BullshitCanada actually has the lowest debt to GDP ratio of any developed country and that highest credit rating I mentioned. We're the lean cats with our house in order.
BullshitCanada actually has the lowest debt to GDP ratio of any developed country and that highest credit rating I mentioned. We're the lean cats with our house in order.
There will always be rich and poor, winners and losers. Begrudging the rich and setting the poor on them is straight out of the Marxist-Leninist NDP handbook.Someone will always get rich and that may create a huge gap between the 1% and the rest...
Yeah, real BS, off by two spots according to that chart, which I believe factors all levels of debt. In terms of federal debt to GDP, we're definitely tops. And again, the highest credit rating in the G7. All of which means we don't go down before the rest of the G7 does. There is no problem here. Japan has functioned fine at almost 3 times our level!
There will always be winners and losers but you have to rebalance the scales or else the pitchforks will do it for you. Socialist countries like the Nordic countries are the happiest and most productive places on Earth. Extreme US style capitalism doesn't work for most people. Capitalism's best days in the West were from 1945-1975, which were its most socialist in policies. Since then inequality has mushroomed. Smart Redistribution policies will save capitalism from its excesses.There will always be rich and poor, winners and losers. Begrudging the rich and setting the poor on them is straight out of the Marxist-Leninist NDP handbook.
“Socialism is the philosophy of failure, the creed of ignorance, and the gospel of envy.”
“The inherent vice of capitalism is the unequal sharing of blessings. The inherent virtue of Socialism is the equal sharing of miseries.”
Winston Churchill
Take off the rose coloured glasses.I don't think there are many people that frequent this board who would be collecting UBI or we couldn't afford to be seeing girls at hundreds of dollars per hour.
But a few things to consider, IMHO...
1. UBI would allow the government to reduce the number of employees who earn a good living doing nothing much more than babysitting/monitoring the poor who are on welfare/disability as UBI should replace those programs.
2. If you give the poorest people a little more money, most if not all of it would be redirected into the local economy as these people could actually afford to purchase some basic 'luxury' items like new clothes instead of going to the salvation army, or buying takeout instead of going to a soup kitchen/food bank. This would allow the government to reduce the stimulus they inject into the economy.
3. Give the poorest among us a little bit of dignity back.
I haven't seen any rules or details about the program but I can only imagine that you would still be able to work before it starts being clawed back. Imagine not having to work 2 or 3 part time jobs at minimum wage just to pay your rent...shocking. Not to mention that the government aims to have unemployment at around 5%, and to be counted as unemployed you have to have been actively seeking employment within the last 6 months or something like that. While I'm sure everyone has a story about knowing someone who had the opportunity to work and decided to sit at home collecting a cheque, the truth is that there just aren't enough jobs for everyone.
If UBI is about the same as CERB, at least people could survive. Last I heard, welfare, or Ontario Works, only pays something like $700 a month. Someone show me an apartment for that cheap anywhere in southern Ontario. I'll wait. And that doesn't say how they will afford to eat either. Sometimes the attitude of the entitled is a little hard to swallow.
Sadly, when it comes to free money...losing dignity isn't important to some folks...Take off the rose coloured glasses.
1. The government won't reduce it's work force. They will just redeploy them to other departments. The babysitting will never end. So instead of working in the welfare/disability dept. they will now be in the UBI dept.
2. There are lots of jobs out there. Even if it's seasonal.
3. CERB isn't a lifetime program. It's a temporary gap to carry people over until they return to work. Those that are still out of work due to Covid are now on EI.
4. If the poor want their dignity back then go find a job.
China is a totalitarian regime, a police state where the average citizen is forced to be hard working and respect( live in fear of authority) and cannot vote. Canadians do not live in fear of authority, are influenced by tri-partisan politics, don’t necessarily have to work hard or even work and have a guaranteed nanny state which is seen as an entitlement from birth.What happens if you try to bite the hands that feeds you?
What if govt has an expectation of you and if not met, you lose your check or have to pay it back like they have in China??
Chinas Social Credit Score outlines what is expected of you to keep receiving the hand out. If you dont follow the procedures like asked, you lose your benefit or even have to pay back an amount.
Be careful what you ask for.
Our rights and freedoms in a democratic country are just about gone as we speak. Whats next?
This is straw man argument. No one is comparing Canada and China.What happens if you try to bite the hands that feeds you?
What if govt has an expectation of you and if not met, you lose your check or have to pay it back like they have in China??
Chinas Social Credit Score outlines what is expected of you to keep receiving the hand out. If you dont follow the procedures like asked, you lose your benefit or even have to pay back an amount.
Be careful what you ask for.
Our rights and freedoms in a democratic country are just about gone as we speak. Whats next?
Canada is far from a nanny state. People in Canada who do not work hard end up with very little unless they are born into wealth.China is a totalitarian regime, a police state where the average citizen is forced to be hard working and respect( live in fear of authority) and cannot vote. Canadians do not live in fear of authority, are influenced by tri-partisan politics, don’t necessarily have to work hard or even work and have a guaranteed nanny state which is seen as an entitlement from birth.
This is the MOST ridiculous and laughable statement ever written!!! LMAOChina is a totalitarian regime, a police state where the average citizen is forced to be hard working and respect( live in fear of authority) and cannot vote. Canadians do not live in fear of authority, are influenced by tri-partisan politics, don’t necessarily have to work hard or even work and have a guaranteed nanny state which is seen as an entitlement from birth.
You better dig deeper into your post. CAnada is modelling its UBI to be comparable to Chinas. But you wouldnt know that.This is straw man argument. No one is comparing Canada and China.
The Universal Income Benefit will not be the downfall of Canadian democracy and is not a threat to our freedoms. This is a logical fallacy.
Canada is the epitome of the nanny state meaning people who do not work hard, simply cannot work for whatever reasons or do not want to work at all are looked after by the state in terms of basic needs. As you said they may end up with very little but the state guarantees their survival which is a key reason why many wish to immigrate here because their homelands are not nanny states. Choosing not to work in Canada is an option due to generous social assistance programs.Canada is far from a nanny state. People in Canada who do not work hard end up with very little unless they are born into wealth.
Calm down, we are essentially saying the same thing although your ignorance does allow you to realize that.This is the MOST ridiculous and laughable statement ever written!!! LMAO
We dont fear authority???!!! Ummm, take your mask off at the store and see what happens!
Tri-partisan politics is the ONLY way our politicians prefer to run govt!
Want to make a fucking bet you have to work hard in Canada?! You should see what type of work I do and how much tax I pay to the CRA so you can receive YOUR welfare check!
Your post makes no fucking sense! You must live in a different Canada than the rest of us!
You do realise that 47 percent of Canadians are already living paycheck to paycheck and will probably never ever do anything any differently.I believe just about everyone who currently contributes to the economy in a uniquely human way (aka couldn’t be replaced by robots) would continue working even with UBI. Automation would take care of the rest.
It’s the same reason people don’t stop once they’re earning enough to survive. We always want more. If that wasn’t the case, everyone would just be content living paycheck to paycheck.
People emigrate to Canada for many reasons. Violence in their home country, religious persecution, sexual discrimination, a totalitarian state, a narco-state, or lack of opportunity. These could be described as Push Factors.Canada is the epitome of the nanny state meaning people who do not work hard, simply cannot work for whatever reasons or do not want to work at all are looked after by the state in terms of basic needs. As you said they may end up with very little but the state guarantees their survival which is a key reason why many wish to immigrate here because their homelands are not nanny states. Choosing not to work in Canada is an option due to generous social assistance programs.