make it harder to exist as an independent small business, because they are targeted at sectors that often function as cartels or regulated monopolies.

The "Harper Government" makes a great deal of noise, however what Harper says and what Harper does often don't make any sense. For instance, the budget fights with the parliamentary budget officer, the auditor general, or the speaker of the house of commons. The "Harper Government" has picked fights with almost every independent commission head in Ottawa, because what Harper says is often either misleading or factually incorrect. The head of StatsCan was forced to resign over the misrepresentations by the "Harper Government".

Also, whose government is it: Is it Harper's Government? or is it our government? Is it a government of the people? or is it a government of Mr. Harper?

Do we the people have a right to professional factual decision making? An honest discussion about the issues facing the country based on facts? or would we prefer divisive half-truths not based on reality?


New member
Oct 22, 2004
....And of course the current Conservative gov't is running huge deficits, every country in the western world is. The Conservatives have done an admirable job given the recent economic conditions - our economy is the strongest in the G8.
That doesn't explain why Harper increased spending by approx 6% in each of the two years prior to the recession. He did that on top of cutting the GST by 2% so we were heading into deficit territory even before the recession arrived. Keep in mind, he started off with a $13B surpus, courtesy of the previous Liberal gov't. And all Harpo has done so far is cut taxes and spend borrowed money to counter the recession. Beyond that, I'd love to know what Harper has done for our economy that you think was so special. Any moron can spend money.


Well-known member
Oct 13, 2010
1) national healthcare
2) peacekeeping
3) socially progressive

These are the things that have defined Canada as a respected country in the world and formed our self-image.

Harper is the antithesis of this image of Canada, and if he gets his majority, he will destroy the country we love.

Unless of course you envision a mean and bitter nation full of selfish , arrogant, anally retentive jerks, surrounded by hordes of disenfranchised peasants

( kinda like the U.S.A.)
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Well-known member
Oct 27, 2010
a minority government is not bad if it happens again. At least every one or party is watching each other.

bad side is everyone is watching and yapping and no one is doing any work. hmmmmm sort of like my stupid workplace


Just a bit to the right
Dec 28, 2005
Are all conservative diehards such outrageous liars ?
You won't be swayed by facts, but the fact is that for months the Liberals would make a policy announcement on a Tuesday, then announce the opposite by the following Friday. Sometimes the announcements would come on a Monday, or a Thursday, but it was very rare that any of their policies would last more than two weeks. You couldn't discuss policy with them because you could never be certain what their policies were.

As for describing Ignatieff as a "tax and spend Liberal", those are his own words. Why do his supporters think that it's an attack?

His supporters in other circles don't seem to think that outright lies are a problem: in one of his books, Ignatieff describes how his family arrived in Canada with a lot of money (25,000 British Pounds at the time - equivalent to arriving in Canada today as a millionaire). Yet in a recent commercial, Ignatieff claimed that his family arrived in Canada with nothing. The man simply is not credible.


Sep 3, 2008
The Ignatieff family is descendant from Russian nobility.

His grandmother was Princess Natalia Nikolayevna Meshcherskaya and his grandfather was Count Paul Ignatieff, a close advisor to Tsar Nicholas II


CanBarelyRe Member
Aug 18, 2001
And his father was one of Canada's most respected civil servants. None of it really relevant to picking the best candidate you actually are sending to Ottawa.


Apr 7, 2005
Harper is the antithesis of this image of Canada, and if he gets his majority, he will destroy the country we love.
Maybe the kind of Canada you envision and love will be destroyed and I say GREAT.
The Canada I envision and love would hum right along perfectly for me with Harper at the controls.

james t kirk

Well-known member
Aug 17, 2001
The Ignatieff family is descendant from Russian nobility.

His grandmother was Princess Natalia Nikolayevna Meshcherskaya and his grandfather was Count Paul Ignatieff, a close advisor to Tsar Nicholas II
Well, I wouldn't be too proud of that fact given what happened to Nicky and his entire family.


Sep 3, 2008
I do not trust Ignatieff one bit.
He portrays himself as coming from a poor immigrant family that pulled themselves up by their bootstraps.

I remember the documentary he made during the Yugoslav conflict.
He was basically an apologist for the war criminal Milosevic.


May 31, 2004
I would not vote for anybody who spent so little time in Canada in the last 20 years only returning for politics.....send him back to the USA where he belongs! Layton doesn't know his head from his ass, so that leaves Harper the lesser of all evil?!?!?!?! Give him a chance with a majority government. What a waste of tax dollar money to call an election at this time with the shaky economy thats a selfish move from the Liberalndp party.


Jun 6, 2009
I would not vote for anybody who spent so little time in Canada in the last 20 years only returning for politics.....send him back to the USA where he belongs! Layton doesn't know his head from his ass, so that leaves Harper the lesser of all evil?!?!?!?! Give him a chance with a majority government. What a waste of tax dollar money to call an election at this time with the shaky economy thats a selfish move from the Liberalndp party.
So no matter what solution Iggie might offer you're not going to vote for him because he's lived somewhere else for 20 years. Thank goodness we don't have referendum on important things as was offered earlier. Did i miss something or did Iggie give up his Canadian citizenship or was there a change in the laws to who can run for office?

That's as close mind as those nut bar rednecks in the US.'we don't hate them, we just don't want them here.' D'oh!!
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Nov 9, 2004
I will not go too in depth with my reasons to vote Liberal this election because most of it has been said already, and a lot of misinformation has been spread, like in any campaign.
I've always been pretty moderate in my political views. Hell, I even liked Joe Clark. But the conservative party we now have is nothing but a bunch of western rednecks looking to mess with an eastern centric political structure, which in principal I think they should have a voice. In point form:

-Harper is as big a liar as I have ever seen in politics
-Attack ads reek of American political dirtiness, I don't like it!
-Harper is a massive megalomaniac to the nth degree
-Everything the current Conservative party is, is laden with Republican ideals, bullying and dirty tricks.
-Anytime anyone leads with religious fervor like Harper does, I get scared. Always separate religion and state.
-Harper has taken direct, negative interest in my means of making a living
-and many many more reasons......

You will vote the way you want, and so will I. Get ready for another minority government Canada.
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