It's kind of interesting to see Addict2Sex and mitch not even deny he broke the law anymore - just celebrating that the SCOTUS ruling means some of the evidence isn't allowed to be shown to the jury anymore and so that will overturn the ruling.
Not to disagree withyou but I no longer find anything interesting about either of them. Obvious mental illness of some sort.
Obsessive: They are both obsessed with worshipping Trump and finding external validation of the legitimacy of their obsession. FFS, I've never been obsessed with
pussy ,
never mind
ONE pussy in my entire life.
Compulsive. Both compulsively, if not reflexively, look for, find, organize and re-post
anything to do with the idol they are obsessed with.
Desoite it being laughable on so many fronts, I feel sorry for Mitch as he is little more than a lonely chuckleheaded schoolgirl. addt2sex however posts and personally expresses such hateful and explicit desires for brutality and violence that I thoroughly despise him and his mere presence .
What I find "interesting" is that there are so many otherwise intelligent people in society that honestly and earnestly believe this Trump bullshit and want him to get away with the freedoms that allow them to speak their minds.