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What was Zidane thinking (or was he)??


Well-known member
Apr 17, 2003
wonkyknee said:
undeserved penalty shots: the only way he can score(other than on his own sister)
I know what you mean. They couldn't score against a 2nd rate team like Australia and got that undeserved penalty at the end of the game. What a laugh.


Jun 26, 2004
Meister said:
I know what you mean. They couldn't score against a 2nd rate team like Australia and got that undeserved penalty at the end of the game. What a laugh.

I think he is talking about the French team, and Zidane!


Feb 23, 2005
Mr.420 said:
I think he is talking about the French team, and Zidane!
I see that one flew over your head.:rolleyes:

PS: Go look at his goal against Spain and put that in your pipe and smoke it. Also, put this in it. 1 World Cup, 1 Euro Cup, a Champions league win and many other titles plsu world player of the year.


New member
Apr 29, 2002
wonkyknee said:
that guy can't get enough charity....undeserved penalty shots: the only way he can score(other than on his own sister)

and yes take the Golden ball...anything...just stop the whining Zidane.
I'm sure if i called your mother a whore or any other form of REAL personal attack, you wouldln't react.
If you wouldn't then you and your mom should kiss and make up. Jus because you didn't stick it in her and she grounded you for it.

It's understandable if the allegations are true.

Are all Italians as "ignorant" as Materazzi in not knowing what "terrorist" means?
Or is he just that special?


Well-known member
Nov 28, 2003


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Apr 29, 2002


Why am I here?
May 4, 2003
Cobster said:
I'm sure if i called your mother a whore or any other form of REAL personal attack, you wouldln't react.
If you wouldn't then you and your mom should kiss and make up. Jus because you didn't stick it in her and she grounded you for it.

It's understandable if the allegations are true.

Are all Italians as "ignorant" as Materazzi in not knowing what "terrorist" means?
Or is he just that special?
Come on guys....this is silly.... actually, as I am typing it now, I realize that it might not be all that silly as most guys have not had this type of experience....

If you have ever been very good at a sport... then you have been targeted by your opponents and you know the shit some guys will say to get you off your game... If you don't have a good coach or mentor to help you, then you react like Zidane did...

good coaches will tell you simply "the best way that you can get back at them is to play within the rules and score the goal, make the catch, win the game etc...."...

The stage was so beautifully set for Zidane... he was a World Cup champ, coming back to help out his team... a team that looked shaky in the qualifying rounds..... but he leads them to the World Cup Finals defeating the powerhouse Brazilain squad.... .scores a goal in the Finals... almost wins the game in OT.... regardless of whether France won or lost, this should have been one of the all time great stories in sports..... HOW DO YOU FUCK THIS UP???

Zidane should have known better and done better... instead the only thing that he proved to Materazzi and the world is that his action in the OT of the 2006 World Cup was one of the biggest bonehead moves in all of sports thereby making Materazzi famous for many years to come

I hope that Zidane gets/has a good PR person to help him thru the minefield he has created...


New member
Jul 14, 2004
slowandeasy said:
Come on guys....this is silly.... actually, as I am typing it now, I realize that it might not be all that silly as most guys have not had this type of experience....

If you have ever been very good at a sport... then you know the shit that some guys will say to get you off your game... If you don't have a good coach or mentor to help you, then you react like Zidane did...

good coaches will tell you simply "the best way that you can get back at them is to play within the rules and score the goal, win the game etc...."...
i don't think anyone is disputing what zidane did was stupid and reactionary and he got exactly what he deserved ... i think we are just commenting on what a classless individual materazzi is as is evidenced throughout his entire career, not just by his actions this past sunday.

CuMsHoT KinG

Jun 13, 2006
Edifice said:
Italy won partly because of their dirty and selfish tactics throughout the tournament.

Its sad to see this is the way championships are to be won whether its Italy or any other team.
It's called DEFENSE you jealous loser!



Why am I here?
May 4, 2003
Marbles said:
i don't think anyone is disputing what zidane did was stupid and reactionary and he got exactly what he deserved ... i think we are just commenting on what a classless individual materazzi is as is evidenced throughout his entire career, not just by his actions this past sunday.
Materazzi is a lesson in tenacity... a win at all costs type of individual... why shit on the guy for that... I don't know much about him, but its obvious that he is the soccer equivalent of a hockey goon (but with more talent that a guy like domi).... a hacker, slashing, use whatever you can to gain an advantage, type of player..... classless?? probably... dirty?? no doubt

At the end of the day, Materazzi has made the Italian National Team, played an integral part in getting to the World Cup Final, even scored a goal in the final.... and is a World Champion... There has to be some positive in all of that...


Jun 28, 2006
I think in the near future you'll here both of these guys confess that they BOTH exchanged verbal diareah throughout the game. It's a part of the game a part of all sports.


Active member
Jan 20, 2006
Maybe a goon, but also talented....

slowandeasy said:
Materazzi is a lesson in tenacity... a win at all costs type of individual... why shit on the guy for that... I don't know much about him, but its obvious that he is the soccer equivalent of a hockey goon (but with more talent that a guy like domi).... a hacker, slashing, use whatever you can to gain an advantage, type of player..... classless?? probably... dirty?? no doubt

At the end of the day, Materazzi has made the Italian National Team, played an integral part in getting to the World Cup Final, even scored a goal in the final.... and is a World Champion... There has to be some positive in all of that...
He is also the top scoring defender in the World cup, and scored more goals than 90% of all players in the tournament regardless of postion. Only 16 other players scored two goals, and only eight scored 3...(one being Zidane, 2 of which were charity penalty shots).
Matterazzi's goals were 2 of the best goals scored in the tournament.

I guess in that sense you could try to compare him to a very mild version of Todd Bertuzzi???


Feb 23, 2005
wonkyknee said:
He is also the top scoring defender in the World cup, and scored more goals than 90% of all players in the tournament regardless of postion. Only 16 other players scored two goals, and only eight scored 3...(one being Zidane, 2 of which were charity penalty shots).
Matterazzi's goals were 2 of the best goals scored in the tournament.

I guess in that sense you could try to compare him to a very mild version of Todd Bertuzzi???

Materrazzi is not in Zidane's class and will NEVER be so please do not try to inflate him.


New member
Apr 29, 2002
wonkyknee said:
He is also the top scoring defender in the World cup, and scored more goals than 90% of all players in the tournament regardless of postion. Only 16 other players scored two goals, and only eight scored 3...(one being Zidane, 2 of which were charity penalty shots).
Matterazzi's goals were 2 of the best goals scored in the tournament.

I guess in that sense you could try to compare him to a very mild version of Todd Bertuzzi???
Well now we have a 2nd Italian possibly as ignorant as Materazzi.
First Materazzi, doesn't know the word "terrorist" (bright guy).
Now wonky here (if he is Italian), comparing Materazzi to Zidane???
lmao...Now I've heard and read it all. :p


New member
Apr 29, 2002
CuMsHoT KinG said:
Along with cobster? ROTGLMMFAO!!!
I can't possibly ComE BacK To "ROTGLMMFAO" aNd At ThE sAmE tiMe, tHinK tO mYseLF I'M deBatinG/ArgUinG WiTh sOmeOne WhO tHinKs tyPinG ThEir NaMe Like ThiS (or typing period), is CreAtive, UniQue and MakEs YoU UbeR-KewL. omg omg...

I stooped to your level and actually feel stupid. :confused:
Speaking of stupid, I'm assuming you don't know what terrorist means as well, considering your possible intellect level. "ROTGLMMFAO"!!!


Active member
Jan 20, 2006
where's the comparison???

[Zidane is classless....and what does my nationalitly have to do with World Cup discussion...its obvious there is bigotry everywhere.

Once again, discussing the tournament, Mattarazzi, a defender, is one of the top goal scorers, and they were both great goals...not charity shots.

He made the national team of the winning squad, and scored twice playing as a defender.

Zidane is a pretty good player....take nothing away, other than he is also an idiot... very few will also dispute is a fact...check the papers.


New member
Jul 14, 2004
Cobster said:
I can't possibly ComE BacK To "ROTGLMMFAO" aNd At ThE sAmE tiMe, tHinK tO mYseLF I'M deBatinG/ArgUinG WiTh sOmeOne WhO tHinKs tyPinG ThEir NaMe Like ThiS (or typing period), is CreAtive, UniQue and MakEs YoU UbeR-KewL. omg omg...

I stooped to your level and actually feel stupid. :confused:
Speaking of stupid, I'm assuming you don't know what terrorist means as well, considering your possible intellect level. "ROTGLMMFAO"!!!
maybe the king's eyes are all messed up from all of the errant cumshots ...


Feb 23, 2005
wonkyknee said:
[Zidane is classless....and what does my nationalitly have to do with World Cup discussion...its obvious there is bigotry everywhere.

Once again, discussing the tournament, Mattarazzi, a defender, is one of the top goal scorers, and they were both great goals...not charity shots.

He made the national team of the winning squad, and scored twice playing as a defender.

Zidane is a pretty good player....take nothing away, other than he is also an idiot... very few will also dispute is a fact...check the papers.
It isnt un heard of for defenders to score on set pieces so that isnt something special :rolleyes:

Zidane carries winning teams on his back like a champ. Who the hell is Matterazzi??????

Listen, Zidane has played in 2 World Cup final matches and has a total of 3 goals for those efforts. Only other players do accomplish that are:

Geoff Hurst of England in one final in 1966
Pele of Brazil (2 in 1958 and 1 in 1970)
Vava of Brazil (2 in 1958 and 1 in 1962)
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