Doesn't matter what they identify as....When it comes to athletic competition their chromosomes indicate intersex. The IBA made the right on this one.FWIW…Neither of these athletes identifies as intersex.
I have this sneaking suspicion based on what I see that this person has a testosterone level that would only be present in males. Undescended testes producing testosterone since puberty do not make for a fair playing surface.As far as the risk, though, I respectfully disagree. Some athletes are always gonna have a genetic advantage over others. Why is this different?
Love Mike's present day Lazarus impression but Buster Douglas put an end to that myth a long time ago in Tokyo. Every era in the heavyweight division had it's brutes. There was Foreman, Shavers, Lyle, Liston, Marciano, Joe Lewis. None of which I'm to have the audacity to state had a distinct hormonal advantage over thier peers. Hormones drive the genetic engine athletic greatness.Back in the day, if you stepped into the ring with Mike Tyson there was a high probability that you are gonna get knocked the fuck out. For whatever reason, he was just able to punch harder than anyone else. Is that fair? Yes…I believe it is. If Tyson was taking steroids then it would not be fair…but being born with an innate advantage over your opponent is frequently what gets athletes into the Hall of Fame.