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What was Zidane thinking (or was he)??


New member
Apr 29, 2002
wonkyknee said:
why does he need a bunch of terbites to defend him??? LOL

why does he need a few numbnuts standing at his side while he cries in the dressing room.

a couple of terbites doesn't change the fact that Zidanes own teammates are pissed at him...the country is at best divided on his actions...

AND in 10 years time the list of WORLD CUP CHAMPIONS will only list


there will be no discaimer that a couple of Terbites felt Zidane played well and they didn't actually think that getting himeself thrown out was a stupid thing.
As many of you same Terbites have pointed out, Zidane is a loose cannon. He averages a red card for "unsportsmanlike conduct" every year!! That means he does something stupid every year. He did it again in 2006 and it cost the team/country a world cup.

Bottom Line....he is an idiot.

You think Pele wasn't insulted during soccer matches??? think again. But he brought his country 3 World Cup Championships and the greatest player of all time...probably in any sport.

Zidane is that bald guy who headbutted the Italian defender in the chest(probably doing little to zero damage) got himself thrown out and cost his country a World Cup.

HE IS AN IDIOT. most of his own countrymen agree.
...and Materazzi needs a lowlife for you to stick up for him.
Paolo di Canio's friendly salute to the fans lol

Materazzi, isn't a racist scumbag I guess, but his teammates sure greets people like one.

Zidane in 1998 verus Italy? How'd he fair
Zidane pussied out? I think Materazzi showed himself to be a classless and a horrible liar (I don't know what "terrorist" means"), in this game.

It's okay though, Zidane as most know will/would pull circles around Materazzi on the field.

Incredibly enough, i didn't seen MaterASSi in any adidas commercials.
I thought it was only visible well known talent that scored big contracts?
Go figure...MaterASSi, better get a new agent, he's not doing his job.
Unless he's ignorant enough to his own career, and doesn't care.

Italy barely won, they're not the great team you are touting them to be.
They barely got past Australia, on a very questionable penalty call (kick).
So shut the fuck up ;)

Btw, you keep making references to his baldness, hows your receding hairline? =)


New member
Aug 14, 2005
If any of you say Zidane sucks you know nothing about soccer. He's one of the all time greats, he made a mistake we all know that and he got punished for it but your an idiot if you think he sucks.

He's one of the best of all time, even maradona said it. He was voted the best mid-fielder by other players in the tournament and he still won the golden boot after getting the red car.

He got player of the year 3 times, so your mom must suck a lot of Di... if you think he sucks.


Active member
Jan 20, 2006
Cobster said:
...and Materazzi needs a lowlife for you to stick up for him.
Paolo di Canio's friendly salute to the fans lol

Materazzi, isn't a racist scumbag I guess, but his teammates sure greets people like one.

Zidane in 1998 verus Italy? How'd he fair
Zidane pussied out? I think Materazzi showed himself to be a classless and a horrible liar (I don't know what "terrorist" means"), in this game.

It's okay though, Zidane as most know will/would pull circles around Materazzi on the field.

Incredibly enough, i didn't seen MaterASSi in any adidas commercials.
I thought it was only visible well known talent that scored big contracts?
Go figure...MaterASSi, better get a new agent, he's not doing his job.
Unless he's ignorant enough to his own career, and doesn't care.

Italy barely won, they're not the great team you are touting them to be.
They barely got past Australia, on a very questionable penalty call (kick).
So shut the fuck up ;)

Btw, you keep making references to his baldness, hows your receding hairline? =)
Zidane pulled circles around Matterazzi??? take anothe look at the game...Matterazzi like all other defenders shut Zidane down. He was only able to score on penalty shots the whole tournament.....He is welfare-poster boy in 2006.

Zidane got his contracts for his past achievements. Like I said all along. He is a pretty good player...unfortunately he's also a moron, and it cost the team.

You obviously have no idea how much Matterazzi makes, or you wouldn't make stupid comments about his contracts.

Zidane's baldness???? receding hairline...ok you got me.......LOL! (pretty clever of you, clever boy)

and Matterazzi doesn't need me to stick up for him..........he's the 2006 world cup champion.

Has Zidane finished crying yet?

Oh yeah Italy barely won????..........and they are barely the champions.....and barely holding the trophy............and I'm barely not even Italian.


Jan 16, 2004
Good article in today's Star on topic:

Zizou: Still a superstar
At least it was a manly act, not a sneak attack
Jul. 12, 2006. 06:49 AM

Now that the pop psychologists, kinesiologists and Italian lip readers have had three frenzied days to assess Zinedine Zidane's battering of Marco Materazzi, let's consider the incident calmly.

It wasn't "shameful" or "an ugly end to a great career" or "a shadow over the game" — all descriptions used recently. It was understandable, excusable and, in a bizarre way, admirable.

We know the Italian started it. Materazzi has admitted to goading Zidane. And Materazzi is a man who knows how to get under someone's skin.

Much has been made of Zidane's famous temper — the Saudi he stomped on in the 1998 World Cup, the 14 red cards over a 17-year career.

But whereas Zidane is a superstar with a mean streak, Materazzi is a journeyman known for little else. The Italian's two-footed horror tackles are legendary. He was once suspended for two months for cold-cocking a former teammate in a post-match tunnel brawl. He has been derided by his countrymen as an "animal" and booed the length of Italy.

So what we really had here was the artist and the enforcer trading barbs after a tangle well off the ball.

We may never know exactly what was said. Does it matter? How much would it matter to you if some chirpy goon who'd been tailing you for two hours insulted your mother or your wife or your race? There's also been talk of a tug on Zidane's injured shoulder or a nipple tweak. Whatever it was, it was annoying enough in Zidane's opinion to warrant action.

Zidane could have waited for an opportunity to spike the lanky defender later in the game. He could have faked an injury the next time Materazzi brushed against him in the hopes of getting him sent off. That's what most of today's soccer stars would have done.

Instead, he squared up to him, took one purposeful step and gave him the old "Marseilles handshake." How Materazzi was caught totally off-guard is more curious than why the head-butt was delivered in the first place.

It was inelegant. It was wrong. But it was a far sight more manly than a sneak attack or a kick in the privates. For me, watching infamous divers like Francesco Totti or Thierry Henry step up to give their post-match two cents about Zidane's "madness" was more nauseating than the attack itself.

After he hit Materazzi, Zidane quietly waited to be sent off. When his (perfectly correct) punishment came, he turned and walked away without complaint. Meanwhile, Materazzi thrashed about on the ground as if he'd been beaten with a mallet, rather than knocked on the chest. I know who I thought looked more dignified.

All sports are about aggression. We prefer that aggression controlled. But it will come spilling over now and again. This does not mean that villains have taken over and there is no more good in the world. It means the players are not emotionless cyborgs. Spontaneous outbursts of violence — and we're not talking about malicious attacks meant to cause serious injury — are part of every contact sport.

Also, let's leave the "he let the team down"' angle out. Zidane speared Materazzi 110 minutes into a 120-minute contest. Ten men can defend just as easily as 11 for 10 minutes. Zidane was injured. He'd also nearly missed a penalty early in the game, so it's not clear if he felt confident enough to take one during the shootout. The game came down to steel and luck. Italy's penalty shooters had more of both. Zidane's presence wouldn't have changed that.

Zidane could have calculated all these factors in that instant between hearing the jibe and launching himself at Materazzi. After all, few players ever made decisions more quickly on the pitch.

We don't know how it happened. Zidane has chosen not to explain himself yet. Frankly, he doesn't need to.

He walks into history rightly regarded as one of the sport's gentlemen. He may not have turned the other cheek, but nor did he dive or whine or fake injuries or give up or badmouth his opponents or blame others when the team did badly. He was also the game's greatest exponent of the past 20 years.

Nothing that happened Sunday changed any of that.


New member
Feb 28, 2006
I didn't realize that Zidanes' sister worked at the Star. Zidane may be a great player but to call him a gentleman is misuse of the word. Having soccer skills does not give you class. Why would the reported bring up Materazzis's past. That's like saying the girl asked to be raped. As for Zidane waiting with his head down, he knew he f#cked up and was waiting to be sent off. Let's admit that he did let the team down. The leader of the team is sent off and leaves his team short-handed with 10 minutes left in the game.
Also, why did Zidane aplogize for something that he would do again?



Semi-Retired Shill Hunter
Jul 15, 2004
Hamilton, Ontario
Cobster said:
...and Materazzi needs a lowlife for you to stick up for him.
Paolo di Canio's friendly salute to the fans lol

Materazzi, isn't a racist scumbag I guess, but his teammates sure greets people like one.
well a lot of words have been used to describe the Italian soccer team....Classy or elegant has never been one of them


Active member
Jan 20, 2006
you got me there...

Marbles said:
With 2.7 million readers on a weekly cumulative basis, the Toronto Star remains the most read newspaper in Canada.
it must contain the most accurate, insightful articles, with the top literary columnists in North America??? :rolleyes:


New member
Apr 29, 2002
wonkyknee said:
Zidane pulled circles around Matterazzi??? take anothe look at the game...Matterazzi like all other defenders shut Zidane down. He was only able to score on penalty shots the whole tournament.....He is welfare-poster boy in 2006.

Zidane got his contracts for his past achievements. Like I said all along. He is a pretty good player...unfortunately he's also a moron, and it cost the team.

You obviously have no idea how much Matterazzi makes, or you wouldn't make stupid comments about his contracts.

Zidane's baldness???? receding hairline...ok you got me.......LOL! (pretty clever of you, clever boy)

and Matterazzi doesn't need me to stick up for him..........he's the 2006 world cup champion.

Has Zidane finished crying yet?

Oh yeah Italy barely won????..........and they are barely the champions.....and barely holding the trophy............and I'm barely not even Italian.
You're just a sack of ignorant shit. A lot like Materazzi.
Materazzi, won't ever come close to the calibre of player Zidane is/was.
Maybe he'll surpass him with the amount of times he kicked, elbowed or dove at another player...there, he's got Zidane beat, no fuckin' doubt.

Pentaly kicks are a crapshoot sparky.
The substitute that hit the crossbar, if he had only got it an inch lower, I have a feeling it would have been a very close PK crapshoot game.
He had the BuffoOn beat, he (BuffoOn) had no chance of getting it.

Ya, figured you're bald or at least starting to be.
I'm very clever, didn't need the admission on your part, but thanks regardless.

They barely got past Australia and should be thankful to the ref for the call.
Like I said before, shut the fuck up. ;)


New member
Apr 29, 2002
wonkyknee said:
looks like something Rosie Dimanno would write.

Who reads the Toronto Star???????
My money is on you reading the The Toronto Sun, for the captions under the peeekchures.
That's as heavy a read as you get isn't it.


New member
Apr 29, 2002
wonkyknee said:
looks like something Rosie Dimanno would write.

Who reads the Toronto Star???????
Go figure an Italian wrote that piece.
You'd think she'd be more bias.


Active member
Jan 20, 2006
i said looks like her work....

Cobster said:
Go figure an Italian wrote that piece.
You'd think she'd be more bias.

it was actually some miangacake graduate from humber college.


Active member
Jan 20, 2006
Zidane: the truth comes out:

he can't "say" the words.......cause he's not smart enought to make up more lies.

Zidane is a coward and a cheat. ONly the morons believed him...he was ashamed of playing shitty all tournament wanted to get pulled out of the game, but didn't want to look like the real pussy that he is and simply ask to be subbed.

My bet is he gets convinced to play in 2010 to prove some kind of a point, just to see him go down like an old dried out boxer!!

Good riddens baldy.


New member
Apr 29, 2002
wonkyknee said:
it was actually some miangacake graduate from humber college.
Oh okay, so now anyone that was born here, with an Italian heritage is a miangacake. Hmmm, all those fans on St.Clair cheering for Italy, I'm willing to bet half (if not more) were miangacakes. Bunch of cakers, cheering for Italy.
A lot like you I bet.
She still has an ethnic background, so don't play it off, Toronto Sun. ;)
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