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What was Zidane thinking (or was he)??


New member
Aug 17, 2003
vsailor said:
Italy Is Still The World Cup Champion For 2006!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Forza Italia!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Bravi Azzurri!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

LMAO did you think that at 8:25pm tonight they would not be still World Cup Champs and you needed to post that?

Toronto Passions

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popsiclepete said:
The Leafs could use Zidane now that Domi is gone.
Now that wearing helmets is a must, he could be a deadly one shot KO guy. :)

Phiber Optik

Mar 18, 2006
vsailor said:
Forza Italia, Campioni Del Mondo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
this will be his standard answer from now on in. Like the 5 year old "i know you are but what am i?" line

spoken like a true italian meat head.....or is that salami?

Hard Idle

Active member
Jan 15, 2005
North York
elmufdvr said:
too bad..he must have had good reason.. he droped him like a wet bag of chemment...waoooo!!!
LOL! If a man could could be immobilized for 2 minutes just by leaning a forehead on his colloar bone, John Ruiz would have won all his fights by knockout...that was a brutal acting job by Materazzi...and so was the 'outrage" by his teamamtes an fans - I supposed they'd have approved a gentlemanly elbow to the face instead...


Dec 6, 2004
what Materazzi said that upset Zidane

I heard Materazzi called Zidane a "frenchman"...those sorts of comments are really uncalled for.


New member
Aug 17, 2003
Maybe Zidane was late for a dinner date girlfriend expreience with a lady from TERB and he needed to get out of that game to make it on time or he just has a headbutting fetish


Well-known member
Sep 8, 2001
"ooh he must have said something really bad" or "ooh the Italian guy totally was faking when he fell to the ground when head butted to the chest".......Compete and utter bollocks I say. I was cheering for france, but this move by zidane gave Italy the world cup. Nice job dude. Way to go. You fu&&**(d your country's chance at another world cup, because you are a stupid, ignorant fool. No excuses. Who cares what the other guy said. HELLLO this is the motherF*&^n WORLD cup. Not the schoolyard, where someone insults your mommy, and you throw a few punches. Get a grip. as the most celebrated senior player onthe team this is unbelievable. I smell a rat. Seriously this is so strange that I think FIFA should investigate zidane for throwing the game by getting himself sent off. Something is messed here. Players making millions a year for playing a game cannot pull this S&Yt without an explanation. I dont care what the explanation, excuses or rationalization. this was the most singularly stupid selfish move I've ever seen a pro sportsman pull. I hope the French press drags him through the coals back and forth. This is like getting a game misconduct for punching some guy, or yelling At the ref in game 7 of the stanley cup. Inexcusable. WTF????????????????


New member
Aug 17, 2003
Um wasnt one of the themes of the World Cup to not tolerate racism and the other theme "FAIR PLAY". Zidane has been a great player and class act his entire career and he retaliated cause he felt insulted by what the Italian player said. Maybe all of us who think winning at any cost have it wrong and Zidane has it right when he stood up for himself and the French people when he retaliated. I respect him for that if that is indeed what he was doing because he gave up a chance at winning a World Cup for standing up for himself as dramatic as that may sound.


New member
Feb 14, 2004
At least Zidane didnt use his hands, your not allowed to in football.

That Headbutt will be in which all future headbutts are compared too,

What a beautiful header!!!!

If you ask me he went out with a bang.


New member
Feb 28, 2006
Ha ha ...not to tolerate racism....but its ok to headbutt someone. I don't care what was said to Zidane, you don't assault someone because of it. How was Zidane standing up for French people by assaulting someone and being kicked out of the World Cup final? What kind of example was he showing to fans around the world?



Sep 9, 2001
salsamac he probably is dirty... but not as dirty as Zidane... he won that award for life after today.


Well-known member
Sep 8, 2001
doesn't matter what the other guy said. Zidane did not "stand up", he "gaveup" and let his team and his country down. He's a big boy, he's played football for a lot of years he (should) knows that opposing teams say stuff to throw you off your game. What an example to kids who play soccer.I'm sorry, but he deserves every bit of shit he gets. Be a f*&^k*ng grownup. he'll make more money in a year than 99% of your fans do in a lifetime. Show some respect.

Toronto Passions

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massman said:
Seriously this is so strange that I think FIFA should investigate zidane for throwing the game by getting himself sent off. Something is messed here. Players making millions a year for playing a game cannot pull this S&Yt without an explanation.

It did look a little strange. One of the best players in the world makes a move like that at that time in the game?

What could have been said that was that bad? From what I saw it looked like the Italian player held on to him for a couple of moments, followed by very little verbal exchange untill that happened.


Semi-Retired Shill Hunter
Jul 15, 2004
Hamilton, Ontario
Marco said:
salsamac he probably is dirty... but not as dirty as Zidane... he won that award for life after today.
What I meant was that this was not the first time this player has been in a situation like this and I do not agree with calling Zidane a "dirty" player just because of this one incident a stupid player who lost it when he shouldn't have yes, but not a dirty player


Canada Breast Enthusiast
Jul 16, 2005
I rarely watch soccer, but I have to say that I was totally into the final. I was rooting for France if only because I find Italian soccer fans to be way too arrogant and annoying, but I must say I was very impressed with the Italian team - they showed a high level of sportmanship. Hopefully we'll find out what Zidane was thinking, but even if he wasn't booted, I doubt anyone would have scored before penalty kicks.

Either way, the Italian team's defence was awesome - with the exception of a few screw-ups late in the game, they were unpenetrable - and France owned the ball for most of the game midfield. It was like watching the immovable object against the unstoppable force. Sadly, the game was decided in penalty kicks, but I figure that if the leafs won the stanley cup in a shootout, I'd be damb happy!


Active member
Aug 19, 2001
Congrats to Italy, 4 time world champions, and they won it in a wonderfully dirty fashion.

Man, I'd love to know what Materazzi said. Must've hurled a racial slur.

How beautiful that the lousiest player on the Italian team almost singlehandedly resolved this game by, getting a goal, ejecting Zidane, and marking a pk.

Most amusing for me, as a Portugese fan, is to see the utter absence of moaning about diving in a game that had 41 fouls and what must've been over a dozen dives! Just proof that most world cup fans know very little about the game, and probably won't watch another til Euro 2008.

The first pk was a dive, then in the second half a legitimate pk was not called for France, (probably to even things up, since the ref likely viewed evidence of his bad call at the intermission).

Most wonderfully, where is the chorus of outrage over the sight of Italians rushing the ref after Materazzi was head butted? Don't they deserve the same condemnation Ronaldo got for speaking to the ref before Rooney was red carded?

So yeah, Forza Italia!
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