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Who has it harder in life? Men or women?

Life is harder as a

  • Man

    Votes: 34 42.0%
  • Woman

    Votes: 12 14.8%
  • Both. Life is extremely difficult for everyone.

    Votes: 35 43.2%

  • Total voters


Class of 69...
May 19, 2002
Lewiston, NY
None of the above, not EVERYONE has an especially hard life, just the vast majority. Men or women more-so? Depends on the situation, all the time. One thing that just about always complicates life is actual gender adjustment. Seems easier to be well adjusted to whatever life brings if you play the hand you were dealt. On the male side, it not hard to refrain from discrimination, but I simply cannot help but feel real pity for some guy who goes and has his dick removed, even if he was Bruce Jenner. Be just as queer as you feel, but stop tampering with the standard issue equipment, whatever you got. Oppose ALL forms of genital mutilation (yes, including any sort of pussy piercing🙀🔪) ...

New World

Well-known member
Jul 23, 2003
So the only hardships that someone can go through is sexually or financially? Really???? LMAO ok pumpkin.

Men hold no power in the sexual marketplace??? But they hold all the power with the majority of rape which is happening to women from men. They sure control that sexual marketplace, now don’t they??

You (and others) have a very narrow minded or just pain ignorant view of the sexes.

Are you saying you would rather be a woman? With all our medical issue with menstruation, pregnancy, menopause just to start, less income, single parenthood, sexual harassment and harm, just to name a few - all so you can have an OF? And get laid when you want?

Less income is a complete hoax... I work for on of the world's largest Tech companies in Sales. There is nine people on my sales team. We all have the same salary and commission plan.


Well-known member
Apr 24, 2018
Women get invited to a Yatch Party because she is beautiful. A man needs to buy it.. He doesnt get invited to any yatch party...

Men has to create value for himself. If not the world will treat him garbage.

But one thing**
The more a man get experience the more he becomes valuable.. opposite when it comes to women. This is why women like scars in man and not the opposite for us..

Women sells Purity** Men sell success. This is why Young SPs will always be replace by the younger ones** nothing against anybody but this is facts
One wrinkle I would add to this is that I think the idea that men lose sexual interest in women as they age is overstated and even misconstrued. Beauty is an advantage for sure, but what most men value in a woman even more is sexual interest and fun. Younger women are hotter, but they are also more open and experimental sexually. While their sexual prime may come later in their mid 30s, that does not necessarily translate into being better sex partners . Their willingness to be selfless and do things to please their partner tends to decline, as does their openness to novelty, kinks, lingerie, etc.

Obviously there are exceptions. First SP I saw was a then 50 year old Erica Fox when I was in my early 30s. My current favourite SP and stripper are both hot thirty somethings whose sexual talents are off the charts. I see myself as their eager customer as long as they want to let me in the door. But I am reminded of discussions I had with people when Tiger Woods was found cheating on his hot wife with various women. I had to explain to some incredulous women that there's no point having a hot wife if you can't fuck her. And sure enough it came out that she was ice cold in the bedroom. Men value action as much as if not more than women value talk in their partners. We love team sports and prize those who put in effort, even if the skill isn't up to par. So it is with sex. Don't be a starfish and most of the time there won't be problems


Well-known member
Feb 11, 2009
For life
It depends...
Traditional men have pressure to provide and protect
Traditional women need to nurture and comfort.
Modern men have pressure to provide, protect and share all the duties of raising the kids
Modern women no longer nurture and comfort...they work...make $$$ hire a nanny...


Well-known member
Feb 11, 2009
So the only hardships that someone can go through is sexually or financially? Really???? LMAO ok pumpkin.

Men hold no power in the sexual marketplace??? But they hold all the power with the majority of rape which is happening to women from men. They sure control that sexual marketplace, now don’t they??

You (and others) have a very narrow minded or just pain ignorant view of the sexes.

Are you saying you would rather be a woman? With all our medical issue with menstruation, pregnancy, menopause just to start, less income, single parenthood, sexual harassment and harm, just to name a few - all so you can have an OF? And get laid when you want?
There's always an exception to the rule....if we talk on these situation in general....women hold the power in the sexual marketplace...there's a reason why women will sleep with men for $$$, gifts, cars, house etc etc...what men hold power over women is in the relationship marketplace...women decides who can have sex with decide who they give the ring to....


Well-known member
Sep 11, 2004
I agree, but there are some twists to your thesis.

First, ugly girls have it the worst their entire lives. When they are young, they are ostracized by their fellows girls, shunned by boys, overlooked in employment (cannot be front desk, air hostess, work at a cosmetics store, become waitress, bartender, hostesss, news anchor, journalist, etc.). They have the ability to attract a less high-quality mate, and if they do get married, it will not be an easy marriage. So ugly women have it extremely hard their entire lives. They may end up dying alone, or become that crazy cat lady.

The flip side is short men like myself. They will not be taken as seriously and respected. However, we can compensate to some degree through our achievments and earnings. A 5'5" man can still be attractive if he works super hard and becomes a surgeon and a millionaire. This just doesn't work for an ugly woman.

A beautiful girl has it the easiest in the beginning. She is well-liked by her teachers and is popular with lots of friends. Boys will do anyting for her, and she will have a great social life and her pick of the highest quality men. However, if she let's this go to her head and becomes an entitled brat, and does not marry, it's downhill from there. Soon, her looks will fade, and her ugly personality will dominate. She will become a Karen.

Men typically become more desirable the more money and prestige he has, which takes time.

So, what you said is true: Men ripen, women expire.
Very true. Luck with demographics and economics can play a role too. People like Woody Allen and Charles Manson were short and considered sexy but also they were older than all the boomer women and so had a massive pool to dip into. The reverse happened to men born at the end of the baby boom. Slim pickings and those women were better off economically. Also, infant mortality for boys(males tend to be weaker at birth and more likey to die at birth) has fallen quite a bit thanks to modern hospitals.
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Jan 4, 2005
Tons of short guys that are very well liked by women:

Michael J. Fox (5'3") was the crush of many teen girls
Prince (5'2") had legions of female fans
A lot of women even find Peter Dinklage (4'5") hot, and he is married to a regular sized woman
Tom cruise (5'7") was the epitomy of the hot actor back in the day, and was the leading man in many movies

Any of these men who have fame, looks, fortune, and charisma would win over a woman, over a 6 ft tall oaf with no personality and working at a gas station.
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Well-known member
Jul 28, 2022
I'm late to this party, but the whole thread is open to a very wide interpretation.

Women are different. Some women have it easy, some not so much. Same applies to men. There are many variables.

People, in general, are different. Some fold and some flourish under the same circumstances.

I wouldn't change a thing though about my life. I was born a man and I accept challenges on an individual basis. Life can suck or it can bring tons of pleasures. Perception and paradigm plays into it.


Jan 4, 2005
There is a youtubue channel called catfished. It features lonely, homely, middle-aged women who are so desperate that they fall for romance scams. They end up sending hundreds of thousands of dollars, their entire life savings to them, and lose everything.

Instead, I always thought that if they spent money on plastic surgery, they would have been able to attract a decent man their age.

Take the ugliest, fat, middle-aged woman.

Make the effor to get in great shape, or have weight-loss surgery. Get a great set of boobs. Have cosmetic surgery to get rid of imperfections and enhance the face. Get braces, or fix your teeth so you have a great smile.

Put on nice, elegant clothes, and get your hair and nails done professionally. Wear light perfume, and apply makeup.

Easily, you can go from a 2 to a 6. That could be life changing for her, as unfortunately society places such a huge emphasis on a woman's looks.

Here is an exteme case:



Well-known member
Feb 7, 2011
Make the effor to get in great shape.
That's never going to happen for most people in that condition.

Diets and weight loss products are multi-billion dollar industries that have been around for decades even though everyone knows that losing weight simply requires eating fewer calories.



Active member
Jan 1, 2021
Although men do get raped too, it is mainly not as traumatic.
Did this numbskull really say that getting your asshole torn apart is not traumatic? Men have more emotional intelligence so they deal with it, or they plot their revenge.

Man, feminism has really warped the mind of Western men. Incredible. At least with mass immigration, this line of thinking will slowly but surely disappear.


Well-known member
Jun 15, 2023
That's never going to happen for most people in that condition.

Diets and weight loss products are multi-billion dollar industries that have been around for decades even though everyone knows that losing weight simply requires eating fewer calories.

View attachment 240102
Counting calories is too OCD and too much work for me 😅. I just avoid carbs and sugar and just make sure my plate is half protein and half veggies. Then I can eat to my heart’s content and stay below 120 lbs. It’s much easier for me and I feel like it would be for others who really really like to eat too.

I got fat in my first year of undergrad and managed to lose about 30 lbs in 30 days eating like that. Haven’t ever been overweight again. I get higher ratings on my body now than I did at 19 over in the strip club boards 🙌🏼

Keto(ish) diet for me was the easiest to stick to long term without feeling like I’m suffering.

If I want something sweet there are alternatives too.

My only kryptonite is potato chips. Why are they so gooooood? They’re pretty much irreplaceable.
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Well-known member
Jun 15, 2023
Did this numbskull really say that getting your asshole torn apart is not traumatic? Men have more emotional intelligence so they deal with it, or they plot their revenge.

Man, feminism has really warped the mind of Western men. Incredible. At least with mass immigration, this line of thinking will slowly but surely disappear.
I avoid watching films where

1. Men might get buttraped.
2. The dog dies.

Watching either of those things is unbearable for me.
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Apr 21, 2019
Counting calories is too OCD and too much work for me 😅. I just avoid carbs and sugar and just make sure my plate is half protein and half veggies. Then I can eat to my heart’s content and stay below 120 lbs. It’s much easier for me and I feel like it would be for others who really really like to eat too.

I got fat in my first year of undergrad and managed to lose about 30 lbs in 30 days eating like that. Haven’t ever been overweight again. I get higher ratings on my body now than I did at 19 over in the strip club boards 🙌🏼

Keto(ish) diet for me was the easiest to stick to long term without feeling like I’m suffering.

If I want something sweet there are alternatives too.

My only kryptonite is potato chips. Why are they so gooooood? They’re pretty much irreplaceable.
Hmm 🤔

Since you are on keto diet, please remind me not to bring any Torres Foie Gras Chips, and Dark chocolate with sea salt for our upcoming future session 😉
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Well-known member
Jun 15, 2023
Hmm 🤔

Since you are on keto diet, please remind me not to bring any Torres Foie Gras Chips, and Dark chocolate with sea salt for our upcoming future session 😉
Haha I actually rarely get those things and when I do I take a bite and share with other girls or leave it at the unit. Only one guy ever brought me those chips. They are hard to find! Chocolates are for sharing. If you are really good about your meals you get a bit of wiggle room for treats.
  • Haha
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Apr 21, 2019
Haha I actually rarely get those things and when I do I take a bite and share with other girls or leave it at the unit. Only one guy ever brought me those chips. They are hard to find! Chocolates are for sharing. If you are really good about your meals you get a bit of wiggle room for treats.
I'm surprised you can handle just one chip 😉

It might be hard to find those Torres Foie Gras Chips but not impossible lol 😂

True! If you manage to keep up with your gym workout and cardio for the week. Then having a piece of sea salt dark chocolate will be a good treat for the day :)


Fabulously Full Figured
Supporting Member
Jul 14, 2020
North Whitby Incalls
Both. We're meant to work together and work through things.
Exactly. Two sides to the same coin. The Ying and Yang.

Men are meant to go through hardships. Hardships that women can’t or won’t. Women are meant to go through hardships that men can’t or won’t.

Women don’t need men. We don’t need you to build shit. We can do it. Might take longer, might be hard but don’t think roads wouldn’t exist if there were no men.

Men don’t need women. Men can cook and clean without us. Raise kids without us.

What we can’t do is go forward in life without the other because there would be no new life.
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Well-known member
Feb 7, 2011
Men build things. They create, innovate, maintain. None of what you see around you would exist without them.

However, women give men purpose and nurture the next generation in ways that men cannot.

Without women, not only would our species die off, but life would have no meaning for men.
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