Ashley Madison

What is your take on the TTC situation??

Sep 8, 2003
Away from here.
papasmerf said:
Public emplyees who strike should be terminated.

Keep it simple you work for the public you have their trust. You violate that and you are gone. Period.
Totally agree. I know a senior driver who makes $75k with the TTC--for driving a bus! Given that nice little womb, the price might be that you can't strike.


New member
Sep 10, 2003
Whereever I am now
papasmerf said:
How has the public voilated the contract?
no no

what I meant was "rules are rules" as in the public has to abide by TTC rules.. pay your fares etc .. everyone should abid by the rules...

so the TTC employees should also abid by their contracts ,,,

the public are the pawns (as we all know) .. ridership is up , the unions now have an even bigger stick ..


New member
Oct 22, 2002
42.55.65N 78.43.73W
Neverenuff$ said:
no no

what I meant was "rules are rules" as in the public has to abide by TTC rules.. pay your fares etc .. everyone should abid by the rules...

so the TTC employees should also abid by their contracts ,,,

the public are the pawns (as we all know) .. ridership is up , the unions now have an even bigger stick ..
And where does a 14 year old child fit into this?

Ben Hogan

New member
Aug 31, 2004
As far as the safety issues for TTC personnel goes, better security measures would be welcomed by most. However, the union seems to be beating their chest over this issue to show management and the public who has the REAL power. This isn't a new issue - the union brought it up out of the blue and is now using it to get attention for a problem that has existed for years. Here's a novel concept - You're in a union - how about bargaining with your employer over working conditions, not holding the public hostage because of the perceived need for a power play.

As for the 14 year old girl, the drivers need to exercise some discretion and weigh the situation. Being a hard ass all the time alienates the public and drives away business.


Active member
Jun 7, 2003
Advice and getting from the Airport

I’m going to be arriving at Pearson Airport on Thursday. Any advice on the best way to get downtown (King and Dufferin). I assume that it will take forever to get downtown by taxi and the fare could be enormous if it is stuck in traffic for hours. I’m thinking that my only real alternative might be to wait at the airport until later in the evening when traffic has died down and then take a taxi. Alternatively, will airport limos still be offering flat rate? If so, I guess I could just take a limo and read a book while stuck in traffic but I’m wondering if the limos might be scarce as I would think that most drivers would rather take the day off rather than sit in traffic for hours when they are only getting a flat rate. Any suggestions?


New member
Jan 31, 2003
I assume that it will take forever to get downtown by taxi and the fare could be enormous if it is stuck in traffic for hours.
Unless there is some big ass accident clogging major routes, you won't get stuck for hours.

Airport limo's do offer flat rates to most destinations and area. As for how much in DT I don't know, but try here :


not your average John!
Feb 9, 2004
Because of this strike only 2 out of 4 attendants made it into work this morning. I'm lucky I even got out of bed this morning!


Supporting Member
Aug 17, 2001
west end
This issue of safety is being pushed because it is easy for the public to follow and support. Believe the other issue, the real issue, is shift time. The ttc wants to have maintenance workers work more at night. Makes sense that they would want the maintenance done on the buses when the busses are not needed. Also have cleaners clean out offices and stuff when other people are not there, and they will not disrupt other workers. Sort of like what is done at every other business, except the ttc cleaners are making $20+ an hour plus benefits, and everyone else is expected to work around them and their schedule.


New member
Aug 20, 2003
tboy said:
Fab, I can feel your pain but what did the driver do wrong in your eyes>?

He followed the rules (bad bad BAD man)
YOUR daughter forgot her purse, he didn't force her to leave her ID at home
YOU should have made sure she always had money to either get home or at least use a payphone.
The rules are the rules and yes, there are exceptions, but if you think about it, the driver was probably instructed to watch for, and pay particular attention to people taking advantage of student discounts.

Sure, he could have let her slide but what would she have learned if he had?

Again, it was probably very tramatic for her and I hope she learned from it.

Since when is it the TTC's purpose to teach students a lesson . The man was an ass . We need more people to use common sense not rules of course that requires intelligence and the ability to reason which a lot of drivers don't have. I f they want to treat a young girl like shit and follow the rules then management should fire their sorry asses for an illegal strike.
They shouldn't be allowed to strike in the first place .


Active member
Jun 7, 2003
Berlin said:
Unless there is some big ass accident clogging major routes, you won't get stuck for hours.

Airport limo's do offer flat rates to most destinations and area. As for how much in DT I don't know, but try here :


Why am I here?
May 4, 2003
tboy said:
Fab, I can feel your pain but what did the driver do wrong in your eyes>?

He followed the rules (bad bad BAD man)
YOUR daughter forgot her purse, he didn't force her to leave her ID at home
YOU should have made sure she always had money to either get home or at least use a payphone.
The rules are the rules and yes, there are exceptions, but if you think about it, the driver was probably instructed to watch for, and pay particular attention to people taking advantage of student discounts.

Sure, he could have let her slide but what would she have learned if he had?

I bet dollars to donuts she doesn't forget her purse/id/money again.

Dude, maybe you should thank him for teaching her something. Someone told me a story once about how his 18 month old used to jump off the 2nd last step of their staircase. He'd do it even if someone wasn't relatively close to catch him. They kept on and on and he'd do this all the time. So finally one day he put a thick carpet at the foot of the stairs and the next time the toddler jumped, they let him fall. Needless to say he didn't jump anymore!

Yes, your daughter was embarassed. Yes, the driver eventually (and could have a little sooner) drove on. But like I said, your daughter learned a tough lesson that being irresponsible has consequences and it was HER problem, not the driver's.

Again, it was probably very tramatic for her and I hope she learned from it.
While I tend to agree with your analysis of the lesson, and the responsibility of the driver.... .....You attempting to justify (spin) this as a life lesson is a perfect example of the type of thinking that exists in many parts of the public service and TTC.

As per the post, the girl had a bus ticket, was in front of her school that had just let out, is 14 years old and is taking the bus probably with friends... What would lead someone to think that this girl was not a student??? If the bus driver asks her about her ID, and she tells him/her the story, why would he not give her the benefit of the doubt???

Did the bus driver know how far the girl would have to walk? Was he aware of any health risks she might have that could make that walk difficult or life threatening??

Regarding a lesson: this is like chopping off a hand for stealing!!!

I hardly think that the driver gave a shit about the rules or the lesson for that poor girl..... Hiding behind the strict interpretation of the rules in this case was A DESPICABLE ACT by an IDIOT...

In fairness to TTC drivers... I have had very few problems with them, and I hardly believe that one of them would do something like this... Only the guys daughter and the driver know what really went on... but I would guess that he asked for ID, she might have gotten defensive/mouthy and then it escalated from there..

Drivers see all kinds of people trying to BS them on a regular basis, and they tend to get a bit jaded about the whole thing....

Funny enough a friend's daughter got on a bus without realizing that she did not show her ID and sat down. When she was leaving the bus driver kindly asked her to pay as she had forgotten to pay. She looked for her student pass and realized that she had left it at school. The guy gave her a stern warning and let he go... She was so thankful about it that she found the driver the next time and gave him a present... Now my friend's daughter just came here from China and speaks very little English... but just loves Canada because of this type of treatment..... I would think that this is a much better life lesson than the one mentioned above....


Active member
Sep 11, 2004
someone said earlier they allow drunks etc on the streetcar for free. Last time i was on streetcar going south on spadina, thats what i saw. I think he was a drunk and homeless, and he and the driver knew each others names and had a nice conversation, about what they're up to, vacation etc. Which was very nice to see.

But is there a rule in the books that says drunks/homeless gets to ride for free??

If not, why should they get to ride for free, and the young girl who put in her fare get the treatment she got??
In that situation it wasnt hard to think/figure she would be a student. After school, waiting at the school bus stop, with other kids. Ppl forget,lose their things all the time. Just like every other job, you should follow the rules and do what you're suppose to do. But in some instances/rules, you have to use your own discretion and some common sense, upon reviewing the situation.

For tboy and others who says she learned a lesson, the driver did what he was suppose to do etc etc. Then that should be the case for everyone. Everyone should/must pay. Their background, where they live, how much money they have and anything else shouldnt matter.

Sometimes having the power or being in control takes over ppl.
This kind of thing is something ttc should address as well. Teach drivers to use their common sense at given situations.

PS: what if the general public holds a protest/rally against these guys ?? would you attend/support??
I definitely would.


New member
Aug 20, 2003
Svend said:
People didn't know what the issue was and management was unwilling to do anything. A one day strike as a last resort should wake them up, however it's a shame that the poorest take the full brunt of union power.

That's ok let them strike then ridership will drop and the TTC will wonder why . Overcrowded buses , surly drivers and strikes 3 reasons NOT to take the TTC.


resident smartass
Aug 18, 2001
way out in left field
red said:
not everyone who works in the downtown can afford to live there.
Sure they can, have you seen city prices these days? You will pay as much for a condo at square one as you will at king and bathurst....or your miss. transit pass and ttc pass would equal the mortgage the same place only downtown.

Now I realize living in the boonies of Orangeville has it's benefits but certainly not the cost factor. A place in O ville after factoring transportation costs etc. will cost the same (or similar) to one closer to the core (if that's where you work).

Anyhow, IMHO if you want to live in the 'burbs, you should find a job there. If you want a job downtown, you should live there EOS.

As for Fabs' hissy fit, dude, I can understand you being PO'd but I highly suspect that the driver sat there for 20 minutes. That is really tough to swallow. Really, think about it, a streetcar loaded with people and none of them said anything after FIVE minutes? I've been on buses etc before and people spoke up after just 3 minutes waiting at a stop....

I will repeat, I bet she won't forget her purse/backpack/id ever again. In that sense I think it was worth it...even if you don't.

Was the driver a little harsh? Maybe....did your daughter deserve the benefit of the doubt? probably. But she lived through it and hopefully has learned from her experience.....

As for unions, I think their usefulness has long been overshadowed by the power they wield. Sure everyone employed by a union gets some benefits but as for the strike today, and the reasons behind it, are simply extortion.


New member
Mar 7, 2005
tboy do you have alzheimers or something? cause you keep repeating yourself!!! same old, same old and you are not hearing anyone else. Plus you are starting to sound like a quack with your foolish ideas, such as people should live where they work. doh. Anyway get off your soap box - the only one throwing a hissy fit here is YOU. lol.


Active member
Sep 11, 2004
Public reaction:

I like this 1:
"The TTC is constantly preaching to 'TAKE THE BETTER WAY, well hopefully I will be soon by purchasing a car.

“The service is horrible to begin with and its like every time they don't get their own way they strike. Ninety percent or more working people have no pension or union support.

"The TTC and a few others have it made but they are like a spoiled child and expect to be treated al ot better than any other working person. To me they should fire the whole bunch of them just like Reagan did with the air traffic controllers and hire all new.

"There are a lot of people who would love that job"

and this

Personally, I am sick and tired of the ads that declare how the TTC stands behind their drivers. They say that if any passenger physically or verbally assaults a driver, we the public should call the police immediately. Well, perhaps these drivers should speak to passengers with some respect.

“I have been on buses where drivers yell at passengers if they don't get on the bus quick enough, bark at passengers who ask for directions and yes, if the passenger doesn't pay the correct fare, the driver speaks in such a loud voice that the entire bus can hear…

”In a nutshell, drivers, quit your moaning and be grateful for what you have! Life sucks at times but we just have to get on with it.”


New member
Feb 10, 2005
KWI, are you saying TTC drivers don't face gangs of rude kids/bums and the mentally insane daily?
Have you been on the transit?


Well-known member
Feb 4, 2003
tboy said:
Dude, you hit the nail RIGHT on the head with that one. The TTC isn't the biggest problem, the above quote is....

IMHO if you live more than 20 kms from work you should be forced to relocate nearer to your employer. This IMHO is the number one cause of gridlock, excessive air pollution, and the current state of our city.

As you also stated about NYC and London, their systems are more complex
Great idea for everyone who works downtown.... let's all buy houses and condos. They are soooooo affordable.

As for buses with only one or two people on it. you gotta average it out over the day most lines are packed in the mornings and evenings.

$150 k barely gets you 600 sq ft not exactly ideal to raise a family in.


Well-known member
Feb 4, 2003
As for Fab's daughter and the rules and TTC drivers in general.

This is an extreme story and shouldn't reflect badly on the entire TTC system.

I prefer to think of the hundreds times I've taken the TTC free of any problems.

Yes the driver was a jerk because he could have given her a break.

But at the same time he was following the rules.

So no he wasn't nice but he wasn't wrong either.

But it's a moot point since Fab is buying his daughter a car. BTW need a son? :D

Maybe there's two sides of the story. We've all seen what lines kids feed parents (e.g. we don't get homework, that's just incence you smell, or I was holding it for a friend, or it was Johnny's fault not mine, I wasn't smoking the room was smokey, all the kids are doing it etc).
Ashley Madison
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