Who has it harder in life? Men or women?

Life is harder as a

  • Man

    Votes: 34 42.0%
  • Woman

    Votes: 12 14.8%
  • Both. Life is extremely difficult for everyone.

    Votes: 35 43.2%

  • Total voters


Everyone's hero's, tell everyone's lies.
Jun 1, 2006
Life isn’t hard.

Pleasure Hound

Well-known member
Dec 8, 2021
yes those things happen to women, but how does one gauge who has or is traumatized more or is worse off?

I dont see how pregnancy and pms as the worse thing. it a medical condition. men have medical conditions that women dont have and vice versa.

like I said before each sex has their issues and conflating one sexes problem and minimizing another by saying women have it worse highlights the preference for women in society and the disregard for men.
I seriously hope that you never say anything like this to women.....
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Not getting younger

Well-known member
Jun 29, 2022
I know I might take some heat from any of the fairer sex reading this. But hands down men have it harder.

Especially fathers.
was a time in my life post divorce when my GF would be over and both my teen daughters. Once in awhile they would synch up. Want to talk raging hormones and needing somewhere safe to lay low??

Me, I love nature. I love hunting. If, a bear ever looks sidewise at me, mauls me, rips my guts out. That I can understand.it’s just a bear being a bear. but women? When they are like that?
I will never understand

Not getting younger

Well-known member
Jun 29, 2022
On the more serious side.
there are arguments that can be made that men have it harder. For starters women live longer. And average life expectancy post retirement is 22 years male, 25 years female. Reasons for that likely many, but can likely be summed up as work/life stress.

mid life.
Suicide rates among men are through the roof. Women not so much. No doubt that’s because women have it harder, and life is a cake walk for men.

good arguments women have it harder.
from biological and things like menstrual cycles, childbirth/rearing, menopause. To the patriarchy. Nothing and I do mean nothing is as devastating to a young girl/lady as having their self esteem shattered. Men/boys suck..
Then there are the pressures and issues forced on them by society surrounding looks and body image…and on and on and on.

me, I’m just sick and tired of the gender wars. These days, with “toxic masculinity”, so many women throwing the word mysoginy around Without clearly understanding what it means, nor understanding it makes them misandrist. To young boys without father figures, struggling to find their place in the world as a male these days. As though having a dick is somehow a bad thing.

until people can look at other people, not see male/female, or black/white/yellow/green. Not see Muslim/Christian/Bhuddist/Pagan/athiest/whatever. But rather just see another person. The world is going to have problems.
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Fabulously Full Figured
Supporting Member
Jul 14, 2020
North Whitby Incalls
LMAO!!!! I don’t think you will get a non-bias answer here. This is a men’s forum. For sure many more men will think they have it harder.

Ask the same question in a forum about motherhood and all the women will say they have it harder.

Both have hardships the other doesn’t realize or understand.

Not getting younger

Well-known member
Jun 29, 2022
Symphony, there is some truth to that. I work in a “patriochrical” field. New guys get treated like absolute dog shit, better have very thick skin, and have to prove themselves. New girls especially when attractive are treated like gold.

but and this is a somewhat serious question.
Do you have daughters? Mine are now in their 20s. As your typical guy most of my life, watching my girls grow into young women. And the shit they deal with…a blessing as a guy/father.

walk a mile imo.
And that goes for both “sexes”.
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Fabulously Full Figured
Supporting Member
Jul 14, 2020
North Whitby Incalls
Obviously men. Women go through life on easy mode. You think the average guy can make an Onlyfans and rake in $500K+ annually like a woman? Men are expected to provide physically and financially, hold no power in the sexual marketplace and aren't afforded the societal sympathy given to women.
So the only hardships that someone can go through is sexually or financially? Really???? LMAO ok pumpkin.

Men hold no power in the sexual marketplace??? But they hold all the power with the majority of rape which is happening to women from men. They sure control that sexual marketplace, now don’t they??

You (and others) have a very narrow minded or just pain ignorant view of the sexes.

Are you saying you would rather be a woman? With all our medical issue with menstruation, pregnancy, menopause just to start, less income, single parenthood, sexual harassment and harm, just to name a few - all so you can have an OF? And get laid when you want?

Not getting younger

Well-known member
Jun 29, 2022
Don't have kids and will never make the mistake of having any 😂
cool. There have been times in mine when I questioned it. Especially when 3 of them synch up during the month under one roof….;)

As a father I always said. “If they both make it to 25 and I have any hair left. I’ll pat myself on the back and say good job dad”.
I still have some left
suffice to say, as I said in my first post there are good arguments for both. Not sure why there has to be a winner.


Well-known member
Apr 24, 2018
Men have it worse for some key reasons. They work the most dangerous jobs, they are more likely to be victims of violence (especially in times of armed conflict), are more likely to commit suicide, and for such reasons live shorter lives. Men have been socialized to sacrifice for others and are disposable in times of war. Which are most times throughout history


Well-known member
Apr 24, 2018
Oh look, Jenesis is throwing another hysterical fit. Typical.

What percentage of men are rapists and what percentage of women are raped? Not a lot. By contrast, everything I said applies to most men. And ya, women have all the power in the sexual marketplace (rape doesn't count as sexual marketplace obviously ffs).

Menstruation and pregnancy aren't bad enough to offset the fact that men are born without social worth and have to fight for every ounce of respect we earn. Women have it by default and go through society being treated like princesses. You're also more likely to get custody of the kids in a divorce so that single parenthood thing is actually because men don't get to see their kids as much.

Oh, and the wage gap is a total myth. Not only do women make the same money as men when you account for job occupation, hours worked, degree etc, but young women make more than young men.
On that last poinot, single women who haven't married or had kids have been out earning single men in the same boat for 50 years now, and the gap is twice the more widely quoted and mythical male-female wage gap
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Well-known member
Apr 24, 2018
The main reason being that in rich countries, fewer couples can afford to have children.....because housing prices have gone insane.....
Housing is an issue. Especially so in more recent times in Canada. But maybe not so much in some other rich countries.
Regardless, the amount of people going solo has never been higher.
Canada is no worse than other rich countries on housing. We are still cheap compared to other G7 countries.

Ironically, more well off women are the most likely to want to get and stay married in a "patriarchal" institution despite its supposed oppression and their being more able to get by without it. Hypergamy dies hard it seems


The Chiseler
Jan 4, 2008
Remember when female soccer players were bitching and moaning about not making as much as male soccer players? And then the court ruled they were actually making MORE than their male counterparts when accounting for all the variables 😂

And then there's the fact that WNBA players basically have their salary paid by their male counterparts since the WNBA operates on a loss, yet they still demand equal pay 😂

The feminist argument is never comparing apples to apples. If women want to earn as much as men playing basketball they would need to play in the NBA. Why they don't? Because they aren't equals. They aren't good enough. If they were then you would see women in the NBA. College basketball has way more athleticism than WBNA.


Well-known member
Apr 24, 2018
Remember when female soccer players were bitching and moaning about not making as much as male soccer players? And then the court ruled they were actually making MORE than their male counterparts when accounting for all the variables 😂

And then there's the fact that WNBA players basically have their salary paid by their male counterparts since the WNBA operates on a loss, yet they still demand equal pay 😂

This is the same women's soccer team that got destroyed by a team of teenage boys but thinks they put in equal work. I'm all for Christine Sinclair's accomplishments, but she is not on the same level as Messi. She wouldn't even qualify for a spot on a team in the lowest levels of the Premier League.
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Fabulously Full Figured
Supporting Member
Jul 14, 2020
North Whitby Incalls
Oh look, Jenesis is throwing another hysterical fit. Typical.

What percentage of men are rapists and what percentage of women are raped? Not a lot. By contrast, everything I said applies to most men. And ya, women have all the power in the sexual marketplace (rape doesn't count as sexual marketplace obviously ffs).

Menstruation and pregnancy aren't bad enough to offset the fact that men are born without social worth and have to fight for every ounce of respect we earn. Women have it by default and go through society being treated like princesses. You're also more likely to get custody of the kids in a divorce so that single parenthood thing is actually because men don't get to see their kids as much.

Oh, and the wage gap is a total myth. Not only do women make the same money as men when you account for job occupation, hours worked, degree etc, but young women make more than young men.
The fact that you think I’m being hysterical is enough for me know what type of person I am dealing with.

I think it is hilarious that you and others think men have it worse. I think it is equally hilarious that women think they have it worse. As I already stated. I simply asked you a question and you seem to be the one who got all emotional about it.
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Well-known member
Apr 24, 2018
The comments to this thread alone proves women have it harder because of the ignorance, misogyny, narcissism and stupidity of men
All this post proves is you and facts don't get along. Numerous material facts have been advanced and your response is school yard insults. The adults are talking, when we want your opinion we'll give it to you.
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