Counting calories is too OCD and too much work for me
. I just avoid carbs and sugar and just make sure my plate is half protein and half veggies. Then I can eat to my heart’s content and stay below 120 lbs. It’s much easier for me and I feel like it would be for others who really really like to eat too.
I got fat in my first year of undergrad and managed to lose about 30 lbs in 30 days eating like that. Haven’t ever been overweight again. I get higher ratings on my body now than I did at 19 over in the strip club boards
Keto(ish) diet for me was the easiest to stick to long term without feeling like I’m suffering.
If I want something sweet there are alternatives too.
My only kryptonite is potato chips. Why are they so gooooood? They’re pretty much irreplaceable.