He didn't testify for one very good reason: PER-JUR-REE
Donnie can't form a sentence without lying of he somehow managed to avoid perjury and contempt of court he would have gotten a hung jury. Only 1 of the 12 jurors would have to believe his lies are true. His defense team was horrible and lost right out of the gate in the opening arguments when they said they will prove that donnies little mushroom dick never went inside stormy. Cohen had Trump on tape and David pecker was the only credible witness who also said trumps intent on killing these stories was to win the election
If trump was really innocent he would ha e testified and told the truth to set the reocrf straight. Instead he just made stupid faces while he shit his pants and slept
It’s not even perjury, rather it’s a virtual impossibility of lying and/or evading questions successfully when cross examined.
It’s things like “your honour, may I ask you to direct the witness to answer my question”.
And it’s pain and humiliation that comes with being caught in a lie time and time again.
And the political price to pay.
There was no way for him to take that stand.