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Why Do You Hobby?

Aug 2, 2008
futurelegend said:
I am always willing to do my part in enriching and enlightening the minds (and bodies) of the masses. Its the least that I can do for mankind.
You, Sir, are much too kind. Your selfless generosity warms the cockles of my heart. :D


Been here too long
Jul 18, 2008
Lost in a daydream of beautiful women.
Emma@SecretaryService said:
You, Sir, are much too kind. Your selfless generosity warms the cockles of my heart. : D
well when we get the opportunity to meet for our interview, you can take that time to warm my cockles....:eek:


Ph.D. in Pussyology
Oct 14, 2001
The doctor is in
MLAM said:
...I am not trying to start a fight...and promise to confess in this thread when I switch from genuine questions to just fucking with you (or anyone else who cares to comment).

Don't you MISS women who really actually like you? As in who want to enjoy your company without compensation?

Yesterday morning my GF calls at about 7:30am...asks if I have time to join her for breakfast. I do, so I drive to her neighborhood, we have breakfast at our favorite breakfast spot, then we spend three hours talking and laughing (with an occasional hug or stolen smooch) while sitting on a bench in a beautiful nearby park.

So...that was was a beautiful morning with the fine company of an attractive woman...but there is no way I would have paid $600 to $1000 for that experience...and even if I had, there is no way it could have been duplicated by someone who did not actually know me well, and care for me genuinely...or me her.

Now...I am 42...and I think I read someplace that you are we aren't THAT far apart in point being, we have A LOT of living left.

Are you really resigned that you will not have experiences like that again in your life?

I have read different arguments on the pro hobbying side before. For example:

That it is cheaper than dating...

(bullshit...each of the women I date treats me as often as I treat them...though my treats do tend to be more expensive...but for example my GF yesterday picked up the tab for breakfast because she asked me out...and has twice in the last year taken me on quite nice weekend trips...once for my birthday, another time for our "anniversary"...)

...that civilian women are by definition lame in bed...

(bullshit...each of the women I currently sleep with regularly both enjoys sex and is an enthusiastic lover...they might not possess encyclopedic knowledge of the practice, but then again neither do I...I do know that they enjoy it and are open minded...all four love BBBJ for example and are good at it...and 3 of the 4 swallow)

..or that women are hard to meet

(sigh...sometimes yes...sometimes no...but I personally don't have enough in the way of problems at it to give up....and I always manage to have SOMEONE in my life)

...but I still could not bear the thought of never again having a RELATIONSHIP with someone. I have been plenty "unlucky" in love....I am a twice divorced guy at age 42...but I still say the seminal experience of a man is to know the love of a woman.

I get hobbying because you are a man whore...I am a man

I get hobbying because you want to have the sort of sexual experiences (or level of attractiveness) that you cannot assume is easily secured with civilians...or can / will not be provided by the women currently in your life.

I get hobbying because it helps you avoid entanglements...I have a couple of those I am dealing with right now, though I think working through them as the price of admission was worth it.

But I just don't see how it is a substitute for actual relationships.

Mnd you...I know what it is like to be in a place where you DO NOT WANT a relationship...I've been there...and hey, a guy still has to fuck. And yeah, I can see how it might be easier to see an SP under those conditions versus trying to negotiate a non-relationship FWB (or even less than friends fuck buddy) understanding with a woman...though it can be done.

But you've been here on this board (as have I) for years...I would kinda think you are well past the "ok...I need to deal with some shit before I jump into another relationship" stage.

Do you really see this as a life long substitute for "civilian" relationships with women?
I'm not sure it can be a lifelong substitute, but I do it for the convenience and variety mostly. That, and the fact that my occupation takes up almost all of my time - I work constantly. Mind you, I enjoy it, but last year I was so obsessed with making money that I actually turned down two potential relationships since I just didn't have time for them. I admit, I'm regretting that decision now, but SPs fill the void for me until I find someone new (hopefully). Btw... good civilian women ARE hard to meet. Maybe I'm just too selective; I don't know...


Active member
Sep 16, 2004
Emma@SecretaryService said:
Hi everybody, just getting my feet wet on this board so I hope this is okay for my first post here (gulp) ...

There are probably as many different reasons as there are individuals as to why men hobby. I wonder if any of the gentlemen would be interested in sharing, honestly, why you do it? What made you decide to try it that very first time? What was your first experience like and, for the veterans, has that changed over time?

Ladies, you may also participate if you wish and perhaps talk about what made you decide to a) get into the profession, and b) stay in it.

I think this could turn out to be a very interesting and informative discussion. What do you think?

Happy Hobbying,
Emma :)
Let me try to answer, even if it has been.

To me, feminine beauty is a mystique and mystery that can never be resolved, unless one has met every single adult woman in the universe, not just this Earth. That off course does not include those with home sex is incest, and off course the non adults.

I have been in search of that mystery all my life, and found that every woman is so different from the other, in beauty, in demeanor, in ambiance, in friendship, in courtship, in intellect, in color, in nationality, and the list is infinite.

That keeps me involved and many a times takes me to Nirvana of discovery. And the only one after meeting whom I screamed Eureka! was my one and only wife. And even after that I keep searching, and keep getting some clues.

As long as the names of all the A to Z goddesses, of love and beauty, from Achtland, to Aphrodites, to Lakshmi, to Venus, and Zoria, are alive, my search will be alive.

Here is the link to Godesses of love and beauty to figure out:

Hope it helped ;-) Cheers.


Ph.D. in Pussyology
Oct 14, 2001
The doctor is in
Sukdeep said:
That's the problem with the hobby. The physical (and sometimes emotional) relief makes it unnecessary to work at civilian relationships. You can afford to be selective, at least in the short run.
The problem is, the short run eventually turns into the long run. I've been hobbying for almost 9 years and as a result, have been quite nonchalant about putting any effort into finding a real relationship. Instead, I chose to focus 100% on my career. Now, I'm thinking I probably should start getting serious about finding someone, before it's too late. I say that since I've been using SP's as a crutch/excuse to avoid a real relationship. I know damn well that if escorts weren't an option, I would have ended up dating the civilian women I met last year.


Registered User
Oct 23, 2002
here and there
Sukdeep said:
That's the problem with the hobby. The physical (and sometimes emotional) relief makes it unnecessary to work at civilian relationships. You can afford to be selective, at least in the short run.
That is the point of the hobby, not the problem with it, and I'd leave out the emotional part, it's about the money.


New member
Apr 17, 2006
It’s simple… It’s cheaper then dating, you don’t have to play all the games women play and you know what you are going to get.

How much time and money have you all spent trying to wine and dine the ladies, only after numerous outing you get nothing except the old line “ I just don’t feel the connection” and then you start all over again and you go home with your dick in your hand and some Jergins on the night table…

Save the hundreds or possibly thousands of dollars on the unknown and spend $200 to $250 on a sure thing. Oh ya lets not forget that these are the women that chances are none of us would ever be able to date or have a relationship with. Unless we had cash hand over fist to buy them everything they wanted and then bend over backwards for their every whim. And yes I am saying that a lot of the very attractive women in Toronto are shallow ( hmmm shallow women in Toronto maybe that should be a thread )

Now I’m not saying never look for or never get into a relationship but in the in between instead of trying so hard to pick up a woman and get in her pants just go for the sure thing.


Registered User
Sep 26, 2003

cliff1 said:
It’s simple… It’s cheaper then dating, you don’t have to play all the games women play and you know what you are going to get.

How much time and money have you all spent trying to wine and dine the ladies, only after numerous outing you get nothing except the old line “ I just don’t feel the connection” and then you start all over again and you go home with your dick in your hand and some Jergins on the night table…

Save the hundreds or possibly thousands of dollars on the unknown and spend $200 to $250 on a sure thing. Oh ya lets not forget that these are the women that chances are none of us would ever be able to date or have a relationship with. Unless we had cash hand over fist to buy them everything they wanted and then bend over backwards for their every whim. And yes I am saying that a lot of the very attractive women in Toronto are shallow ( hmmm shallow women in Toronto maybe that should be a thread )

Now I’m not saying never look for or never get into a relationship but in the in between instead of trying so hard to pick up a woman and get in her pants just go for the sure thing.

"It’s cheaper then dating, you don’t have to play all the games women play and you know what you are going to get." the second biggest lie ever told. I have gotten laid three or four times in a week spending nothing more than gas.

And yes I am saying that a lot of the very attractive women in Toronto are shallow ( hmmm shallow women in Toronto maybe that should be a thread )

Might I suggest that dating women for the sole purpose of getting in their pants might not be the most "deep" thing in the world either...and is probably the problem.

Not that I think you should change, mind you. Guys like you make it oh, so much easier for guys like me. :D


Crotch Sniffer
Oct 22, 2003
Caledon East
I hobby because I prefer to surprise and please experienced women. Oh, and my wife gets turned on by my stories that include other women...

...I think she still thinks that they are just fantasies... lol
Aug 2, 2008
MLAM said:
Might I suggest that dating women for the sole purpose of getting in their pants might not be the most "deep" thing in the world either...and is probably the problem.
This comment, Sir, makes you stand out from the crowd and makes me curious about the man behind the MLAM. :)

The gentlemen who complain of having difficulty bedding civilian women could learn from you.

Everyone: Thank you all again for taking the time to offer your thoughts to this thread - much appreciated.


New member
Jan 25, 2008
futurelegend said:
MLAM...thank you. Your posts are legendary!! I think that you should take a position as a guest columnist at the Sun or Star, or whatever paper will take you, just RANTING. I'm a ranter myself, so I find such value and humor in your post....keep up the good work.

To answer the original question...I might be a bit different than the other posters here. I am not 40+, I am not a socially awkward single, I am not unattractive (IMHO), I am not the victim of several failed marriages (yet :p ).... I'm in my late 20s, good looking (so I've been told...and by more than just my mom), outgoing, well kept, blah, blah, blah....I have an attractive, intelligent wife and two beautiful kids...perfect, right? WRONG!! There is absolutely no way that my wife can keep up with my urges and I don't necessarily expect her to. Truthfully, I would much rather have a NSA GF (or two) on the side that could help keep me satisfied at a much lower cost, but that is too risky. Hobbying allows me to keep my urges filled (somewhat, because I don't think that is possible) with little to no risk of being caught by my wife. If she was okay with me doing this, I would definitely tell her, but I have a feeling that might be a hard sell.
Um, please tell me that at least you guys get regular STI tests. You know can get gonorrhea, chlamydia in your throat (even from DATY, DFK). I'm sure your wife would love it if you brought something home.
I'm one of those guys where my wife practically begged me to go out and get laid from other women. Yes, I know I'm lucky, and I couldn't imagine not getting regularly tested. Why the fuck should she have to catch something and have it left untreated because I haven't been telling her what I've been doing.

/rant done
//had a co-worker catch syphilis from her husband that was sleeping around on her and never told her until he got all these fucked up symptoms
///serious, and she might not be able to have any kids
////that's fucked

sc dave

New member
Dec 23, 2003
SW Ontario
...because in 35 years of marriage I have not ever had the experiences that I have had in a 60 minute encounter with a sexy woman.


Registered User
Sep 26, 2003

Emma@SecretaryService said:
This comment, Sir, makes you stand out from the crowd and makes me curious about the man behind the MLAM. why they invented the PM function. ;)

I will be waiting with baited breath....
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