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What Would You Do For Work If We Have a UBI?

K Douglas

Half Man Half Amazing
Jan 5, 2005
Room 112
We won't get the best out of our society if we implement a UBI.
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His most imperial galactic atheistic majesty.
Mar 8, 2017
If it was high enough I would have dropped out. I might have gone to university for the lols and it's nice to have a degree but that's it

Every generation of kids coming up, if the UBI was high enough some of them would figure.
"Hey I can rent a room or shack up with some brahs, pay for food, an internet connection for porn and keep myself in games. Why the hell try.
Every generation it would get worse as they set the example to the next generation and to their kids.

My father moved to Newfoundland at around the age of 50. Spent his life has a solid work brah. After living there a while and getting to know my mother's relations he started to feel like a sucker. Now at 50 he didn't change course but you know people will react that way.

UBI for a few years as an experiment won't do anything bad because people know the program will end.
A perminent UBI over time will do serious damage to an economy. It will be like in parts of England where every generation of a household is on the dole and has never worked. It will take time but it will happen. How then you will pay for pensions, medical care and the like especially as the population ages.

That graphic is delusional nonsense, sure it may be true in some cases but mostly it's delusional nonsense.
Almost nobody is entrepreneur and it isn't because of a lack of a UBI. At least to a significant degree.
Few people have any actual talent in the arts to make their efforts of value to society. Sure as a hobby, but paying people to stay at home and fap isn't sound either. I know plenty of people on the dole/disability and they are not using their free time to achieve self actualization, none of them.
Also child rearing has social value, so the OP is opposed to government subsidized child care? Does it have value, sure but if the left thought so they wouldn't argue so hard that policy about how great it is for the economy for mothers to be able to work.

But hey, if the government wants to give me money to watch Kdramas and jerk off to porn. Go for it. I'll be dead before things get really bad.


Well-known member
Nov 30, 2005
At a SP near me
So far, no one who has responded agree with UBI.

I thought I would be one the few who also think this way. It’s refreshing to see like minded people think that same way.

But it’s early in the morning and I work so I can contribute my hard earned dollars to money wasting government programs like these.

Perhaps the lazy libertarians are not up yet to respond.
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The Fox

Feeling Supersonic
Jun 4, 2004
I’d still shoot for the stars and be the best version of myself possible and reach for what I define as success. I’d never choose to take UB.
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Active member
Oct 8, 2003
I would agree with UBI, but only if it got rid of the patch work of social net programs currently out there. I am talking Ontario Works, GIS and even OAS. In eliminating the current programs we would save on the public sector employees, that are employed by them. However, I don't have a lot of faith in the public sector to start running like a private business.
But to the original question, I just don't see people living any different than what they are currently doing. The person who is ok with getting up, smoking some weed, having a cig and watching TV all day in a cheap apartment isn't going to suddenly feel like they want to join the minimum wage workforce.


Well-known member
Jan 31, 2014
Will the UBI be high enough to cover my hobby, other hobbies and dining out? It will pay for existence, but never for a "life". Perhaps that's enough for some.


Fabulously Full Figured
Supporting Member
Jul 14, 2020
North Whitby Incalls
From the little I know about UBI, I don’t have a problem with its purpose. The abuse that will come is a different story but there is always abuse. That should not negate helping the people in need.

As for what will I do for a job - same thing I am doing now. Why would this change for me?

UBI is not going to give me anywhere near the same income level I have now.
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Claudia Love

Well-known member
Feb 8, 2021
If you think about those contributions we consider "valuable" to modern life like electricity, medical advances, literary and artistic creativity, ingenuity in any field... They all had something in common... Time and money... Those things were only reserved for an elite few in the past... If everyone had access to both, how many more brilliant minds would be free to solve the climate crisis, create sustainable community food supplies, build homes for the homeless, use ingenuity and entrepreneurship to solve problems rather than generate and hoard wealth?


Well-known member
Apr 13, 2010
Unfortunately it seems we are heading in that direction. Taking away incentive is never good. Personally I would retire a little early and jump on the bandwagon


nobody cares
Oct 1, 2010
Id do the same job and make as much as I do now. Plus the added benefit of my UBI, which would help because there would be no deductions for EI or CPP. If there is a UBI, much of the social safety net is now your own responsibily. Imagine how much money the government could save by not paying tens of thousands of bureaucrats and employees who will no longer be required to run those programs?
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His most imperial galactic atheistic majesty.
Mar 8, 2017
If you think about those contributions we consider "valuable" to modern life like electricity, medical advances, literary and artistic creativity, ingenuity in any field... They all had something in common... Time and money... Those things were only reserved for an elite few in the past... If everyone had access to both, how many more brilliant minds would be free to solve the climate crisis, create sustainable community food supplies, build homes for the homeless, use ingenuity and entrepreneurship to solve problems rather than generate and hoard wealth?
Where will this wealth come from if everyone is off pursuing their research hunches and artistic tendencies.
The actual brillient minds do their work, get paid to do their work and are well funded to do it. With few exceptions the guy working in his basement making massive gains is long past us.
Also you mention time and money, where is that money going to come from. A UBI that pays for not only for someone to not work, but to live a decent enough life and to be able to fund research is just not affordable. That is fantasy land.
Also anyone with the talent to do technology research won't be sitting on his ass tickering in his basement. He will be getting the bucks working in a real lab [excepts rule proving]
As for art. One can draw and paint works nobody will ever see and write books nobody will ever read while holding a job. If you actually do produce something of value, you will be found out and can afford to quit your job. Again it's a fantasy you are living.
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His most imperial galactic atheistic majesty.
Mar 8, 2017
Id do the same job and make as much as I do now. Plus the added benefit of my UBI, which would help because there would be no deductions for EI or CPP. If there is a UBI, much of the social safety net is now your own responsibily. Imagine how much money the government could save by not paying tens of thousands of bureaucrats and employees who will no longer be required to run those programs?
You know that a UBI of any significance would require a flat tax of about 50% starting at the first dollar you make right. Even with savings from bureaucrats.


Well-known member
Aug 1, 2012
I would agree with UBI, but only if it got rid of the patch work of social net programs currently out there. I am talking Ontario Works, GIS and even OAS. In eliminating the current programs we would save on the public sector employees, that are employed by them. However, I don't have a lot of faith in the public sector to start running like a private business.
But to the original question, I just don't see people living any different than what they are currently doing. The person who is ok with getting up, smoking some weed, having a cig and watching TV all day in a cheap apartment isn't going to suddenly feel like they want to join the minimum wage workforce.

the public sector would grow NOT shrink, under Trudeau the public sector grows each year which is funny remember the we charity fiasco apparently the public service couldn't possible handle the program only we charity could.. that right there shows we don't need many of them

Population of the federal public service -

Times have changed: public-sector employment on the rise in Canada, especially in Ontario | Fraser Institute

Liberals to hike pay for 10,000 bureaucrats even as federal deficit continues to swell | National Post


Well-known member
Jul 17, 2011
The problem with UBI is it's pitched as a ways and means of sustainability; and we don't need that. What we need is a ways and means of momentarily carrying people for who are basically surplus - i.e. people we don't need as a society. I mean momentarily, because as a species we have no input into population control, because that is verboten. And, that is a major issue because we aren't interested in being technological rubes, we aspire to greatness. Why do X when we can do X for a half or quarter or fraction of the cost etc... Automation and AI mean we need less people. Exponential growth in population numbers conflict with that, so UBI without some sort of birth control is a fool's errand.


Oct 4, 2020
I believe just about everyone who currently contributes to the economy in a uniquely human way (aka couldn’t be replaced by robots) would continue working even with UBI. Automation would take care of the rest.

It’s the same reason people don’t stop once they’re earning enough to survive. We always want more. If that wasn’t the case, everyone would just be content living paycheck to paycheck.
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