If it was high enough I would have dropped out. I might have gone to university for the lols and it's nice to have a degree but that's it
Every generation of kids coming up, if the UBI was high enough some of them would figure.
"Hey I can rent a room or shack up with some brahs, pay for food, an internet connection for porn and keep myself in games. Why the hell try.
Every generation it would get worse as they set the example to the next generation and to their kids.
My father moved to Newfoundland at around the age of 50. Spent his life has a solid work brah. After living there a while and getting to know my mother's relations he started to feel like a sucker. Now at 50 he didn't change course but you know people will react that way.
UBI for a few years as an experiment won't do anything bad because people know the program will end.
A perminent UBI over time will do serious damage to an economy. It will be like in parts of England where every generation of a household is on the dole and has never worked. It will take time but it will happen. How then you will pay for pensions, medical care and the like especially as the population ages.
That graphic is delusional nonsense, sure it may be true in some cases but mostly it's delusional nonsense.
Almost nobody is entrepreneur and it isn't because of a lack of a UBI. At least to a significant degree.
Few people have any actual talent in the arts to make their efforts of value to society. Sure as a hobby, but paying people to stay at home and fap isn't sound either. I know plenty of people on the dole/disability and they are not using their free time to achieve self actualization, none of them.
Also child rearing has social value, so the OP is opposed to government subsidized child care? Does it have value, sure but if the left thought so they wouldn't argue so hard that policy about how great it is for the economy for mothers to be able to work.
But hey, if the government wants to give me money to watch Kdramas and jerk off to porn. Go for it. I'll be dead before things get really bad.