Furthermore trumps ambition for building a wall was to leave a legacy for himself like the pharaohs did in Egypt. Bill Clinton had the first surplus in a generation and built a booming economy. Obama got affordable health care to all Americans and built a booming economy. What did Trump do? Took obamas booming economy and gave out massive tax cuts which put America further in debt than any president in history. Worst jobs numbers since the depression. Renamed NAFTA. Trump called the Mexicans coming in rapists and murderers. Kind of ironic that Trump was proven as a sexual predator in court. Trump made cuts to regulations and funding which lead to train derailments and other massive infrastructure failures. Trump cut school funding. He also taxed several Chinese goods coming in making them more expensive and not available to consumers. China retaliated by taxing American farmers which led to a massive bailout by Trump to keep them afloat. All the automakers and car dealerships had nothing to sell because China retaliated and would not send computer chips to the US. The most important thing is great leaders bring people together. Trump does not have as much support from the republicans as Biden does. To be a good president you have to be liked and respected. Trump is neither. He attempts to rule out of fear of retaliation and that is what dictators do. The problem is America is a free country and will not stand for thst shit