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What was Zidane thinking (or was he)??


Go Leafs, Go !!!!
Jan 15, 2006
salsamarc said:
I have been told recently that this player (the Italian) has been known for being one of the dirtiest of the game can someone confirm this?
Yes, he has been known for that. Watch the clip I posted earlier in the thread. And there's more on the same web page. Zidane is also not an angel. In 1998 he missed round of sixteen game against Paraguay because he was suspended (he was sent off in a game vs Saudi Arabia), this year he missed a game against Togo because of two yellow cards.


Active member
Aug 19, 2001
Worse than being a dirty player, Materazzi is known as being a donkey on the pitch, who often commits terrible technical gaffs. It's quite funny that he was MOM, regardless of what FIFA says.


Mar 31, 2006
As an avid fan

...and one who cheered for Argentina...........

Clearly France dominated this game in a lot of ways...They outshot the Italians 3-1 in 'on goal' shots. They clearly had a better possession game on the whole. But like most soccer games...Goals are rare.
So as a non partisan viewer...It is impossible to say the 'better team won'..or even that 'Italy deserved to win'...NOT a CHANCE...Unless of course you are an Italian supporter and then your view is skewed and biased anyway.....
The game could have been all wrapped up on need to play it.
As I an outsider looking in..cheering for neither team....its an awful way to end a great FIFA World Cup Championship...but like they said 'Thems da rules'' Too Bad.

Yes.>Zidane was a goof.....Yes > Italy dove more....Alas..Its over!!!

The Bandit

Lap Dance Survivor
Feb 16, 2002
Anywhere there's a Strip Joint
humbucker said:
Either way, the Italian team's defence was awesome - with the exception of a few screw-ups late in the game, they were unpenetrable -
They only gave up 2 goals the whole was an own goal, and the one today on a PK.:eek:


Active member
Aug 19, 2001
France dominated from the moment Italy tied it up. I have no idea what people here mean by "best".

At one point the announcer claimed Italy was playing a catenaccio system. Idiot. They weren't. Sure they were employing their mastery of the technical foul, but they were not playing an extra defender behind their main defensive line.


quen es tu papi???
Feb 21, 2002
italy paid for the cup... lets face fact..italy played well..but dirty play and diving was the deal of the week...they had an easy draw for there games and it was not too hard to make it... maybe zadine got a fat check to help italy ... by getting kicked out.....still gotta love the head but...go zz.. we still love your play...too bad he missed the header then france would have been champs...oh well.. i think i am going out to visit some of my italian friends and party..maybe i can jump one of thier sisters...hahaha ...she can play zadine and give me head...hahahahhaha


Active member
Dec 20, 2002
Ok guys

The facts are the facts, I am Italian an obviousley happy. Did we play are best game today? No. After France scored that penalty kick, we took control, tied it up and pretty much controlled the first half, all but the last 5 minutes.

Second half we came out in bad shape, i thought it was over for us, no way we could win France was putting too much pressure.

But our defensive stood tall (cannavaro is god) also Buffon made a couple nice saves, and Zidane missing that header, mind you we hit the crossbar once also.

The Zidane situation, well i used to have respect for him and unfortantely now those who dont watch soccer regularly wil lable him as a dirty player. You guys can try to figure out what was said, but it doesnt matter, nothing Materrazi could have said deserved that. THIS WAS DONE BY ZIDANE CLEARLY OUT OF FRUSTRATION. All the attacking the did and ball possesion and they couldnt get past the def, and when they did couldnt get past Buffon.

All in all Subbing Henry (on ree) and Zidane gettting red carded prob cost them the championship.

But enough of this...........CONGRATIOLATIONS ITALY!!!!!!!!!

They played a great tournament and no one can take that away from them!!!!


New member
Feb 28, 2003
The Hammer
I dont think necessarily Italy was the better team today, France played much better in the 2nd half and created the better chances (I think Italy had like 4 total shots)...and I think Domenech was foolish to take off Henry, I dont care if he was gassed or his head hurt, he played that long, what was 15 min more or whatever...but at the end of the day, like I said in another post, Italy was the best team in the tournament and are worthy winners, there luck today came in the form of a Trezeguet miss, all the penalties on both sides were well struck, goalies were way off on all of them...

and as for Dirtarazzi, I wonder if anyone can find the clip of him elbowing Sorin in the face when Inter played Villareal in the CL this past season...

Hard Idle

Active member
Jan 15, 2005
North York
freakshow said:
All in all Subbing Henry (on ree) and Zidane gettting red carded prob cost them the championship.
Nah, I the ZZ thing didn't affect the shootout. As you noted, he was tired an frustrated anyway, no guarantee he would have scored. He's been 2-for-2 on penlties but neither one was exactly convincing.

Besides, even if he wasn't sent off, the guy who missed -a cold Trezuguet - would still have been one of the penalty takers.

As for subbing Henry, that was a mistake. When you're 10 minutes from penalties, you have to manage for penalties. Henry was clearly worn down, but so what, have him rest on the sidelines and play a man down for the last 10 minutes.

Bringing in Trezuguet was not necessarily a mistake, but he should have come in for somebody else at least 15 minutes earlier so he could have a chance to influence the match or at least get some feeling in his foot before the shootout.


New member
Oct 30, 2005
answering what freakshow had to say, Italy would've had no chance but for Cannavaro, for certain. I really disliked most of the Italian team, but you've got to give it to that guy, he NEVER gave up, and played his ass off every time it was necessary.


Mar 31, 2006
Again i say...

As an Argentininian fan..with no real bias either way...Italy did not necessarily 'deserve' to win..Nor where they the better team.

We can even go back to the rather flimsy penalty against Australia that got them to the final 8..That too was the 92 less....

Yes they won today...Not because of Superior PLAY...nor being the better 'TEAM'

THEY WON..Simply...Yes!!!!


the don of dons
Aug 20, 2001
in an elevator...going up to ??
being the first time I watched so much soccer...never watched a world cup tourney...

this was a great game to watch...I took to backing the french team because of zidane...

regardless of where his career ends and how...he played great...

did he lose it...sure...but hey...that headbutt wouldn't have rocked me as much as it did that italian would usually step back if hit in the chest...not drop like a "professional" wrestler...

entertaining game...with the ups and downs of a true classic...

viva italia...

and c'est la vie...france...somebody has to win...


Aug 16, 2003
So... as has already been refuted here, Italy was not the better team yesterday. But they were the team that got the all important result, and for all of the Italian fans... that should be your only comeback to anything insulting that anybody has to say about your team.

But they STILL were not the better team... And that includes when they were a man up. Hell, I was thinking "Great", now Italy might actually think about scoring a goal and get caught... which they almost did, but Wiltord just couldn't cross the ball to a semi-open Trezeguet.

Otherwise, everything else has already been covered... except the part about the Italians being the team of the tournament. Excuse me... but other than the Czech Republic (who never got over the Ghana game) and Ghana (who actually weren't a bad team; although Ivory Coast were better) in the Group stage, who did Italy beat in order to be the team of the tourny?

Was it the U.S. who they embarrassingly tied 1-1? And don't even try to justify a silly top 5 ranking.

Could it have been the Aussies, who while giving up several good chances in the first half, also missed (to their ultimate demise) some good chances of thier own while a man up in the second half and into the extras? Only a last second controversial penalty saved thier hides.

Maybe it was that juggernaut of a team in the Ukrainians? A one man team... surrounded by mostly Russian League players... comprised from mainly two teams!! Yes, I almost forgot that the Ukraine had that excruciatingly "exciting" win over Switzerland and their team of multi league bench warmers. Hell, I think that Canada could have been competitive against these guys.

Or... was it the Germans?! They were a good team... Another one man team that played way over their heads. Oh, and they had a decent goalie (hey, my team's Arsenal, so I have to support my own...)...

Now before German supporters start going crazy (my grandfather was German), Ballack is the only real star on the team. There are some good players in Klose, Podolski, Frings and Huth, but this team, to their credit, won more games with their team first attitude rather than by their sheer talent. Get something straight... Germany beat the teams that they were SUPPOSED to beat. They really did play with that typical Canadian, "never say die" attitude and never strayed from the team first concept. Mind you, when you're playing in front of the home crowd...

But my point is, that outside of the Argentina game (which they were dominated, until the Argentine coach decided that he was going to pull out a play from the Italian handbook of "how to sit on a lead with more than 10 minutes to go"), they didn't do anything that warrented them being listed as betting favs once Argentina and Brazil were tossed. What were the bookies thinking?! About home turf... history... a winning streak against other average teams... No, the only things that all of that equals to is, a loss against an already superior Italian side.

Which leaves us with France on penalties... Now outside of their Group stage, France's run was far more impressive. So, if beating the French means that Italy somehow inherits their chi... then I guess the Italians are the team of the tournament.

But since it doesn't... care to explain how the Italians are the team of the tournament? Remember my aforementioned reply to any and all questions?

Yeah, yeah, yeah... they got the result and are the World Champs. Read above for my answer to that one.:cool:

By the by... It is nice to finally watch an Italian team that DOES try to win, rather than trying NOT to lose. Hopefully this championship model forever rids the future of that painstakingly, horrible, prehistoric trap team that the rest of the world outside of the red, white and green had come to absolutely hate.

Congrats Italia and savour your victory...



Aug 16, 2003
Correction on the Aussie part... penalty in injury time of the second half... no extras. I would hate to be corrected by an Italia fan looking to take me down for peanuts...:rolleyes:



Sep 9, 2001

Italy hit one cross bar, unlike France scored in play rather then on a wrong penalty kick call, and also got a goal disallowed. In other words the game should have been 3-0.

And when your captain emotionally buckles you can't win a tournament. And when you rely on two players, Henry and Zidane you can't win a tournament.

Italy is the complete team. Goals were spread out evenly throughout the team in the tournament. No other team can boast that.


Sep 9, 2001
Pablo78 said:
answering what freakshow had to say, Italy would've had no chance but for Cannavaro, for certain. I really disliked most of the Italian team, but you've got to give it to that guy, he NEVER gave up, and played his ass off every time it was necessary.
Pablo too bad they didn't have Nesta another all star defender who was injured.


Feb 23, 2005
Marco said:

Italy hit one cross bar, unlike France scored in play rather then on a wrong penalty kick call, and also got a goal disallowed. In other words the game should have been 3-0.

And when your captain emotionally buckles you can't win a tournament. And when you rely on two players, Henry and Zidane you can't win a tournament.
that is the silliest logic ever!!!!!!!!!! 3-0?? :rolleyes:

Also, France is a complete team with the exception of the clown in goal. Do you know Thuram was once considered the best defender on the planet and that Vieira is a top class player?? So is Trez. To say France rely on only two men is patently false. Listen the ball bounced well for Italy, it could have EASILY been France holding that cup.


Go Leafs, Go !!!!
Jan 15, 2006
eleven said:
Maybe it was that juggernaut of a team in the Ukrainians? A one man team... surrounded by mostly Russian League players... comprised from mainly two teams!!
There were only two players on this Ukrainian team that play in the Russian league.
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