Government can handle any program over time. WE happened because they needed to move the money right away, not years later after a bureaucracy for it was put in place. Same reason the government bought assets from the banks in 2008 - they knew the banks were already set up to lend the money out far better than any cobbled together government bureau could. Time was of the essence. UBI is not a rush programthe public sector would grow NOT shrink, under Trudeau the public sector grows each year which is funny remember the we charity fiasco apparently the public service couldn't possible handle the program only we charity could.. that right there shows we don't need many of them
Population of the federal public service -
Times have changed: public-sector employment on the rise in Canada, especially in Ontario | Fraser Institute
Liberals to hike pay for 10,000 bureaucrats even as federal deficit continues to swell | National Post
You need to Wiki the term Libertarian, most would support your views...So far, no one who has responded agree with UBI.
I thought I would be one the few who also think this way. It’s refreshing to see like minded people think that same way.
But it’s early in the morning and I work so I can contribute my hard earned dollars to money wasting government programs like these.
Perhaps the lazy libertarians are not up yet to respond.
If the govt. was meeting all my basic needs, all the income from work would be hobby money. What would I do for work? Probably farm work this year. The flow of migrant labor is way down and farmers are already begging. Good way to keep the weight down and all the way back to my ancestral roots...I believe just about everyone who currently contributes to the economy in a uniquely human way (aka couldn’t be replaced by robots) would continue working even with UBI. Automation would take care of the rest.
It’s the same reason people don’t stop once they’re earning enough to survive. We always want more. If that wasn’t the case, everyone would just be content living paycheck to paycheck.
I would be a gigolo.I'd do more art.
Far bigger programs have been rolled out this past year without threatening our credit rating, which I point out is the highest in the G7. It wouldn't dis incentivize people at all. It's small change as far as income goes, allowing subsistence living. Wouldn't even cover rent in big cities. No one aspires to that little. It would be there to keep people afloat while they transition from shocks or other temporary problems and allow people to better themselves. And with all the existing welfare programs it would replace, the net additional cost would be worth it.At the end of the day UBI has to be calculated into the Federal and Provincial Governments Budgets. Financing a UBI longterm is a non starter and would directly impact Canada’s credit rating. UBI could encourage further disincentives to work and to start a business and result in high tax rates. Canada would be even less competitive on the world stage and would have to bring In foreign labour to fill the increasing labour shortage caused by Canadians who entitled to receive UBI but not entitled to want to work.
The UBI scheme seems like a race to the bottom.
You cannot get blood from a stone. Canadians are spoiled, pampered and as Pierre Trudeau once said, “fat cats”. Actually the Federal Government maybe should just grow the nanny state further and print more money. It is all good.Far bigger programs have been rolled out this past year without threatening our credit rating, which I point out is the highest in the G7. It wouldn't dis incentivize people at all. It's small change as far as income goes, allowing subsistence living. Wouldn't even cover rent in big cities. No one aspires to that little. It would be there to keep people afloat while they transition from shocks or other temporary problems and allow people to better themselves. And with all the existing welfare programs it would replace, the net additional cost would be worth it.
Once you turn on that tap there's no going back. That's what EI and welfare are for, along with Federal disability payments. City of Toronto social housing is the largest landlord in Canada. Various levels of government give away billions of dollars already. We already , for some reason, import labour from beyond our borders to work in agriculture because we have a system that is gamed easily . I know lots of able bodied people who sit on their ass and take the free money rather than work - because they can. CERB was no exception though on a larger scale. Hell the Unemployment insurance system financed my buddies summer vacation in BC when we were 20. I had saved my summer vacation money laying sod and cutting wood ( @$2.50/hr ). He was drawing Unemployment money even though the contractor I had been working for was short of workers. He could have worked but didn't. We went west for the summer and Jesus , they even mailed his unemployment cheques to my girfriends place in Burnaby. I couldn't believe it. Build the freebee ride and they will come. And it will never go away and entire generations will grow up with an entitled attitude.Far bigger programs have been rolled out this past year without threatening our credit rating, which I point out is the highest in the G7. It wouldn't dis incentivize people at all. It's small change as far as income goes, allowing subsistence living. Wouldn't even cover rent in big cities. No one aspires to that little. It would be there to keep people afloat while they transition from shocks or other temporary problems and allow people to better themselves. And with all the existing welfare programs it would replace, the net additional cost would be worth it.
Canada actually has the lowest debt to GDP ratio of any developed country and that highest credit rating I mentioned. We're the lean cats with our house in order.You cannot get blood from a stone. Canadians are spoiled, pampered and as Pierre Trudeau once said, “fat cats”. Actually the Federal Government maybe should just grow the nanny state further and print more money. It is all good.
The question is just how huge you want to let it get.Someone will always get rich and that may create a huge gap between the 1% and the rest...
Pre Covid , THE TRUTH IS there were more jobs than people willing to work in the GTA . A friend of mine owns a landscaping company in Durham region. Pre Covid he could not find anybody interested in working. He adverstised , tried to recruit from advertising in community colleges that taught landscaping. Nobody intersted in working. He had to turn down business. I know a pool company that has to hire Mexicans for seasonal work because they can't find anybody willing to work as general labourers. UBI would just make that worse.I don't think there are many people that frequent this board who would be collecting UBI or we couldn't afford to be seeing girls at hundreds of dollars per hour.
But a few things to consider, IMHO...
1. UBI would allow the government to reduce the number of employees who earn a good living doing nothing much more than babysitting/monitoring the poor who are on welfare/disability as UBI should replace those programs.
2. If you give the poorest people a little more money, most if not all of it would be redirected into the local economy as these people could actually afford to purchase some basic 'luxury' items like new clothes instead of going to the salvation army, or buying takeout instead of going to a soup kitchen/food bank. This would allow the government to reduce the stimulus they inject into the economy.
3. Give the poorest among us a little bit of dignity back.
I haven't seen any rules or details about the program but I can only imagine that you would still be able to work before it starts being clawed back. Imagine not having to work 2 or 3 part time jobs at minimum wage just to pay your rent...shocking. Not to mention that the government aims to have unemployment at around 5%, and to be counted as unemployed you have to have been actively seeking employment within the last 6 months or something like that. While I'm sure everyone has a story about knowing someone who had the opportunity to work and decided to sit at home collecting a cheque, the truth is that there just aren't enough jobs for everyone.
If UBI is about the same as CERB, at least people could survive. Last I heard, welfare, or Ontario Works, only pays something like $700 a month. Someone show me an apartment for that cheap anywhere in southern Ontario. I'll wait. And that doesn't say how they will afford to eat either. Sometimes the attitude of the entitled is a little hard to swallow.