people like to say “this isn’t the wild wild west anymore”.
question 1: it seems to me the wild wild west was mostly respecful pple towards each other. there were bandits but so what.
question 2: do you really think we’re so advanced from the wild wild west days?
in my opinion, we’re one event from zombieland:
a power grid failure, a war btwn nuclear armed nations, another virus escaping wuhan, a super big volcano, a solar gamma ray explosion that knocks out satellites, an asteroid impact,
owning a gun increases my chances of survival if society collapses. it’s not end of the world paranoia, it’s owning the necessary tools to survive on this planet.
cops can’t protect you if things go really bad. only a sheep or a school of fish

thinks they’re safe unarmed just because of their numbers. what kind of beta cuck mentality is that?